The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3415: The world can go

In addition to Incognito Road, Supreme Soldier, Lu Li also received some divine fluid. He didn't know the usefulness of those divine fluids, and he didn't dare to refine them easily. He didn't dare to absorb them in the palace.

"By the way, inhale!"

Lu Li thought for a while, whether the divine fluid is poisonous or has any strange ability, he can first be inhaled into the legal realm. Let the legal world condense for at least ten times its power.

He took all the divine fluid out and let it be absorbed by the legal realm, and then he ignored it and floated away into the distance, sneaking away. He tested the stealth situation and found that the invisibility of the invisibility is released faster than the magic, and there is no fluctuation.

"It would be nice if Incognito and Divine Art could merge!"

A thought emerged in Lu Li's mind. The invisible trace is Tao, and the deeds are magic. Tao and theory can be theoretically integrated. Many arts have evolved from the skin of the Tao, so Tao and art are not incompatible, it depends on how they are fused.

Divine magic uses a special rule to make the enemy invisible to you. Any warrior wants to perceive, either through the eyes, through the nose, or through the ears, or through the mind. There are also fluctuations in space, changes in heaven and earth, and so on. In fact, martial arts is not that the warrior has disappeared, but that the inspiration does not exist.

It's like a kind of fraud, which obviously exists, but makes you invisible, inaudible, inaudible, and invisible. This is the essence of the deeds. Lu Li has been there in essence and has not disappeared.

But innocent way is different. Innocent way is that the whole person is integrated into this side of the heaven and earth and integrated with the heaven and earth. Luli is heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are luli. How can you find the same thing when you explore it? How can you find him?

"Integrate with heaven and earth? Is it possible to use some heaven and earth power?"

A bold idea suddenly appeared in Lu Li's mind. If he could use some of the power of the heavens and earth, what is the difference between him and the strong man who is close to the great consummation? By then, the attack will definitely be more sharp and scary.

Lu Li, while quickly hiding, began to think, deduct, and confirm. He is now stealthing without a trace, twice as slow as usual, but also fast, much faster than magic.

After four or five days of sneaking, Lu Li felt that his soul became tired and his body became weak. He knew that there was no way to release Infinity, and his body and soul could not carry it.

He stopped to rest, entered the French realm for a good rest, and then continued on his way. After three days of marching again, he encountered a warrior. Two groups of people were fighting in front of him. There were dozens of Holy Emperors, and two powerful men who were close to the Great Perfection fought in the air.

"Try it?"

When Lu Li moved, he wanted to test the power of Incognito Road, and at the same time he wanted to prove something so that he could continue to understand Incognito Road. He floated over, approaching the battlefield silently.

There is no doubt that the emperor and emperor who were at war below could not find him at all, and even he passed between the two emperors. They did not have any perception. Lu Li only needed to avoid the attack of the martial arts.

He easily walked across the battlefield, but instead of being satisfied, he went back and walked around the battlefield. His body was like a gust of wind. He flickered left and right, and the speed reached the extreme. Generally, the attack of the emperor could be easily avoided.

What he really wanted to verify was whether the above two Xeons could find him. If they couldn't find it, this innocence would be really powerful. He could also cross the immortal realm without fear of hunting down by ordinary warriors.

Perhaps the battle above was fierce, or maybe the two strong men didn't care about the battle below. Lu Li walked around the battlefield for half an hour, and none of the Xeons above caught on to God.


Lu Li gritted his teeth and turned into a breeze. He was fighting fiercely anyway, and the two Xeons were fighting fiercely. The two sides were evenly matched. Even if he found out, he could immediately go into the legal realm and turn back to escape.

He didn't dare to come too close. After flying up into the air, he was thousands of miles away from the two infinitely close Great Perfectionists, and he circled around the two powerfuls. The two strong men did not seem to see him at all, and were still engaged in fierce fighting.

Lu Li was close for a thousand or two thousand miles, and he did not dare to continue to approach. The strong man who was infinitely close to the Great Perfection was attacking with horror, and his defense could not carry it.

He continued to circle around, but the two Xeons ignored him. He thought about releasing a ray of killing, covering the two Xeons.


The eyes of the two Xeons glanced at this side at the same time, their faces were alert. Lu Li converged to kill, and his body drifted towards the lower left like a breeze. He always looked at the two Xeons and observed their expressions.

The two Xeons looked puzzled, staring at Lu Li's position just a few moments ago, and they searched several times, but found nothing. They continued to fight, but they all had reservations. They seemed very jealous, and they were monitoring all around.

"it is good!"

Lu Li was overjoyed, and he could be completely sure. The traceless road was really the anti-sky avenue. He has n’t fully enlightened yet. When he is fully enlightened, it is very likely that the great conquerors will not find him.

"The world can go!"

Lu Centrifugal has a lot of lofty sentiments. He believes that at this moment he should be one of the strongest assassins in the **** of death, and the average giant can't compare with him.

With invisible traces, he can easily dive into the infinitely close to the strong perfection, and then instantly release the fire or destroy the magic liquid sneak attack, if not unexpected, he can now kill some infinite close to the great perfection.

Regardless of the overall combat power, only in sneak art, he should surpass all death!

"Try it again!"

Lu Li stabilized his emotions and continued to float upwards. He released his intention of killing again from a distance ~ ~ and then left immediately. The faces of the two powerful men who were nearing the Great Perfection changed again. At this moment, both sides stopped fighting, and their eyes were startled.

Lu Li's bad taste suddenly rose, and he flew over the two Xeons, snorted slightly, and then dived away immediately.

This cold hum, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, frightened the two strong men who were close to the great perfection upright.

Can they lurk silently, but they can't feel it? In their hearts, only the strong and powerful can do it. And this great consummate released his murderous sigh and snorted, what does that mean?

On behalf of this Xeon is unhappy!


A powerful man approaching the great consummation sang a drink, and then left with surprise, and quickly fled without a trace. Another Xeon arched his hand high up and said, "My lord, forgive me, I'll leave now!"

The second strong man approaching the Great Perfection quickly left with his men, but a group of their men kept looking back and wondering. Nothing in the air, why are their elders scared?

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