The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3416: Northern battlefield

Two infinitely close to the Great Perfection strong verified the infallibility of the invisible path, Lu Li was not sure whether all infinitely close to the Great Perfection strong could not see through, but at least the average Xeon could not find him.

Lu Li feels more confident, and there is a feeling that the world is everywhere!

The great conqueror will not lower his style and attack ordinary martial arts, so unless Lu Li seeks death, he will provoke the great conqueror. At that time, the great perfectionist will shoot him like a fly, even if he does not want to shoot.


Lu Li had a hundredfold confidence and a smile on his face. He was like a wind and a shadow, floating in the air. He is not flying all over, but is testing various uses of invisible tracks to make his body more powerful and more arbitrary.

Flying all the way, Lu Li was doing various exercises all the way, and his body became more abnormal, like a ghost.

He can be sure now that under no trace, no holy emperor in the whole world can absolutely find him, unless there are some abnormal perverts who are close to the Great Perfection, and the rest can not see his sneak.

After practicing for more than ten days, Lu Li has been innocent about the use of Invisible Road. He entered the French realm and rested for a day, and then flew to the north at the fastest speed.

He has no trace of having traces, and he still has traces of avenues and legal circles. So even if it is discovered by the strong? Even if there are tens of thousands of warriors in front of melee? Even if there are dozens of powerful men approaching the Great Perfection in front of him, why is he afraid?

It's not too far away from the north battlefield here. It would take more than a month for Lu to fly at full speed. Perhaps it is because this place is very close to the northern battlefield, so there are not too many old demons here. Of course, Lu away still avoids some dangerous areas. He didn't think he had innocence, and the world was invincible.

After walking for more than ten days, Lu Li passed a mountain, and he felt that there was a fairy beast in the mountain, and he was still a very powerful fairy.

Lu Liben wanted to avoid it. After thinking about it later, it seemed that he could test it and see if the fairy beast could find him? This fairy beast's combat power should be comparable to the infinitely close to the great perfection, and it is a very good test object.

Lu Li body flew into the breeze and quickly rushed into the mountains. There is a valley in this mountain, and the beast lurks in the valley. Before Lu Li was near the valley, he felt the blood of the fairy beast.

He approached slowly, the fairy beast apparently did not find him, and drowsily slept in the valley. Lu Li tried his best to urge the mark on the road, always sensing the condition of the fairy beast.

A thousand miles, five hundred miles, a hundred miles!

There was a smile on Lu Li's face again. The fairy beast could not find him at such a close distance, it must not be found. If it was normal, the fairy beast had opened his eyes and growled.

Fairy beast is very sensitive to the breath of life, especially Lu Li cultivates the flesh, the blood is very strong, even if he releases the magic of God, he must have found it at this moment.

Lu Li thought for a while, releasing a ray of murderous energy. The huge fairy beast opened his eyes, roared loudly, and then rushed violently here.

Lu Zhi sneaked away early, and the fairy beast rushed over to the area where Lu Li was standing. It roared a few times, opened his mouth to spit out a dark mist, and the nearby flowers and trees were dying out. While roaring, it sprayed black mist everywhere, and it became dead instantly for dozens of miles.

This fairy beast attacked for a while, because he could not sense the presence of Lu Li, so he went back. Lu Li's heart was settled. It seems that this fairy animal cannot find him.

Lu Li didn't leave like this, but turned around, and was only a mile away from the fairy beast at the nearest time. He determined that the fairy beast could not find him, and this traceless mark turned out to be sky-high.


Lu Li quickly left, and continued to fly northward all the way. After flying away from Baili, Lu Li showed his figure and moved forward at the fastest speed.

Moving forward again for a month, Lu Li approached the northern battlefield, and the scouts became more and more. Lu Li did not release Incognito Road, but released Shen Yinshu forward.

The more you go north, the more scouts and warriors are here, and there are also barracks. I don't know how many warriors have gathered here. Lu Li wants to catch a scout and ask where Lu Xiaobai is. But I was afraid that this scout did not know where Lu Xiaobai was. When the time came, he would fight against the grass and start to frighten the snake.

He thought about wandering around to see if there was a small town or the like, and it would be better to check the news in the city.

He turned around for a few days and found that there were at least tens of millions of sergeants in the vicinity. The emperor countless, and there are hundreds of powerful men who are infinitely close to the Great Perfection.

This barracks is quite well-placed and fits into some powerful legal formation. Those who are infinitely close to the Great Perfection do not live together but live separately. Many corner camps are lurking with infinite closeness to the Great Perfection. Strong. Therefore, Lu Li did not dare to rush into the barracks, for fear of touching some of the magic lines of the magic pattern, shocked the strong inside.

After turning around for a few days, Lu Li found a small city, which was probably built because of the war. Many parts of the city are new, and it seems that it was not long established.

"Military administration in this city?"

Lu Li scouted for a while and frowned. There are sergeants in the city. He wants to get rid of non-disguise as a sergeant. Lu Li observed for a while, and found that all sergeants had tokens, and they could not enter the city without tokens.

"Will Lu Xiaobai be in the city?"

Lu Li's eyes turned, he thought about whether he was in the city or not, he could inquire the news in the city, where can he inquire the news outside the city?

He quickly retreated ~ ~ After flying away for a million miles, he found a scout and killed it with one stroke. He scolded the scouts, refined the body, replaced the warrior's armor and took his token. Lu Li also refined this token, which has his soul breath.

He released Yiyishu, and then swaggered towards the city. A sergeant stopped him at the gate of the city, and after confirming the token, the sergeant waved his hand and Lu Li entered the city.

Sure enough, the city is full of sergeants, all of which are restaurants, gambling houses, and the like. This city is designed to give these sergeants a rest ...

"Lu Xiaobai is not in the city!"

Lu Li made a random turn around the city to determine this, because in this city he did not feel the breath of infinitely close to the Great Perfection.

Lu Xiaobai himself is a strongman of this level, not to mention that there will surely be more than a dozen Xeons around him. There is no one Xeon in the city. Lu Xiaobai is naturally not here.

Lu Li doesn't worry about finding Lu Xiaobai. There are so many restaurants and youth houses in this city. There are more than 100,000 sergeants in it.

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