The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3373: Give me a reply

The King of Clouds has always been known for its strict laws. The image of the warriors of the Yun family is fair and fair. They neither rely on bullying nor fear of strong enemies. They are famous throughout the south.

Lu Li's performance just now seems simple, but in fact it is profound. First of all, he didn't do it, and recorded it with memory spar. Secondly, many soldiers nearby saw this scene and could testify. Third, the roar behind him was so loud that it attracted countless warriors and might even attract the attention of the strong.

This last point is also the most important. He emphasized that these sergeants might collude with drunks. He suspected that there was a conspiracy. He had vaccinated early, which caused suspicion of the soldiers in the vicinity, and he also saw the law enforcement elders, and showed a demeanor.

In this case, unless the law enforcement elders of the Yun family were bought through, Lu Li should not be found guilty. If the law enforcement elders of the Yun family can be bought through, the law of the Yun family has long since broken, and the scandal of the Yun family has long since passed.

Lu Li obediently cooperated, this sergeant could not kill Lu Li either. They could only take Lu Li and the drunk ghost back home. This incident aroused the interest of many martial arts. Some martial arts were doing nothing and went to the city's main government to see what happened.

Disputes in the city are handled by the Law Enforcement Hall, but under normal circumstances, there are several leaders in this hall who take turns to sit in the town, and law enforcement elders will not come out without major events.

Today's leader in charge "just happens to be" the leader of Yunhe arranged by Yunzhongtian. He sits magnificently on the main hall, waits for Lu Li and the drunk to enter, he glances coldly and screams, "Kneel down!"


Lu Li glanced at the commander and did not kneel. The drunk is awake now? He knelt down in fear. Yunhe saw that Lu Li didn't kneel with a happy heart, but his face was cold. He said, "You are deaf? Do you dare to challenge the authority of this seat? Believe it or not?"

"I'm not guilty!"

Lu Li looks arrogant, his spine stopped straight, and his eyebrows froze coldly: "I have always obeyed the iron laws in the city, and I have paid so many sky stones into the city. I think our King of Clouds should be protected. Not to be bullied. I haven't violated the iron law, then I am not a prisoner. Since I am not a prisoner, why should I kneel? "

Zi Xi was also brought in. Her eyes were full of tears, and she said pitifully, "Bad guys beat their fathers, and you have to help bad guys to bully their fathers, you are also bad guys!"

The gate of the hallway is facing outside. At this moment, there are hundreds of warriors around, and there are still many divine thoughts sweeping around. When you explore this scene, many warriors have resonated. When they entered the city, they paid the entrance fee. They came in for protection, not for being bullied.

Lu Li's words were sharp, which made Yunhe somewhat unresponsive, mainly because there were so many warriors outside, and there were so many divine explorations, what if there was a big man exploring?

Yunhe was silent for a moment and said coldly, "You are not guilty, it is not up to you to decide, this is your own judgment. Let's talk, why fight in the city?"

The drunken man scratched his head on the ground and said, "My lord, the little one is guilty. I went into the inn today and ran into this guy. He pushed me and insulted the little one. After he kicked him, he did it first! "

"So bold!"

Yunhe sighed angrily and glanced at Lu Lidao, "Our sergeant told you when you entered the city? You must not use force in the city, you two are too brave, no matter what the reason, you are felony!"

"and many more!"

Lu Li arched his hand and interrupted Yunhe's words directly. He arched his hand and said, "Sir, you just sentenced the case? Just listen to the words? Don't call a witness or something? How can you convince people?"

"What more witnesses are needed?"

Yunhe chuckled coldly: "At that time, a team of sergeants were patrolling near you, and they were thoroughly aware of your affairs. They have quietly reported to me just now. What are they not witnesses? It doesn't make any sense for you to argue!"


Lu Li laughed, all in laughter, and he laughed: "Where is the witness? I asked for confrontation on the spot."

Yunhe wanted to have an attack on the spot and killed Lu Li directly. But at this moment there are so many warriors out there investigating. If he messes up, he is likely to be investigated above. If he doesn't say execution, he will be sentenced at least. Yun Zhongtian said, but he was responsible for the accident.


As soon as Yunhe waved his hand, there were a few sergeants coming in. It was the sergeant who had just captured Lu Li. Lu Li took a look at the sergeants and said, "You guys saw me do it with your own eyes? The drunk said that I moved Hand? Can you be sure of this? Do you know the fate of the Yun family's iron law? "

Lu Li is a prisoner, but at this moment feels a bit aggressive, like a judge.

A few emperors look at me, I see you, and finally a emperor gritted his teeth and said, "At the time, I was nearby. When you clashed, I thought about it. You did push him. Why ... Do you still want to quibble? "

Lu Li smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth, his eyes resembling a scheming fox, he said quietly, "Sir, are you sure?"

The emperor was a little hairy by Lu Li, but just now he has reached this point, what else can he say? I can only grit my teeth and say, "Naturally sure!"

"Om ~"

Lu Li took out the memory spar that had been hidden in his sleeve. He directly infused the source force, and then a picture appeared in mid-air, which was recorded after the drunkard came in. The picture is clear and complete. through.

"唰 唰 唰 ~"

When Lu Li took out the memory spar, the face of the emperor sergeant across the face suddenly became bloodless, and there was a loud noise nearby, which felt like an explosion.


Countless warriors began to gather towards this side ~ ~ Many warriors were just exploring with divine thoughts and couldn't sit still at this moment, all of them came towards this side.

Because something bad happened!

The sergeant of the King of Clouds actually gave false testimony. This kind of thing happened in the King of the Clouds, which claims that the law is the most severe. Yunjia, which claims to be selfless, fair and just, has such a dirty and shameless side? This naturally caused a lot of sensation.

The situation seemed to be somewhat unstoppable, because more and more warriors gathered towards this side, not only those sergeants, Yunhe began to sweat coldly.

After Lu Li and other memory spar pictures were played, he closed it and looked at Yunhe and said, "At the time of the conflict, there were at least a dozen warriors sitting in that inn. Why didn't the adult call them to testify? Instead, let your men give false testimony? Are you deceived? Or is this your intention? Dignified King Wang Yun family, thousands of years of clan, the entire immortal domain is a well-known strong clan, why deliberately Framed me a little emperor level? Ask the Yun family to give me a reply! "

In the last few words, Lu Li suddenly used the magical technique of Long Yin, and his voice broke through the clouds, covering most of the cloud dynasty. It sounded like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and Yunhe almost jumped up immediately after the bombing. The sergeant who had just perjured was even scared to sit on the ground ...

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