The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3448: Dictate

How long it has been since entering the northern border, it has been blocked. If it wasn't for Lu Li's early detection, the situation could be very bad. It may even be frustrated by Shen Sha, who died before starting his career.

If this is the case, then Xiaobai will become the laughingstock of Xianyu. Ten holy emperors were all dead, and only Xiaobai left dimly and returned to the east. Xiaobai's own mentality may have to explode. It is impossible to break through the great consummation in thousands of years, and even this life may not be able to break through.

Xiaobai's return to the east has always been smooth, and the biggest calamity was to be suppressed in that treasure and finally rescued by Lu Li. That incident has already had some influence on Xiaobai, which is calculated by Beao. If it's still being calculated this time, Xiaobai will be a complete failure, and there will be obsessions in his heart.

The most important thing is that this time it attracted worldwide attention. The whole fairyland was paying attention, and the impact on Xiaobai was too great. Xiaobai don't look at smiling all day long. If nothing seems to happen, he really values ​​it.

As the son of the King of the East, this is a glory and a burden. He cannot lose the face of the King of the East, he cannot live up to the expectations of countless people in the East, he cannot be ashamed of the trust that so many strong people have in him, and the pressure on him is very great. Lu Li knew exactly this, so he followed him to the north, just to share some pressure for Xiaobai.

"Be careful in the future!"

Lord Yu said, the strong men nodded slightly, their faces were dignified. Although they were very careful before, they were still too indifferent in their hearts. This time the three island demon three appeared, they didn't care too much, thinking that it was only Beao sent three old demon to come down the main power, but did not expect it to be a dead end.


Lord Yu took out a warship again, and the powerful men flew up, and Lu Li returned to the room to retreat. The strong people have obviously changed their attitude towards Lu Li. At first, their respect for Lu Li was only superficial, and they did not look down on Lu Li. After all, it's just an emperor, even if the Holy Emperor is an ant in their eyes.

Now I think Lu Li is a person.

Xiao Bai is not as lazy as before. He took out the map and watched it carefully. At the same time, he took out some northern data and researched it to see where Beao could be laid out.

Beao has always been fond of conspiracy and deceit. He was almost killed by that tripod before. This time, the situation of the three devil on the curved island proved that Beao's strategy is still very strong. So the road must be careful and careful, so as not to lose the trick of Beo.

In fact!

Xiaobai had no assurance as to whether Beao could be beheaded this time. After all, this one of the young masters in the northern border had strong influence in the northern border for so many years. How difficult is it to kill Beo in the north?

But even if it was difficult, he had to go on this trip, otherwise his thoughts would be unreachable, and the road of cultivation would be difficult to follow. His personality is relatively straightforward, so he didn't think too much about it. Whether or not Beona is beheaded depends on luck. If he does not dare to come to the north, he will have a fear in his heart. Once the fear of the martial arts road appears, it will be difficult to progress further.

Lu Li asked Xiaobai if he had a plan before, and Xiaobai never thought about it. He is now analyzing and slowly learning to think. The battle may not be as fierce as before. Although his dad was fierce and brave, he did not rush and kill where he was.

The later journey calmed down, Lord Yu, they took turns to monitor, Beao did nothing. Although there were many scouts along the way, and occasionally I could see the strong, but no accidents occurred, let alone attacking them and intercepting them.

Lu Li has been enlightening the Invisible Road, refining the magic medicine. He began to refine those tens of thousands of years of elixir, Lord Yu they became careful, then Lu Li felt not too dangerous. Beao failed to make a shot once, and will not continue to do so. What can he do without full control?

Half a year passed quickly, and the journey was halfway through. It's not too far from the North King City. It can take up to two months.

Xiaobai, they didn't fly to the North King City, not in one direction. And what to do to North King City? I would definitely have received it when I went there, but both sides were very embarrassed, and Xiao Bai would not be bored to go to Beiwang City to receive the cold eyes of Bei.

The warship still flew straight and headed for Lone Moon City. Many of the sons of the Pei family have given the territory, and the Solitary Moon Territory is Beo's territory. Since the Bey king promised not to support Beo, then Beo certainly could not stay in the North King City, but had to return to Gu Yue to take it.

The intelligence warriors arranged by the King of the East also kept sending news to confirm that Beao was in Lone Moon City. In addition, there are not many strong men in Lone Moon City, and only ten of them are detected, no more and no less than here.

This battle attracted worldwide attention, and Beo could not show weakness. If a large number of strong players are mobilized, even if they win, it will not be glorious, so he can only mobilize ten strong players.

Beo has always liked to use conspiracy and tricks, and Xiaobai believes that Beo will definitely not fight with him. Beo must have set up before arriving in Lone Moon City.

He repeatedly looked at the map, trying to see where Beow would be ambush. Beo doesn't ambush in normal places, there are only those sinister areas on the road. Xiaobai circled the dangerous areas on the map and thought about explaining to the strong man who controls the warship, "All these places are bypassed!"

"it is good!"

The Xeon took a glance at the map, remembered these places secretly, and his face was also relieved. Xiao Bai finally grew up ~ ~ how to think.

Xiaobai didn't sit still anymore, went into a cabin and started practicing, which made Master Yu even more relieved.

They are not only fond of Xiaobai, they are also entrusted to him as the host. They and Xiaobai are both prosperous and prosperous, all at the same time. If Xiaobai can succeed as the king of the East, they and their communities will have a good life in the future. Conversely, if Xiaobai's superior fails, they will be liquidated by the new master, and if they lose their current status and power, they may be destroyed.

Xiaobai's character is untamed. Except for the East King who can discipline him, the other warriors persuade him not to listen. A few words from Lu Li, actually made Xiaobai make such a big change, which made the public's impression of Lu Li changed again.

"If the little master can take the position, it is not impossible to give Lu a place in the future!"

Master Yu and a strong man preached, "This people are very thoughtful, mature and stable. With his presence, the little master will at least not be so irritable. If he has something to persuade, the little master can listen.

"Not just listening ..."

The Xeon frowned and said, "I feel the Lord has some obedience to him? If this Terran is going to mess up, the Lord still trusts him so much that he will become the uncrowned king of the East."

"He's not so stupid!"

Master Yu shook his head and said, "He has no big background at first glance, there is no big family behind him, and he is not strong in combat. Annoyed us, we risked being severely punished by the little master, and we also wanted to kill him. Would he dare to mess around? Give him some resources and benefits at best. "

"Forget it!"

Master Yu waved his hand and said, "Now it doesn't make sense to say this, let's see if Xiaozhu can successfully kill Beao this time, otherwise we will all be finished."

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