In the hearts of many powerful people, the ancient and ancient times were the peak of all ethnic groups, but modern times have been going downhill. Especially after the interface of the quartet and above was destroyed, too many great consummations died, too many powerful races were destroyed, and too many powerful magical powers were destroyed.

The divine pattern reached its peak in ancient times. The powerful people of that era were full of flowers, and countless ethnic groups were trying to become stronger and use various methods to become stronger. There were too many ethnic groups in that era, and there were too many powerful people. If you don't want to be stronger, then there is no room for survival, and you will not be suppressed and bullied, and your head will not be lifted.

Many ethnic groups in all eras began to study the **** pattern. God pattern reached its peak in ancient times. At that time, the powerful **** pattern could kill the great consummation.

There is a drawback to the study of God's Pattern, which requires a lot of time, and also requires talent in this area, which requires a long period of retreat. There is another problem with Shenwen, which cannot be moved, so it is mainly used for defense, and it is very difficult to attack.

Slowly, there were fewer studies on the **** pattern, and the **** pattern began to weaken gradually. With the passage of time, many ancient clans who studied the **** pattern have also been destroyed, and many methods of the **** pattern arrangement have begun to disappear.

Shenwen is getting less and less attention, just as a supplement, not as the main cultivation direction. Therefore, the ancient **** pattern is the strongest, the ancient **** pattern is the second, and now the **** pattern is almost heaven and earth compared with the past.

Some of these strong men from Xianyu came from the fourth quarter of the day and they knew the goods. Whether or not it is an ancient divine pattern, at least the divine pattern is very powerful. If they are all trapped, they will eventually have a big problem. What did the Fengshen Temple and the Death God bring them here? There must be a picture. Now that you can arrange such a powerful sleepy array, there must be a way to arrange a powerful killing array ...

"Boom boom!"

More than two hundred Xeons bombarded the outer divine pattern array. The divine pattern formation was obviously not completely formed, but what shocked these two hundred strong persons was that so many powerful ones attacked together. The array does not have any fluctuations and is obviously unable to break, at least for a short time.

"Om ~"

Pillars of light rose up into the sky, and then became giant snakes, continuing to intertwine with the original fishing nets. This magic array became stronger and more unbreakable. At the back, all the strong men were desperate. They would never be able to break the trapped array. It is estimated that even if they were bombed for a few years, they were too strong.


The Lord of Fengshen Temple and Li Huang Mo Huang were all stunned. They knew that Lu Li had a layout, but did not expect that Lu Li had such a strong layout? Quietly laid out a **** pattern? This **** pattern is so ridiculously strong that hundreds of infinitely close to great perfection attack at the same time, can not shake a trace, is this too scary?

"Hurry up, inform the clan king to break the battle!"

The strong man over the Tong clan panicked, many strong people crushed the jade charm, this is the jade charm for emergency help. As long as the Great Success comes in, this trap can easily be broken.

When they crushed the jade charm, the entire array suddenly started to emit pink smoke. The smoke came out from the ground at a very fast speed, covering a space of tens of thousands of miles, making this side of the world looming .

"not good"

All the strong men here are panicked. The sleepy array has been set up. Now there will be no good things out of the smoke. This smoke is likely to be highly toxic. A group of strong men drank in anger, let everyone hold their breath, and don't absorb any smoke into the body. If there is defense magic, shield the smoke and block the smoke.

To the surprise of all the strong, those smoke were not poisonous, the smoke quickly poured out, and quickly filled the entire space. The smoke did not affect the mind, so the existence of smoke did not make much sense.

"What does this smoke do?"

Mo Huang Yu Huang They are inexplicable, is it just for fun? This smoke is not poisonous, nor can it isolate the divine mind. What's the use?

The next second, they all knew what the smoke was used for. The smoke was squirming and began to condense together, and soon the smoke condensed into the shape of a sword. Countless smokes condensed into a million swords. These swords shot downwards at a speed As fast as Hongguang.

"The killing is about to be released!"

The strong men of Xianyu slightly sighed. Based on their experience, it is unknown whether the strong men who are close to the great consummation this time can be kept, but it is estimated that millions of troops can't keep it.

Sure enough, the ground continued to shine, and a pink long sword flew out. The strong men of Xianyu did not remind them, but released various means to protect themselves early.


"Boom boom boom!"

The screams kept ringing, and all the sergeants stabbed by the pink long sword were directly blasted into minced meat, just like the iron-cut swords stabbed at each clay figure, and those sergeants were as easy as chickens and ducks. Was slaughtered.

"Spread, spread!"

"Dodge yourself!"

The strong Tong clan roared, but unfortunately, the roar was useless, and the pink long swords on the ground kept shooting out. After shooting above the void, they shot back again, and then shot out from the ground again. Repeatedly, the sergeants were harvested again and again.


And it was a very easy slaughter. Just a few minutes later, more than half a million troops died, and many emperors and emperors were also beheaded. The powerful men who are close to the Great Perfection have resisted several waves of attacks. They are very fast and can avoid the attacks of those swords.

"so far so good!"

The strong men of Xianyu are relieved. As long as they are safe, they do not feel bad about the death of the sergeant emperor, because it is not their ethnic group. Only the strong people of the Tong clan glowed red eyes, and their bodies were full of anger and killing.


The high level of Fengshen Temple, the high level of death and countless sergeants are shocked. This killing is too cruel. If they are not here, I am afraid that all the sergeants will die.

However, the senior members of Fengshen Temple were a little confused ~ ~ Lu Li said that they would let them watch the drama. The strong people who are close to the great consummation on the Tong side and Xianyu were not damaged. It doesn't make much sense to kill sergeants, the strong ones are fundamental. Without killing the strong, the situation remains unchanged.


After a while, the sergeants were almost dead, and a white smoke suddenly appeared from the ground. As soon as the smoke came out, the temperature of the entire space dropped by a few hundred degrees, and the blood in the air turned into blood crystals. Then, the blood flowing on the ground was instantly frozen.

"It's over!"

The strong men of Xianyu are cold all over the body, not only the body is cold, but also the heart is cold. After the cold air came out and they felt it, all of them felt desperate. This cold air was terrible. As long as they were shrouded in cold air, let alone freeze, the speed must be slowed down hundreds of times. Dodge those pink sword attacks?

The real killing is on!

The strong people of the Tong clan are also terrified. They know that if the great consummation of their ethnic group cannot be reached, they are afraid that they will all die here.

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