The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3614: Zonghuguishan

After half an hour of violent bombardment, the Glacier Valley changed a lot, many ice layers were blasted away, and some stones inside were blasted. The two elders found that they did not find Lu Li, not even one in the shadow.

Lu Li was blasted into pieces? Or did Lu Li never come out? Or did Lu Li escape early?

The two elders couldn't figure it out. They could only stop to investigate. God looked around and sensed by the power of heaven and earth. They sensed it for more than an hour, but still found nothing. The second elder was a little panicked. If Lu Li could not escape if he escaped, it would be a disaster for the rhino apes.

"Arrange godliness and keep sealing here!"

The second elder thought for a while and ordered. Whether Lu Li lurked or escaped. Seal here first and then say, if Lu Li did not escape, continue to trap him here. When he ordered it, several elders immediately set it up.


Lu Li is in the French realm at the moment, and he has monitored this scene through the crystal ball and map. If he doesn't leave at this moment, he won't be able to leave later. Now that the elders are decorating, they are not likely to attack, and this is the most suitable time to escape.

Lu Li released Invisible Road and came straight out. When he came out, he did not cause any slight spatial fluctuations. There were spatial fluctuations before, and light and shadow were detected, which was intentional. It is to attract the attention of the second elders, so that they do not attack the blood spirit children.

He flew towards the glacier valley and flew away beside a group of elders. After leaving the glacial valley for thousands of miles, he stood in midair, looking at the two elders on the other side of the glacial valley, his mouth sneered.

Then he directly showed his figure and drank a long voice: "Don't be busy, Lu has already come out. The love of the rhinoceros to Lu, Lu is grateful, and he will repay the rhinos again . "

Lu Li's voice roared out directly with the magical technique of Longyin. This sound cut through the miles and shook the body of the second elder. The second elder glanced over and saw Lu li. But before he did anything, Lu Li disappeared again.

"call out!"

All the elders here rushed at the fastest speed, releasing various attacks on the place where they had just stood, and the void was torn again and again. But no figure appeared in the air, and Lu Li disappeared again.

"It's over, the tiger is back!"

The elder's lips were bitter, eyes were lost, and even his hands were shaking slightly. Lu Li, the **** of killing, came out, and then the rhino ape would suffer his **** revenge and killing, plus the great consummation of their ethnic group was dead, and no strong man could suppress Lu Li. There is no need for foreign races, and Lu Li alone can destroy the rhinoceros.

"Go back all!"

After a short absence, the two elders ordered all the elders to return, not to the ancient rhino city, but directly to the rhino city. He is going to confess to the elders to see how to deal with this matter. If the matter is not handled properly, the rhinoceros will face the calamity.

A group of strong men teleported back, and Lu Li left the ancient world of Rhino. He was going to first contact Death, and pass on the news that came out of him, and let the adults and their headquarters of Death. Don't worry, he turned back to play with the rhinoceros slowly.

The great consummation of the rhinoceros is dead. For Lu Li, he can play as much as he wants. As long as they don't invite the great consummation, they can play the rhinoceros casually. So he wasn't in a hurry, and made a few laps before talking. Trapped for decades, he also wanted to get in touch with the outside world.

After the two elders returned, several of the most important elders and the elders convened a meeting together. These elders all knew the death of the rhinoceros king. In addition to the previous laughter, the elder rhinoceros elders And several elders believe that this should be the worst situation for the rhino ape.

They held a day of meetings and negotiated two results. The first is to speed up the withdrawal and evacuate a large number of elites and resources to the ancestral land. The second is to find Lu Li to negotiate and bow to Lu Li.

This is the account of the king of the rhinoceros before the death. As long as the land is set aside, the rhinoceros should be able to support it for a while. After that laughter sounded, there was no action, and neither the Ryu nor the nearby clans did anything, so the elders and the elders were all lucky.

It is imperative to settle the matter first.

The second elder presided over the matter personally. It didn't matter that Lu Li could not be found, just go to find the **** of death. The rhinoceros did not believe that Lu Li was truly detached from the **** of death, but they found out that Lu Li's family still lived in Tianyue City. Lu Li's departure from the **** of death was simply a joke.

The two elders personally sent an elder to the death center here, and left a letter directly, telling death to Lu Li, indicating that the rhino apes would like to talk. As long as Lu Li wants to talk, then everything is easy to say.

The rhinoceros's efficiency is too high, which led to Lu Li's contact with the **** of death. A message came from the **** of death, indicating that the rhinoceros wanted to talk.

When Lu Li got the news, he was happy, and the rhinoceros cried quickly. Lu Li was not in a hurry to negotiate, but let the **** of death contact the puppet lords. They can ask them to return to the endless gods first. The things of the rhino ape here are stable and the endless gods are completely safe.

He also asked the **** of death to tell the grandmother that if they were interested, they could also knock down the blood-peng boring knife tribe and the rune tribe. None of these three races is close to the great conqueror. Even if the rhino ape races down, they dare not say anything. Besides, isn't this negotiating?

Lord Xi, they are very happy, thank you very much, and also expressed their gratitude to Lu Li. Lu Li told them to go back by themselves. Now the rhino ape has not been completely settled. Lu Li should still be careful. What if they are being followed?

My grandmother, after they go back ~ ~ Lu Li shot!

That's right, although the rhino ape said they wanted to talk, Lu Li was trapped for decades and he wasn't going to talk directly. He wants to vent his inner anger, kill some strong rhinoceros, and kill hundreds of thousands of troops. And he wanted to destroy the rhinoceros, so naturally he couldn't just agree to the peace talks of the rhinoceros.

Through the exchange of information with the **** of death, Lu Li learned that the king of the rhinoceros was dying, but the rhinoceros did not mourn and concealed the news. Then he used the king of the rhinoceros to deter the heroes. If he slaughtered for a while and the king of the rhinoceros did not come out, the major clan members of the universe would doubt that day, and they would bring endless trouble to the rhinoceros.

Extinction does not destroy the rhinoceros. Lu Li didn't care too much, but he couldn't make life easier for the rhinoceros. In this way, they can't find the trouble of the endless gods market, nor can they find the trouble of their Lu family. This is the result that Lu Li wants.

Talk to talk, there are advantages to leave, of course. Over the years, the rhinoceros have accumulated a lot of resources and treasures that they do n’t know. It ’s enough for Lu Meng to use them for many years. In addition, there are also many warriors in his faction.

Before Lu Li was ready to talk, he hurt the rhinoceros group first, causing them to collapse. By then, he would have to give whatever rhinoceros group he wanted.

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