The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3443: Elder treatment

The road behind was smooth, and no strong man had stopped. It took two days to reach Dongling City. Yue Ji is still here. Lu Xiaobai finds Yue Ji and asks her to arrange a teleportation battle. He wants to return to the east.

Lu Lu's work was passed back to Dongling City long ago. But the Dai people do not know it. The elders and ladies of the Dai people are very enthusiastic. They know one thing very well-they can't offend Xiaobai.

Now it's just killing some martial arts soldiers in Tianhe Society, which is nothing to the Dai people. This little man is leaving. They ca n’t wait. Who dares to ask Lu Xiaobai for trouble? In case Lu Xiaobai is furious and wants to have a fight with the Dai people, is it possible for the Dai people's king to take action against Xiao Bai? If this angers the king of the East, the Dai people will definitely be destroyed without any accident.

The Dai people kindly invited Xiaobai to live some more days. Xiaobai insisted on leaving. The Dai people "reluctantly" opened the teleportation altar and sent Xiaobai away.

Xiao Bai and Lu Li did not take all the sergeants away. The sergeants stayed with the Dai people. The elders of the Dai people promised to take good care of the cultivation. Lu Li only took away six people including Li Yang Yuyang Mo Yan.

The teleportation requires precious array of stones. The larger the number of people, the more it costs. Those one or two hundred ordinary sergeants have nothing to do with him, and he will certainly not take him to the east.

He believes that the Dai people will not embarrass some ordinary sergeants. After all, these sergeants are not guilty, and leaving this group of sergeants can also contribute to the Dai people. At least I will not kill them for a short time, otherwise it will be a provocation to Xiaobai.

Lu Li teleported to Nan Wang Cheng, this time a family son came out of the Yue family, is the first son. Earlier, it was said that in retreat, Xiaobai only went to the Dai for a few days, and the first son happened to be out ...

Lu Li guessed vaguely, Xiaobai Luli was in chaos in Dongling City, and the Yue family was afraid that Xiaobai would continue to chaos. So the first son came forward to give Xiaobai enough respect, and also hoped that Xiaobai would not continue to cause trouble.

I give you face, and if you make trouble again, it is your fault.

Xiaobai didn't want to cause any trouble at all. He only lived in Nanwang City for one day, and then let the moon family open the teleportation altar to return to East King City. The Yue family did not immediately prepare to transmit the altar this time. They were sure Xiaobai was going to leave, so they were relieved that they did not want to lose the courtesy.

Therefore, they used an excuse to prepare for two or three days, and had a banquet every day. Many of the sons and daughters of the Yue family had come out, and several elders in power had also come out. They had banquets twice a day.

Lu Li was also the object of the banquet. At the same time, Yue's family also began to investigate Lu Li's identity. Xiao Bai's politeness to Lu Li is not a courtesy, but a respect from the heart. Many times, he has to let Lu Li take the idea and look at Lu Li's horse.

Owner of the East!

That was the top son in the whole fairyland, and the first son of the Yue family was no better than Xiaobai. And Xiaobai still swallows the heavenly beast. Once it breaks through the great consummation, it is the top existence of Xianyu.

Can Xiao Bai's such a respected people not attract attention?

The intelligence also quickly investigated some. After Yuejia knew that Lu Li entered Xianyu from the south, and still asked Xiangong for a while, the senior members of Yuejia didn't care about Lu Li.

Lu Li didn't make much of it. There was only one explanation. Lu Li was known before Xiaobai Huixian Yu, but he was just a small warrior with a low-level interface outside.

However, Lu Li's combat capability improved rapidly, leaving Yuejia's high level somewhat surprised. Especially the lurking hidden art, and that terrible black flame is very abnormal.

Of course, these methods still do not pay much attention to the senior members of the family. The Yue family is the king of the South, and there are many great conquerors. The infinitely close to the great conquerors are innumerable. What is Lu Li doing?

On the third day, Xiaobai was impatient. Yueji had to send Xiaobai in person to leave.

After a few days of recovery, Yuyang Mo Yan and Luan Xi their injuries were much better, because the soul of the emperor was not harmed, and there was no problem during transmission.

This time, for more than half a month, Lu Li returned to East King City. Little Leucella landed and they all lived in his mansion. They didn't live long, but Xiaobai took them back to Shenjiao City after one night.

Xiaobai knew that Lu Li was very concerned about Mo Yan, Luan Xi and Yuyang, so he placed them first. He can go north together with Lu Li. Is it not a trivial matter for Xiaobai to house several emperors?

After discussing with Lu Li, Xiaobai decided to arrange Mo Yan Yuyang and all of them in the city guard of Shenjiao City, all of them as commanders.

The difference is that Yuyang Moxuan Luan Xi was in Shenjia City, while Li Xu went to a nearby town. The three treatments that Yuyang Mo Yan Luan Xi enjoyed are elder treatments, of course ... this matter cannot be passed on, otherwise the East King will definitely get into trouble.

Dongwang Shouyuan didn't have much, so he divided a large area and let Xiaobai manage it himself. This is also to exercise him early to pave the way, otherwise he will not be allowed to live in Shenjiao City.

Xiaobai has many subordinates, and only those who are infinitely close to the great consummation are eligible to become elders. Yuyang is just the emperor, but they enjoy the treatment of the elders. If things go on, his men will definitely not accept it.

Lu Li didn't let Yuyang Moxuan Luan Xi eat white food, and in Xiaobai, eat white and live in vain to get resources, so that Moxu Yuyang Luan Xi three will be uncomfortable.

Give them a place and some good resources. This is a good platform and starting point for them. Whether they can go further in the future depends on their talents and luck ~ ~ 羽 阳 莫 芊芊Luan Xi was very satisfied with Lu Li's arrangement. By this time, they had known Xiao Bai's identity.

They are not proud of them, they are very clear-if they are not capable, even the King of the East will carry them in person.

What good is it to give you a Supreme Soldier? Without strength, can you keep this Supreme Soldier?

Lu Li can actually let Xiaobai give Yuyang Mo Yan and Luan Xi a lot of resources, but if they do so, they feel they will hurt them. Still have to let them do something, depending on their own labor and perhaps remuneration, although the remuneration ... far exceeds their pay.

Xiao Leihuai landed and played around Mo Yan Luan Xi Yuyang and did not go too far. Instead, he went to several nearby places with beautiful scenery or very magical places, as well as some strange secret areas.

Xiaobai was anxious to give Lu Li all the good things in this world. It's like a son getting rich and wanting to buy all the good things in this world and give them to his parents.

After half a month, I saw countless scenes that Lu Li hadn't seen before, ate something that they had never eaten, and Lu was worried about her home, urging Xiao Bai to rush to do business.

Xiaobai took everyone back to Shenjiao City, let Lu Li live in the city's main government house, and he went to the East King City. He needs to ask the East King and arrange by the way.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, it does not mean that they are stupid. Even if he is stupid, the East King will not let him venture to the north without being sure.

"Boss, wait for me for a month!"

Xiaobai left a word, and teleported away, "It can be set up for up to one month. At that time, we will kill the Northern Territory together and kill Beao!"

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