The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3615: Squeeze into the dead

For half a year, Lu Li began to attack madly, and it was almost non-stop. One interface attacked two or three places, basically destroying a city, and then breaking through several resource treasures.

He did not kill civilians, but as long as he was wearing a military uniform, he slaughtered in the past. The city destroyed by him in half a year reached a dozen, and there were dozens of broken resources.

Due to the conservative nature of the rhino ape, the infinitely close to the great conqueror in all places evacuated, leaving Lu Li to attack. Therefore, in the past six months, Lu Li killed only eleven strong men who were close to the great consummation, the Holy Emperor was in the hundreds, and the death of the sergeant reached more than five million.

The Rhinoceros can afford these losses.

What the Rhino Ape can't afford is reputation, although recently Tianyu Starfield's eyes have turned to the Mongolian side. But something so big happened here, how could it not attract the attention of the forces. There are traitors and scouts of all races in any major force, and the news cannot be concealed at all!


After each attack, Lu Li will leave words and leave his name, which is hard to notice.

The king of the rhino apes killed a great consummation decades ago, hitting a great consummation, known as Tianyu Starfield. Decades passed, and many clans thought that Lu Li had also been killed by the Rhinoceros King, or returned to Tianran Starfield. However, he did not expect Lu Li to show up again, and began to attack and kill insanely again.

If the rhinoceros king is alive, the rhinoceros won't panic. The problem is that the rhinoceros king is dead, and continues to attack Lu Li. If the rhinoceros king does not come out, the rhinoceros tribe will be discovered sooner or later. At that time, the king of the Liu tribe is expected to jump out first, waiting for the rhino ape to be destroyed.

The elders of the hornbill tribe were very anxious. The second elder simply went to the sub-helm of the **** of death and waited there every day.

Grim Reaper said at the beginning that Lu Li was not their giant, and they could not contact Lu Li. After waiting for more than a month, after the second elder went in person, the sub-rudder master on the death side came out, saying that he could find a way to contact Lu Li, help the rhino ape side to make peace, and turn the Gan Ge into a jade.

The sub-rudder master came out, and the second elder saw hope. He also understood that Lu Li would definitely have talks, but if he wasn't prepared to talk so easily, he would definitely have to kill one pass first, vent his anger, and also put pressure on them.

So the two elders called back to let the strong men of the tribe go back, and Lu Li killed him if he wanted to kill, and destroyed him if he wanted to destroy the city. As long as the elders are not killed, the common people and some of the sergeants second elders are not distressed at all. He lived in the sub-rudder of death, waiting for news every day, his humility was extreme, and he almost knelt to the sub-rudder of the death.

Grim Reaper is the master of the rudder. He perfectly executed Lu Li's order, dragging the second elder and letting go.

For example, three months ago, it was not impossible to say that Lu Li said that it was necessary to negotiate. Two months ago, Lu Li rumored to let the rhino ape ...

The rhinoceros group opened a lot of conditions, but Lu Li continued to kill him. Words came to show that the rhinoceros group had no sincerity. The second elder can only continue to add weight, Lu Li also said that he would consider it, and then continue to kill.

The second elder was speechless. What did Lu Li do? What do you want to say directly, why is it necessary to force them into despair?

The helm on the death side has recently raised his eyebrows and exhaled, and the news passed back to the headquarters of the death god, and the death **** was all excited. Lu Li was silent for decades without any news, which worries death. The strong factions of the Lu Li faction are a little shaken. If there is no news from Lu Li, it is estimated that they will change the court and invest in the other giants.

Now Lu Li has come out and started the arrogant massacre again, they are naturally excited and honored.

Death also spread the news of Lu Li on the side of Tianran Star Field, and many warriors on the side of Tianran Star Field also felt light on their faces. Lu Li is a warrior in the sky disorder star field. He killed the sky star field some time ago, and now he kills the sky star field, and feels that the rhino ape family will be suppressed by him again. This is the pride of the sky disorder star field.

Of course, there are still some people who are deeply afraid of it. Don't look at Lu Li's saying that he was detached from the **** of death. The people of the Lu family were all in Tianyue City. If he wanted to provoke the **** of death, he knew that the tribe and the rhino ape were their end.

Lu League was most excited. Lu Ling had previously blocked the news, and the general Lu League children did not know. Lu Li was trapped for decades, and Lumeng added tens of thousands of disciples, all of whom were transported from the side of the Middle Kingdom. After these disciples came over, they didn't hear anything from Lu Li, and they heard a lot of rumors that they were flustered and thought that Lu Li was dead.

The Lu League has grown rapidly, and many of the previous Lu League disciples have grown up. With a lot of resources piled up, there are various means of training for the **** of death, allowing them to make rapid progress. Although there are not many imperial ranks in the League of Nations, there are a large number of Liu Jie, and their total number reaches thousands.

These thousands of six calamities are very young, and it is estimated that there will be hundreds of breakthroughs in the emperor class in the future, and then a group of luck will break through the emperor. These are the mainstays of the future League of Legends, and are the foundation of the League of Nations in the death.

Of course, the biggest foundation of Lu League is Lu Li. Now Lu Li is safe and sound. All the disciples of Lu League are excited and practicing harder.

In the past few decades, the Lu League has broken through several emperor levels, An Luer is one, and An Luer has practiced very fast, and they have reached the middle emperor level. Many older generations in Lu Meng are ashamed. This heaven and earth fetus is really powerful. As an apprentice to Lu Li, she has unlimited resources. What she wants ...

Death is all right here, and Lu Li stopped there after half a year of killing. Because there was no infinitely powerful man approaching the Great Perfection, Lu Li killed nothing.

Killing some emperors and emperors in the army will not bring too much damage to the rhino apes, nor will they bring a sense of accomplishment to Lu Li.

Lu Li stopped, and began to send a message to let the **** of death's sub-rudder master negotiate on his behalf. The core of the negotiation is resources, the more the better.

Treasures, magic medicine, cheats, monuments, gods ... It ’s about cultivation, or rare treasures are better.

Lu Li passed a word to the death, squeezing until the rhinoceros could not accept it.

The rhinoceros is now a pig and sheep to be slaughtered, and because he is so troubled, the situation of the rhinoceros being strong and dry has been exposed. Can't live, sooner or later it will be destroyed. Don't blackmail them now, there will be no chance of blackmail in the future.

The elder elder over there was instructed by Lu Li to start negotiations. He did not open the conditions and let the second elder open. The second elder Luo listed a lot of conditions, and the Lord of the Gods accepted it, but said that it was not enough, and continued to add.

The two elders can only continue to add, and add to add, those resources are comparable to the accumulation of an ordinary clan for thousands of years, this sub-rudder master is still not satisfied.

In the end, the second elder made the sub-rudder lord offer a price, and the sub-rudder lord said a word, so the second elder almost jumped up: "The price you opened before, all ten times. Lord Lu said, this time you told him Caused great harm, if you are not sincere, then he will go to the king of the Rut tribe and unite to destroy your rhinoceros ... "

"Ten times? Impossible, no!"

The second long tiger was angry and shouted: "If we turn ten times, all of our rhinoceros' stocks are gone. What do we eat?"

The sub-rudder master smiled, held up the tea cup and said, "If you don't eat, don't drink, you won't die. If you don't give it ... it will definitely die!"

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