The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3651: See a play

The great consummation of Fengshen Temple and the Beacon Pavilion did not come out at all, so the great conquest did not erupt, nor did they go to occupy the Ziyun Realm, but mobilized the army to fly directly to the Heiyang Realm. They tortured out the situation, and it was clear that the side of the Fengshen Temple was teleported to the side of Heiyang Realm.

The Tong people did not panic at all, it didn't matter where the temple was teleported, and the monk could not run the temple. Could it be that they don't even have the main interface? All it takes is killing the past, as long as their main force is destroyed, the rest of his affairs will be simple.

The warship flew at full speed, but only reached the Heiyang Realm within two days. They surrounded the Heiyang Realm again, and scouted for mobilization inward. After detecting that there was indeed an army inside, the army began to mobilize, and I went in most of them at once, and the strong also went in most.

Instead of rushing to attack this time, they started camping. This time, the Tong people are going to investigate clearly, and then leave all the powerful people of Fengshen Temple and Death God in one breath. They have to investigate all the layout of the **** pattern circle, and the mistake of Ziyun Realm cannot be committed.

After some investigation, the Tong people found that there was a **** pattern layout in the Fengshen Temple camp. Do they want to reapply the tricks? Want to use part of the army to drag the army and strong here?

Now that they have been detected, it is impossible for them to be fooled. The high-level Tong people have discussed it and decided to mobilize all the troops to surround the temple. When attacking, destroy the Divine Pattern Array first, so that the powerful and military forces that seal the temple and the **** of death have nowhere to run.

Lu Li came to Heiyang Realm early, and also confirmed the arrangement with Xue Linger. After seeing the strong people of Tong and Xianyu coming in, he was overjoyed. The big camp here is set at the center point of the Blood Linger array. There are some **** patterns near the camp, which are all blindfolds. No one can see the real powerful **** pattern unless Dachen comes in to investigate.

The great consummation of Fengshen Temple and Beacon Pavilion was outside, and their figures were revealed. Therefore, the great consummates of the Tong ethnic group must be on guard outside, and they are not bothered to participate in the war below. After all, there are more powerful people who are close to the great consummation on the Tong ethnic side than those who seal the temple and death.

Lu Li lurked nearby. He didn't pay attention to the rest of the matter, but stared at the battlefield of the Heiyang World. The battle was extremely crucial. Decided the reversal of the overall war situation, but also decided the fate of the temple and death. If this battle fails, the future of the Allies is worrying.

The upper levels of Fengshen Temple and Death God are also very nervous, mainly because they have no heart, Lu Li said that he has plans, but no one has seen them. Lu Li himself did not show up, and was now surrounded by the large legions. They could not escape, they had to fight to the end.

The high-level death gods are better, because Mo Huang knows that Lu Li will not leave them alone. If they all die here, none of the tribe of the Fengshen Temple will be able to run away and they will all be slaughtered. At this point, they have no choice but to fight to the end.

Lu Li inspected it and was sure that he was infallible. He entered the legal realm. He surveyed the Tianyue boundary and confirmed that there was no problem. He went to the clan and confirmed that there was no problem. He turned his eyes to this side and waited for the Tong to attack.

A day later, the Tong army attacked, and most of the army and the strong were dispatched. The army sent tens of millions. The infinitely close to the great conqueror dispatched more than two hundred, directly from four directions towards the temple camp. Coming inside.

"The enemy is attacking right away. You don't have to do anything. When you watch a movie in the camp, you don't need to pay attention to any strange situation. Leave it to me!"

Lu Li passed the message to Mo Huang through the map of the Lord God, and then he flew out and lurked into the battlefield. As he waited for the army to approach, he sent a message to Xuelinger: "Xuelinger, open the patron saint array at the camp."

Blood Linger has been lurking underground, and she has arranged a very powerful divine pattern on it, covering up all the breath below. Except for the great consummation, ordinary martial arts can't detect the situation at the ground. Lu Li gave the order, and the divine pattern over the big camp lit up, and a semi-circular mask appeared, covering all the powerful soldiers who sealed the temple and the **** of death.

The army over there did not have any commotion, thinking that this was a high-level arrangement. The high level of Fengshen Temple was scared. They didn't give any orders. Who opened the **** pattern? Fortunately, Lu Li sent a message to Mo Huang early. Mo Huang knew that this was Lu Li's handwriting. He explained it, let everyone be calm, and conveyed the meaning of Lu Li to everyone.

"Let's go to the theater?"

A group of strong men looked at each other, and even those who were infinitely close to the great consummation of the **** of death were a little aggressive, wasn't ... Lu Li prepared to fight against tens of millions of troops alone, against more than two hundred infinitely close to the great consummates? Is he going to go against the sky?


The army and strongmen such as Lu Li almost entered the area covered by the Shenwen array, and he crushed a piece of jade charm. This is the secret sign that was agreed with the Great Seal Temple, which means that they can start to work there. Lu Li needs them to conquer the Tong ethnic group and cannot allow them to interfere in the war situation inside.

"Ha ha!"

The seniors of the Tong people here saw that the guardian **** pattern was opened in the Fengshen Temple camp. This is dreaming yet. No matter how strong the **** pattern is, it needs energy to support it. Under continuous bombardment, no **** pattern shield can hold it.

Instead, because the **** pattern mask was opened over there, the alertness on this side was lowered a bit. Because their scouts are everywhere, it is certain that there are no other strong men and troops lurking here. All the strong are here, and there must be no ambush or arrangement in the rest.

In four aspects, there were millions of troops and dozens of strong men. They came up from four aspects, and soon reached outside the mask. Sergeants were everywhere. After Lu Li made sure that all of them had come in, he smiled coldly: "Xue Linger, do it!"


The ground lighted up ~ ~ Slightly vibrated, and then countless beams of light soared into the sky, constantly changing directions in the midair, intertwined with each other, over and over again, just like weaving a fishing net, turning the square tens of thousands The space inside was shrouded in.


The ground continued to shine, and beams of light continued to emerge. The beams of light emitted from the back became a long snake, which continued to be entangled with the originally intertwined beams of light, making the fishing net denser and stronger.

All this happened very quickly. The first layer of fishing nets appeared only one or two times before the army and the strong side did not respond. The fishing nets in the midair had been intertwined successfully, and the world and the sky were locked in.

"This **** pattern ..."

The strong men on the side of Xianyu changed their faces after seeing this divine pattern. The divine pattern gave them a very powerful feeling, and the technique of the divine pattern reminded them of the ancient divine pattern that had been lost for a long time.

A strong man shouted, "Everyone is going to get out of the way, we must not let this **** pattern layout succeed, otherwise we will all be trapped!"

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