The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3543: Uncrowned King

After the gang formed, they began to fight internally.

These internal fights were deliberately arranged by the top ten giants. For example, the Presbyterian Church established a Presbyterian Church. Most of the resolutions required the Presbyterian Church to vote.

It used to be nothing, now it is divided into factions. Under the secret command of the top ten giants, it began to compete for the interests of various factions. It is often a trivial matter and will be noisy for a long time.

First, the elders quarreled, then the lower courts began to fight, and finally the deaths below began to fight. However, the top ten giants have all formed law enforcement teams. Fighting can be done, but no one can be killed. If there is an inextricable beam, then sign the book of life and death to fight in the duel, regardless of life or death.

A set of reward and punishment mechanisms has also come out. There are heavy rewards for making great achievements, heavy punishment for making mistakes, and very heavy rewards and heavy punishments. There is no room for negotiation in this reward and punishment mechanism. The terms of the reward and punishment are directly implemented by the Presbyterian Church.

The ten giants are supreme leaders. The biggest thing needs to be determined by the ten giants. The general affairs are discussed by the Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterian Church does not distinguish between the elders and the second elders. Most of the things are decided by voting. This is the intention of the top ten giants. It is to make the elders noisy and huddled ...

In addition, those elders who have been too often also frequently start tasks. This is a test of their loyalty and ability. Only after they have been tested can they be assured of their boldness.

The top ten giants are preparing to let these elders and elders go to the presbyterian church one by one, and command a department to let these elders fight, so that they can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Don't let these elders go idle!

As soon as you take a break, there will definitely be a problem, that is, let them fight, let the group of elders fight with each other, so that they can act as referees and control the overall situation.

Their original intention was to pull the group of elders apart and draw them together so that they could not gather together and let them fight each other so that they could control the situation.

In fact, many high-level powers like to use the method, the way under the Royal is to pay attention to a balance, a control.

We must not let our people unite. We must let our men fight together. As the arbiter, the high-level side is strong to suppress this side, and this side is weak to support this side, so that we can always maintain a high position to control the overall situation.

With the passage of time, the internal fighting of death is getting more and more serious, the Presbyterian Church is noisy every day. The family members of the nine giants also started to quarrel with each other, and then developed into quarrels, but fortunately they were not too much.

However, I often hear the great-grandson of a giant who broke the head of the family's immediate son, and cut his hands and feet too much ...

As long as no one is killed, the rest is easy to say. The major giants have also issued strict orders that can be troubled, but some of the principle issues cannot be messed up. If anyone makes a life, then no one will be able to save him. The Presbyterian Church will not be judged and will be directly executed.

This is not a joke, because it is written in the iron law of the giant. If it is covered by the giant, the giant will be jointly killed by the other giants. There is no room for compromise.

No one in the iron law can die. If it is violated once, then the iron law will become a joke, and then the **** of death will be confused, and eventually the **** of death will be destroyed.

Four months later, the son of Yu's family did not believe in evil and tried the law. He clashed with a son of Yu's family in a main city of Tianlongjie. I drank too much on both sides. Then accidentally killed Yu's son, this was his own hand.

After the killing, he also awakened from the wine, and fled immediately, hiding in an interface controlled by their family. As a result, he escaped for ten days and was arrested by the law enforcement team. Then the Presbyterian Church tried and sentenced to death and executed it in Tianyue City!

From the beginning to the end, Yu Huang didn't say a word or plead with him. Even if the father of the son knelt outside Yu's residence for one night, Yu Huang didn't see him.

The son was beheaded and killed in public, and then the ten giants issued a notice jointly, promulgating some iron laws, and the offenders were killed without pardon, and there was no room for manoeuvre.

This matter frightened the sons and daughters of the top ten families. They knew that this was not a joke. If they were offended, everyone would die. There was no room for negotiation.

Lu Li called the children of the Lu family directly, and said it solemnly, and informed them of some iron laws.

Lu Meng's immediate children are very sensible, mainly because they do not count themselves as giants. They are all silk compared to other ethnic groups. In addition, their general strength is very low, plus they also know that the League of Nations is now very weak. Do not go out and mess up easily, otherwise it will bring endless disaster to the League of Nations.

In fact!

Although Lu Meng is very weak, Lu Li's faction is very strong, occupying one-third of the strong man of death, and many important court entrances are under Lu Li's men. Because Lu Li is super powerful, the other factions dare not challenge Lu Li.

Since this faction is transcendent, Lu Li also explained that if the other factions do not provoke them, then it is OK to maintain their transcendental status. If anyone provokes it, he will fight back fiercely, as long as he does not violate the iron law, he will do it fiercely, and he will do everything.

With the words Lu Lu, the strong and the warriors of his faction have a stable heart. They also have a strong sense of superiority. They also feel a rush of joy for Lu Lu. If they go to the other factions, that day will be gone. So much better.

There are more than 160 elders in the Presbyterian Church. Lu Li has nearly 50 here. This is a very powerful force. The elders of the other factions dare not offend this faction, because many resolutions require their support. As long as the elders from Lu faction agree, the resolution will basically pass at the presbyterian meeting.

Lu Li's order, as long as it does not involve the interests here, do not mix too much. Of course, things must be done fairly, and resolutions that are too contrary to the interests of death must be rejected.

This strategy of Lu Li ~ ~ makes his faction a detached presence in the Presbyterian Church. Any faction that wants to fight for benefits and a strong resolution on its own faction must have the support of Lu Li faction.

Two years later, there were eighteen elders on the death side, and eight more elders on the back. And these eight elders, two of them went to Lu Li, and Lu Li's infinitely close to the Great Perfection reached six. The power was so scary ...

In the Presbyterian Church, Lu Li's faction also became very detached. There is a tacit understanding now formed on the side of the **** of death. The Luli factions have become detached factions, and the other nine major factions dare not provoke them. However, the Luli factions are fairly fair in doing things, and they are not particularly ugly.

Basically, it is based on the interests of the **** of death. Even if the factions take advantage of them, they will not be too much, so the other nine major factions will not come to provoke Lu Li.

The other nine factions fought fiercely and were very happy, but the Lu Li factions were left alone, and they basically did not engage in the struggle of the major factions. It seemed to have become the verdict hall of the twelve.

The status of Lu Li also became transcendent, and suddenly became the uncrowned king of death.

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