The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3372: Not convinced

"Then Brother Zhongtian will help me study it!"

Duan Ni scolded inwardly, but said politely: "If Brother Zhongtian has come up with something, next time you go to my clan, you have to talk to me, right ... what about that emperor boy?"


Yun Zhongtian sang aloud and walked in to a holy emperor. Yun Zhongtian pointed to Duan Ni and said, "You follow this adult to do something, pay attention to conceal and clean up, something is wrong ... you are responsible!"


The emperor nodded outside, Duan Ni immediately left with a smile on her face. He didn't do anything, just told where the Holy Emperor Lu Li was, and then returned to the inn.

The Holy Emperor quietly left. He did not show up in person, but arranged it. Lu Li was still asleep there, not knowing that a conspiracy had begun against him.

Two days later, Lu Li woke up, he walked out, ready to inquire about the news, and he went out with Zi Xi. Duan Ni is in the city. Lu Li can't worry about Zi Xi, but Zi Xi brings a cape. After all, she looks too beautiful, and she is afraid of being guessed about the identity of Qian Ye clan.

He had just walked outside the gate of the inn, and a figure rushed in violently with a look of wine. Lu Li responded well, pulling Zixi to the side, avoiding the drunkard.

Unexpectedly, the drunkard's body slammed into Lu Li's body, and his feet also stepped on Zi Xi's feet. The face full of wine gas sprayed, making Lu Li's brows frown.

Zi Xi also exclaimed, Lu Li stared at the warrior with some dissatisfaction. The ring flashed in his hand, and a memory spar was secretly taken out to record the scene.

Duan Ni is nearby, Lu Li has to be careful, what if this is a conspiracy?

"What to look for? Seek death!"

The drunk was a holy emperor. He drank too much at first glance. He stared at the ground and said, "Little cub, see if you believe me I dug out your eyes?"

"Sorry, sir!"

Lu Li said politely: "My lord is our fault, you have a lot of lord, don't worry about it!"

The drunkard stunned, and then angrily said, "If you say no, don't care? What do you think? Kneel!"


As soon as Lu Li sank in his heart, he knew that the drunk had a problem, which was obviously a trouble. It is not possible to use force in the city. Once the force is used, both sides will be taken down. Once he was taken down, Lu Li's life and death were controlled by others.

"Duan Ni bought a power in Yun family!"

Lu Li flashed a thought in his head and began to analyze how to break the situation. He must not be caught in, otherwise he would definitely be imprisoned, and then sent out of the city in secret, and finally fell into Duan Ni's hands.

Enter the legal realm?

There are so many strong men in the city. At this moment, the noisy people have attracted the attention of some martial arts. Perhaps some strong men are observing in secret.

Lu Li's eyes turned, thinking about a flash of his body, and flew out of the window directly, standing on the street, he smiled with a smile on his face: "Master, this is the city, don't mess around. Otherwise you will be beat The guards caught it. You drank too much. Go back to rest. "

Lu Li's voice is very loud. He is intentional. There are many warriors on the street, and there are also inns nearby. He deliberately used the image of a weak man, in order to let the soldiers in the city testify to him.

The relationship between the Duan family and the Yun family is not very good, so Lu Li believes that the Xeon of the Duan family must not be able to buy the real power of the Yun family, at most one ordinary elder.

Ordinary elders can't cover the sky with only one hand in the King of Clouds, so Lu Li wants to make the noise louder so that the other party doesn't dare to mess up.

The drunk really hesitated. This script is different from what he thought. According to normal circumstances, Lu Li should be in it with him, and then the city guards will arrive, and then both sides will be caught in, and then nothing will happen to him. Already.

Now Lu Lu screamed outside, so many martial arts onlookers, and Lu Li's innocent face, how can this play continue?

The drunk man thought for a while, but this time was behind a leader of the city guard.

What does this mean?

It shows that this little emperor offends the Yun family, so what else can he be afraid of? How to play the Yun family will stand by his side. At the moment he didn't care about that much anymore, he rushed out at a fast speed, and he kicked his feet on Lu Li's chest.

Lu Li could have been avoided, but he saw so many warriors watching around. He was superficial on the surface. If he avoided it easily, it would be easily suspected by others.

So he was kicked and kicked. He rolled on the ground and said with a grudge, "Master, how do you hit someone?"


Zixi rushed over, the cape fell down, exposing a delicate face, and she said aggrievedly: "Father, how are you? Lord, don't hit my father, please!"

Zi Xi's pitiful appearance was very sympathetic. Numerous soldiers in the vicinity suddenly cast their eyes and thoughts. Numerous warriors have appeared on the balcony of numerous inns. At least thousands of warriors are concerned about the situation here.

"call out!"

In the distance, a group of sergeants rushed in, ten holy emperors, wearing silver armor. Ten emperors surrounded Lu Li and the drunken man, and one emperor said coldly, "Here are you so brave, and you rushed to fight in the city? Take it, take it all back!"

"Ha ha!"

Lu Li sneered, and as expected, he stood up and sighed, "Slow, adults, we are not fighting, but I was beaten unilaterally. I did not use force at all, and all the soldiers in the vicinity can testify. . "

Zi Xi also nodded and said, "Yes, it was this bad guy who hit my father. My father didn't take any action. Uncles don't arrest my father."

The guards were also frightened, and they received an order. Later, someone in the city used force to bring both sides into the city's main government. They know there must be a shady on this matter, but this situation does not seem to follow the script? They were actually watching nearby, and Lu Li did not use force.

"I have something to say to the city's main mansion!"

A holy emperor said coldly: "The city's main government will uphold fairness and justice. If you are not guilty, naturally you will not embarrass you, take away!"

"Do not!"

Lu Li said stubbornly: "I don't go with you ~ ~ I suspect you are a group, I suspect you intentionally pitted me. I didn't do anything from start to finish, so many martial arts nearby can Testify, why did you arrest me? Why did you arrest me? Which iron rule in the city did I violate? This is the King of Clouds, the city known as the most lawful and strictest city. You must use this despicable means to want me It ’s okay to go to the city ’s main house, but I want to see your law enforcement elders, otherwise I wo n’t accept it! ”

Lu Li's voice was getting louder and louder, and he seemed extremely indignant. His words even covered more than a dozen streets nearby, and at least tens of thousands of soldiers heard it.

"So bold!"

A holy emperor guard was furious. He flinched Lu Li's neck with one hand and roared, "Do you dare to challenge the law enforcement team openly? Believe me or not I will kill you now?"

"Well, I'll go with you to the city's capital!"

Lu Li's goal was achieved, and he said calmly, "I only hope that the King of Clouds is fair and just as legendary, otherwise ... I will not accept it!"


PS: Four chapters, make up!

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