The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3542: Infighting?

Any faction has factions, even if there are factions within a small family, this is normal.

The factions within the major forces and clans will fight openly and secretly, but they are all small fights that will not affect the overall situation. Generally, the clan kings or leaders of the clans can control the situation.

Death has no clan king and no absolute leader. Grim reaper is almost of an alliance nature. The top ten giants are the top ten alliances. Reaper didn't have great consummation, nor did the strong with absolute prestige suppress the whole force.

The original prestige was enough, but unfortunately he joined the death **** for a shorter time, and the surface state is only emperor level, so young, not enough to convince the public.

There were originally factions in the Death God. Lu Li had a good relationship with Yu Huangyi Huang Mo Huang, Li Huang also had giants, and neutral factions, forming three factions. However, the internal fighting is not so obvious, everyone looks very kind on the surface, and the cohesion of death is strong.

Grim Reaper is still in the fast development stage. Do you start fighting now?

The most important thing is that the internal fighting is not carried out secretly? Now looking at this trend, it looks more like starting a battle on the bright side?

The top ten giants were silent, without giving any explanation, but they began to win over their subordinates and let them stand clearly.

First of all, those who joined the infinitely close to the Great Perfection faced pressure. The top ten giants sent their hands to contact all elders and let them stand in line.

All the elders have some headaches. This team does not stand well and will have a great impact on them. But now all ten giants have sent their hands to visit them. Although most of them are very vague, the meaning is clear. This time they must stand in line, otherwise they will not have a good life.

All the elders also received a hint that they must choose a giant standing team. If they do not stand, they will be marginalized and will lose their real power. There are countless ace deaths who have received various hints to let them stand in line.

Suddenly, the people inside Death were trembling. Many death veterans were worried about this phenomenon, for fear that the Death God who would rise up was destroyed.

There are also many death gods who have spoken to the death giant through various channels, but the top ten giants have been silent. No news has been passed down, and even the direct family members of the top ten giants are not clear why.

This was also agreed by Lu Li, and the matter was decided not to show the slightest sound of wind, otherwise those who joined the infinitely close to the great consummates would be centrifuged.

It doesn't matter if the death is chaotic for a while, it will gradually stabilize. As long as their top ten giants are not chaotic, then the death ca n’t be chaotic.

Lu Li asked the Emperor Lu to recruit his men. Although the Emperor Lu was not strong, he was Lu Li's father. No one would dare to despise this status, but would feel valued.

The Emperor Lu Ren went to visit all the elders and didn't promise anything, but just passed Lu Li a word and I needed some helpers.

It ’s very important to recruit Lu Li, because Lu League is too weak, it is the weakest relative to the other giants Lu League, there are few emperor ranks, and it is entirely supported by Lu Li alone. Therefore, Lu League needs the support of strong allies, otherwise Lu Li will be very disadvantaged in the next internal fight.

In addition to Lu Li's accident, an elder who was too close to the great consummation that night came to surrender. He promised nothing and just wanted to follow Lu Li.

Then on the second night, another elder elder came. On the third or fourth day, the third elder elder came, and on the fifth day, another elder came.

There are now a total of ten elders of death, and four from here!

Then there are the elders. There are many elders of death now, and there are more than a hundred elders in various positions of power. In five days, Lu Li came here for more than thirty, almost a quarter.

This is still five days, and there must be surrender. Lu Li was scared, ten factions of the ten giants, he solicited so many, how can the rest of the giants play?

He underestimated his influence, and he is now an absolute soul figure in many middle and senior levels of death.

If it wasn't for him, then the **** of death would have been destroyed by the Dai people, that is, Lu Li saved the **** of death and saved them. Then, in the case of Tianyuan Starfield, Mo Huang and a few of them passed away, but the soldiers died and Bu Huang died. Lu Li passed by alone, but almost destroyed the Dai people, and suppressed the people ...

Another point is that Lu Li stands behind the King of the East. This is why the death **** became the twelve masters. Therefore, without Lu Li death, let alone the twelve masters, he was already destroyed. As long as Lu Li is still a day of death, the lord of that death is as stable as a rock. In other words, when Lu leaves is gone, the **** of death will be finished immediately!

Since it is necessary to stand in line, it must be the strongest.

The original elders and Li Huang had a good relationship, and they had been attached for many years. It was not easy to change the court, but the elders and elders who joined later did not have so much scruples. Naturally, they came to Lu Li to watch the first time Be faithful.


With the passage of time, more and more elders and strongmen joined Lu Li here. After two months of troubles, basically all the middle and senior levels of death were in line. Then there was a very dramatic scene. Lu Li's faction almost occupied 30% of the overall death force, and the remaining nine giants divided up the remaining 70%.

Lu Li's family is the only one!

This ending made Li Huang dumbfounded. How could Nima play? Originally, they were thinking that the ten strong men divided the strong men and the territories of death, so that they would fight each other without hurting the roots.

Now that the faction has a point, they find that Lu Li has become the absolute overlord. In addition, Lu Li has a good relationship with Mo Huangyu and Huang Wing. This death is almost a death of Lu Li ...

In case Lu Li wants to dominate and become the only overlord of death, then he will mobilize the strong, and Li Huang will be easily destroyed!

He shot himself in the foot, and Li Huang and Yu Huang had an urge to cry.

They originally wanted to use this incident to suppress Lu Li ~ ~ After all, they wanted to land Li Li, after all, they were too shallow and too young to convince the public. But they have been in death for so many years. There must be more powerful people following them than Lu Li? There is only one Lu League in Lu Li, and independence will be difficult to support, so you must not let them knead?

The situation has become so irreversible. Because all the promises were written into the highest iron law, if Li Huang repented, Lu Lixin could destroy them. And all the strong are voluntarily attached. Lu Li's word for each strong is just a word, he needs help.

They promised great profits and even pulled down their faces to find the strong ones in person, but they could not meet the call of Lu Li.

Li Huang and them all secretly summoned to express their concerns, and the other giants did not know what it was like. Only Mo Huangyu and Wing Huang don't worry about them, because Lu Li has a good relationship with them, and they also know Lu Lu's personality very well. One.

It's a boat, what can they do? They can only drink their own poison.

Fortunately, Lu Li doesn't value power here. At present, it is not a bad thing to see Lu Li's dominance. If it is Mo Huang's dominance, the situation will be even worse.

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