After the two races left, the later things were simple, and the army flew forward in a mighty manner, taking over the territory of the two races.

Lu Li has been investigating the situation of the two races, and is also tracking the strongmen of Xianyu. When he detected that the strongmen of Xianyu flew away, and two great flashes into the warship, he sweated from the back. Fortunately, he was careless and rarely showed his shape, otherwise he might have been assassinated by these two great consciences.

He thought about it and recorded the two great consummations inside the warship. At the moment, the two great consummations were summoning the strong men of the two races. Lu Li was perceived as soon as he explored them.

The two great rounds suddenly felt like two frightened hedgehogs, their hairs were erected, and at any moment they immediately began to feel the situation around them.

"call out!"

After exploring for a while, the two great conquests also flew out. The strong men in the warship were all alarmed and flew out. This scene was all recorded by Lu Li. The two great enquiries went on for a while, but found nothing. They looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

A great consummate drank, "Which friend is nearby, please show up!"

Lu Li originally wanted to withdraw his thoughts after recording. He thought for a while and whispered in his heart, "Please tell your two tribal kings, don't be Lu Mou's temper, this time it's okay. If you dare to target Lu Mou, Lu only had to kill Xianyu, and even if he died, he would have to cut a few pieces of meat from your two races. "

After Lu Li passed the sound, the divine thoughts disappeared, and the two great consummations had been exploring, but they could not trace the position of Lu Li according to the divine thoughts. The two great consciences are terrified. This innocence is too strong, right? Grand Satisfaction cannot be detected?

Lu Li was so arrogant that he made two great angers. The two great consummate instincts thought about killing back to find Lu Li, tearing Lu Li, and great consummation was insultable.

But after thinking about it, the two great endurances endured. Because the two great successes could n’t find Lu Li, and it ’s useless to go back. Could it be that they slaughtered Lu Li ’s family? Forced to leave? They can't do such a thing, and it's easy to provoke the king of the east.

"go back!"

The two great perfection waved slightly, and Lu Li ’s warning to them was still a little deterrent. The legal array arranged in the Heiyang Realm easily strangled so many powerful men who were close to the great perfection. If Lu Li really killed Going to Xianyu will have big trouble.

He has the hidden ability of anti-sky, he can't find him in the great consummation, but he can continue to assassinate the assassination of the strong of the two races, and it will be very miserable for both of them.

The two great consummations are also a little scared. They don't know the map of the Lord God, thinking that Lu Li is lurking to investigate nearby, but they can't find Lu Li, which makes them feel that Lu Li's hidden art has turned against the sky. Great consummation can't be found, so who can find Lu Li? They can't kill Lu Li, but Lu Li can kill their people, which naturally makes them afraid.

The fairyland strongman left, and no more wind and rain, Lu Li continued to monitor from a distance. After monitoring for more than ten days, it was determined that they had gone far, and Lu Li felt relieved. He explored the large interface of the sky disorder star area again, and found that there was no major problem, and then he relaxed all over.

He didn't bother about the things on the Tong and the clan sites, he went directly to the main interface of Fengshen Temple, and then used the token of Fengshen Temple to open the ultra-distance teleportation altar and teleported back to Tianyue City.

There is no need to worry too much about the latter matters. As for the division of benefits, he does not need to talk about it. Isn't Li Huang with the Lord of the Temple of God? At that time, Li Huang will go to talk, he can send a message to Mo Huang at any time. I haven't been back for so many years, and getting together with loved ones is more important to him than anything else.

Lu Li Yirong arrived and arrived at Tianyue City. He also went to Lufu in a low-key manner. The ban on the gods of Lufu was lifted, and the disciples of Lumeng were outside to guard him.

Lu Li strode forward, and the guards at the door were suddenly vigilant, because war broke out some time ago in Tianyue City, so be careful here.


The two guards stopped Lu Li, Lu Lu said with a faint smile: "My own, don't panic!"

After speaking, Lu Li's face changed, and changed to his own appearance, but changed again in the next second. The two guards took a moment to wake up and were about to kneel. Lu Li patted his shoulder and said, "Don't Blatantly, I don't want people in the city to know. "

Lu Li turned in and went in. The two guards were agitated, their bodies trembled slightly. The two guards waited for a moment before they looked at each other. One of the guards asked with excitement: "Is Emperor Lu just now? My shoulder? "


The other guard blushed and rubbed his hands, "Lu Huang also patted me, patted my shoulder!"

The two guards were thrilled. Lu Li had already entered the inner government there, and the inner government was also guarded by strong men. When Lu Li entered, he showed his physique generously. In Lu Fu, the chickens and dogs jumped suddenly, and many people in the Lu family rushed out in joy.

The Lu government feasted a feast. All the senior officials of the Lu League came over. Lu Li was also very happy, and accompany everyone to drink in the middle of the night. At night, a group of wives and children were pulled together for a night, and they talked about each other's misery.

Lu Li's return did not hide for too long, but was spread the next day. The Wing Emperor immediately came to meet him, and Lu Li let the Wing Emperor keep them secret. He didn't want to be entangled in trivial matters every day, so he finally came back. He naturally took a break to talk about it.

The Wing Emperor came over, and they obviously felt that their attitudes were different. Previously, everyone was on an equal footing, and the giants of the same level now felt that all strong men who were close to the Great Perfection had a humble attitude, more like his subordinates. And it's not a superficial attitude, but a respect from the bones.

During the battle of Heiyangjie ~ ~ Lu Li was just a legal array, which killed thousands of troops and more than 200 infinitely close to the great conquerors. In the hearts of all the strong men of death, Lu Li now has a more ferocious existence than the general perfection.

After this battle, Lu Li's influence will definitely increase greatly, not to mention death, even if the entire sky disorder star domain is a top-level existence. If Lu Li were to deal with a dominant force, he could convince them alone. He is still the lord, and he led the nine masters to win the battle, and has no prestige.

The strong gods of the gods believe that in the future, he will leave a word, as long as he does not ask too much, the rest of the ethnic group will definitely give him face. Although his leader is only temporary, secretly his prestige will be undisputed to become the first person in the sky chaos.

Proud, proud!

This is the feeling of the Emperor Wing and their infinitely close to the Great Perfection. They are also really convinced by Lu Li. Before, they might think that Lu Li is the uncrowned king, but now they feel that Lu Li and them are not a level, just like Great Perfection Infinitely close to the feeling of great perfection.

They only have respect for Lu Li, but also faint fear. Some elders who used to be too embarrassed in the past are probably not convinced. Now they are all proud of Lu Li. This is the difference.

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