The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3442: Self-determination

"The Supreme East?"

The president of the Tianhe Society sank inwardly and his face became pale. He actually provoked the son of the King of the East? This mess is indeed a bit big. Fortunately, the son of the other King of the Kings said that the King of the East did not dare to provoke the Yue family.

The rest of the elders sank inside, and one of the elders' eyes turned suddenly, and suddenly his body became a residual image, and he was about to run away. The elder of the Dai nationality sneered, and a green whip appeared in his hand and fluttered away.


The aura of heaven and earth above the elder's head fluctuated and turned into a whip, and the elder was pumped with a whip. At the same time, two powerful Qiangs flew away and attacked together. The elder was severely wounded and then brought back.

The elder of the Dai nationality said coldly, "You offended Xiaobai, you still want to escape? Where can you escape? Can you escape the southern border?"

The elder's face was as dead as death, and he looked downcast, "Kill if you want to kill. Where is so much nonsense?"

The elders of the Qiang nationality set their sights on Xiaobai and said, "Little white son, you can handle it. Those who are going to die and live, you have the final say."

Xiao Bai is indifferent. He turned his eyes to Lu Li, everything was what he meant.

Lu Li groaned. Before that, he didn't plan to go to Tianhe to be troublesome.

The situation is different now, and President Tianhe proactively provoked. In addition, the elders of the Dai nationality brought the president of Tianhe to them. If they didn't kill two, they would fall into Xiaobai's name and affect the reputation of the king of the east.

He thought for a while, turned his eyes to Lord Yu and said, "Uncle Yu, you must take it."

Lord Yu has been following the King of the East for many years, and even a kind-hearted warrior will be affected. Without any hesitation, he waved his hand and said, "Take care of yourself, and keep all your bodies!"

The elders of the Qiang nationality sank in their hearts. Tianhe will be a good move recently, and he has seen great results, but they were all destroyed because of Xiaobai's arrival.

This made him regretful. He was not the mother-in-law's person, and he waved his teeth and said, "Go ahead, I'll take care of the rest."

The elders of the Dai nationality are very clear. They commit suicide, and he will take care of their family members. If you still want to run away like the elder before, it may be that the entire family is destroyed.


The President of Tianhe screamed a few times, knowing that the trend had gone, his face was stern, he looked at Xiao Bai deeply, and then looked at Lu Li again, his face showing remorse.

He guessed something, the young master in the east would not come here for no reason, it must be because of Lu Li. And Lu Li and Yu Yang Mo Yan Luan Xi have a good relationship, so in the final analysis his death should be caused by Lu Li.

"I knew that Lu Li should be killed a few years ago!"

The president of the Tianhe Club sighed slightly, raised his hand and patted his head, and his shock was dissipated in one hit.

He had to die and offended the son of the King of the East. The Dai people had to give Xiaobai an account. Even if the Yue family knew about this, they would only help to hunt them down, so the world is so big that they have nowhere to run.

Now that she commits suicide, the clan's family members can still keep it, and the elders of the Dai ethnic group will read some affection. If you do n’t commit suicide, it ’s really true that the whole family will die, and none of them will run away.

"Boom boom!"

The remaining elders laughed with sorrow, one by one shattering their souls and dying. All the warriors in this scene saw in their eyes, Xiaobai didn't care, Lord Yu and they were expressionless, Lu Li was touched, but said nothing.

There were more than thirty warriors in the cabin, but all of them were frightened. In their hearts, the elders of the Tianhe Society are the big men who can only look up, and the president of the Tianhe Society is a hegemonic powerhouse.

Now these strong men they can only look up to, but are forced to commit suicide, which is too shocking for them and scares them.

After the elders of the Qiang Nationality waited for all the strong men to die, they asked an elder to put away the body. Then he smiled and said, "Can the little white son be satisfied? If not, I can order all the soldiers in the Tianhe Society to be killed. stay!"

Xiaobai waved his hand and said, "That's it. We are in a hurry to get back to the east, go to Dongling City first, and stop there."

Xiao Bai was too lazy to entangle with the Dai people, and did not give much face, and flew back to the warship. Lord Yu followed them back, the warship flew through the sky and flew away, and soon disappeared at the end of the sky in the distance.


Xiaobai was so arrogant and rude that he angered several elders of the Dai people. Originally, Xiaobai didn't bid farewell in Dongling City, and the Dai people were very dissatisfied. At this moment, several elders also murmured unhappy.

"What the hell? Aren't there a good dad? What would he be without him?"

"That is, there is no King of the East, and he has been killed tens of thousands of times like this, dragged like this?"

"Hehe, just like this, sooner or later something will happen. The East King will be afraid to send black hair in vain."

"The king of the east can't live for many years, wait. When the king of the east is dead, he certainly won't have a good life. With so many enemies of the king of the east, he will definitely be divided by the sword."


Several elders were bulging, and their speech was extremely unpleasant, but their voices were not loud, and from time to time they looked in the direction where Xiaobai Lu left them ~ ~ I was afraid that Xiaobai would hear it in general.

The elders of the Qiang nationality also don't look good. After the elders have said for a while, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't say these are useless. You should admit counseling if you should admit it, and don't say that you should rely on your father. Say, as far as your fighting ability and Lu Xiaobai go, you can't survive one. Pride is the original sin, and jealousy is also the original sin. If you don't accept this tone, then you should work hard to achieve great consummation, and dare to belittle you? "

Several elders were silent, and the elder was right. They just can't afford to offend, they can only vent their anger here. This is actually the performance of the weak, the real strong will not say anything, but will do it silently.

In fact, they all understand that only sufficient strength and equal strength can be treated equally.

The problem is that they have no chance of progress in their lives. The infinitely close to Great Perfection and Great Perfection seem only half a step away, but this level is too difficult and too difficult.

It is estimated that only 10,000 infinitely close to the great perfection can break through, which still needs a good chance. They are very old, and they have not seen any hope for so many years, so they almost give up ...

"But one of you is right!"

The elder groaned for a moment and said, "I foresee that the road behind Lu Xiaobai will be difficult. He is too young after all. Now it is estimated that this combat power is promoted by the seedlings. If you want to break through the great consummation in thousands of years, it is as difficult as the sky . "

"Thousands of years later, the king of the east border died. The east border was afraid that he would be defeated by the strong. The king of the east border blood-washed countless ethnic groups and formed countless enemies. Not to mention the other, our king king family It will definitely wash away the shame of that year, and Lu Xiaobai will have a chance to survive if he breaks through the Great Congratulations, otherwise he will die! "

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