The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3447: Curve Island 3

Lord Yu and another strong man, when attacked, opened a shield to cover all the warriors. Five other strong men burst out and killed the three strong men.

The three strong men are almost the same in appearance, with red hair on their heads, three horns on their heads, four eyes, a long tail behind them, a very thick head, and a bone spur on their back.

There are many singular shapes, but four eyes are rare. After glancing at Lord Yu, he sneered coldly, "Three demon bends on the island!"

These three old demons are very famous. They are not the northern clan, but they are everywhere. They have been to the east before. Some things happened in the east, and later they were hunted down by the strong east to escape to the north.

Scimitar three demon, this group is very rare, so far no large-scale group has been found. Only three old demons were born. The three old demons did not fight for the site, they only robbed, and the whole fairyland was running around. As long as it's good, you can grab it, but you can't run. Their ethnic group possessed a kind of magic puppetry. They used to chase them down successfully, but they fled.

For the appearance of these three old demons, Xiaobai didn't care. In his opinion, the arrival of the three old demons must not have come for no reason, but was arranged by Beao.

Arrange three strong people who are not in the north to come, even if something happens, it has nothing to do with the north. After all, the three old demons are running around the whole immortal realm, and they have never heard of their men. The disaster that these three old demon broke out can't be counted on the north.

Xiao Bai didn't take it for granted. The three old demons were indeed very strong, but at most they were about the same as Master Yu. There were ten of them, so what was he afraid of?

Sure enough, five Xeons were dispatched here, and the three demon of the crooked island were suppressed at once, and they could only defend and not attack.

Lu Li dived early, Xiaobai was standing in the air, and Master Yu was behind him. Xiaobai watched for a while, and sneered, "Kill them, dare to attack the little man, and the courage is too fat."

The rest of the Xeons did not move, and sending five was enough to give the island three magic faces. If they dispatch a few more, they will feel ashamed of themselves.

The three island demon's defenses are abnormal, especially the body is very weird. Many times they are obviously hit, but they are easily avoided. The five strong men formed a circle, and it was difficult for the three devil to bend out.

What if we break out? Can it hurt Xiaobai? Master Yu and several other Xeons were all standing behind Xiaobai. Besides, Xiaobai was not a waste, and his combat strength was sturdy. He had two heavy treasures on his body, and the three devil from the curved island could not kill Xiaobai.

Lu Li stood by and watched the battle, his frown slightly raised, if the three island devil were sent by Beao. That's tantamount to giving people a head. What role can it play other than giving death?

If it doesn't work, why do you do it? It would be better to assemble the three devil of the crooked island to Solitary Moon City, wouldn't it be better to start the war at that time?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Lu Li took a glance out of the map, and after he glanced, a hint of irony appeared in the corner of his mouth. He sent a message to Xiaobaidao: "Xiaobai, wait for the three devil to bend the island. If you want to flee to the northwest, don't chase and kill easily. There is a Jedi nearby. If I guess correctly, these three old devil are thinking Lead us to that Jedi. "


Xiaobai blinked, and he said, "Boss, don't worry, I have something in my mind."

"call out!"

The three demons on the curved island over there suddenly released a weird attack. They released a kind of energy wave inside the body. This energy wave spread out and formed a violent space vibration wave. The nearby space was distorted, and the powerful space distortion force Fluctuations, it seems that the space around here may collapse at any time.

The five strong men had no choice but to retreat. The curved islands and three demons were not affected by the space vibration waves. They rushed in a crazy direction. There was only one strong man over there. Naturally they did not dare to resist, and they broke out easily.


Lu Li and Xiao Bai looked and found that the direction they ran away from was not northwest, but northeast? The few Xeons looked at Xiaobai, and asked if they would hunt them down?


With a big wave of Xiaobai, as long as he didn't flee to the northwest and didn't enter the Jedi, what was the fear? Three island devil attacked for a while and wanted to run? Is that so easy?

If they were allowed to flee in this way, Xiao Bai ’s prestige would be hit. It ’s only been a short while since he entered the northern border. Xiao Bai would not allow this to happen.

"call out!"

Xiaobai took the initiative to go, Lord Yu they naturally followed. Lu Li had no choice but to fly away. The speed of the three island devil is very fast. Fortunately, Lord Yu, they have two speeds, and they chase away easily. It is estimated that it will not be long before they can catch up.

Tracking the time of Banzhuxiang, the two Xeons caught up with the three demon of the curved island, and they entangled the three demon. In the back, Lord Yu, they immediately surrounded. This time around the eight Xeons, leaving only two beside Xiaobai.

"Not right!"

Lu Li was chasing after more than ten minutes. He felt inexplicable. He glanced at it, and found that there was a ruin below. There were ruins everywhere, and there was no problem. He thought for a moment and closed his eyes, urging the Induction of the Avenue, and his eyes opened suddenly only for a moment.

"Xiaobai, exit, there is something wrong with the mountain below!"

His voice sounded, and Xiaobai had absolute trust in Lu Li. He took Master Yu and another strong man to retreat, and at the same time he drank and said, "All are scattered, leave this mountain!"

The eight besiegers who besieged were slightly surprised, but still did not have the will to disobey Xiaobai, and retreated in all directions, forming a circle.

"Om ~"

The mountain below suddenly lighted up ~ ~ It was like a fire snake walking at night, a strange breath permeated from below, and a ray of glowing waves formed a colorful mottled picture.

"So perverted?"

The three devil in the crooked island smiled at each other with a glance. The large array underneath can be arranged very concealed, and this large array has no attack power, so it will be very difficult to perceive.

"It's just a short time!"

It's a pity that the three demon roads in the crooked island formed a beam of light that enveloped them, and then they disappeared into the air. The large array below also quickly collapsed, the glow disappeared, and the surroundings were calm.

"what happened?"

Some of the Xeons exclaimed, and Xiaobai glanced at the landing and said gratefully, "I'm still the boss keen, I just sensed it below. I thought it was just some broken **** array, but I didn't expect to arrange a large array."

"It's these remnants that cover up the true gods below!"

Lu Li explained: "And the God array here is not offensive, so your alertness will naturally be reduced. The God array here is actually a teleportation altar."

Lu Li did not find any problems at the beginning of the investigation, and he just barely sensed some problems after urging the trace of the road. The reason why he was so determined is that he suspected that there was a conspiracy hidden in it-the three devil of the curved island would not die in vain, and he must have something!

"Teleport Altar?"

The cold light flashed in Xiaobai's eyes, and he quickly responded and said, "Is this altar delivered to that Jedi?"

Master Yu and their faces all changed slightly. If they were teleported into the Jedi, although they would not necessarily die, Beao had enough time to arrange and arrange. At that time, Xiaobai may not die, but they don't even want to live alive. This operation even failed completely.

. Three heads m.

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