The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 3656: Give them

After more than two months, the interface between the Tong and the tribe was taken down, and the tributary tribe of the Tong and tribe either surrendered, followed the two tribe, or sneaked into the ancestral land.

The clan and Tong clan also determined to go to Tianyu Starfield, the Clan of the Celestial Clan left, and this battle came to an end, and the Allied side won a great victory.

After the victory, naturally start to share the loot!

Under the proposal of a master, the top leaders of the top ten masters gathered in the main city of Fengshen Temple, and began to discuss how to divide the site. Now the Tong side ’s site is occupied by the Fengshen Temple, and the other side ’s site is occupied by the Qiangs. The two communities ’sites are next to the Fengshen Temple and the Qiangs. The rest dominates some of the borders, and some do not. Maybe you have several star fields, how many of my star fields are divided like this?

All sites must be adjusted. How to adjust them requires negotiation. Everyone wants more sites and everyone wants more benefits. How to negotiate depends on the confidence and skills of all ethnic groups.

In the main hall of Fengshen City, there were two representatives from all the major forces, both of whom were high-level, and the lowest were all two elders. The death **** hasn't come here. The emperor Li and Mo emperor represent the **** of death, and the great consummation of the Dai and Fengshen temples did not appear.

"Where is the leader of the Lu League?"

The Lord of Fengshen Temple looked at Li Huang. It would not be too chaotic to have Lu Li at this place, and Lu Li would fight with them side by side. He would definitely help them say a few words. Lu Li's words are very heavy now. Who dares to say what he said?

"do not know!"

Li Huang shook his head. He actually knew that Lu Li had gone back, but he didn't want to expose Lu Li's whereabouts. He thought about it and said, "Should he go to trace the tribe and the Tong tribe? Would you like to determine whether the two races and the fairy domain forces Really back? "

"Liu Meng's hard work!"

"Yeah, the League of Lords has worked hard and worked really hard."

A group of strong men praised each other, and a elder who dominated the rankings suddenly proposed: "The leader of the Lu League did work hard, and the husband suggested that all the clan sites be given to the **** of death for the deeds of the Lu League!"

The words of the elder calmed down the whole audience, and the atmosphere became awkward. Li Huang's eyes brightened and he was a little excited, but he calmed down quickly. This elder seems to be for death, but he has no ulterior motives.

The clan territory is very far away from the **** of death. Unless the **** of death has given up all the sites on the other side of the sky, it will not play at all.

Tianyuejie has been in business for so long, how could death give up? This elder who dominates the forces is very clever. He is afraid that the Dai and Fengshen Temple will rob most of the interests, and he will take Lu Li as a shield and suppress the Dai and Fengshen Temple first.

The Lord of the Fengshen Temple and the Elder of the Dai Nationality are a little embarrassed. This time, the two families and the **** of death contributed the most. They naturally wanted to get the most benefits.

Give up all clan sites to death? How is this possible? The territory of the tribe occupied the territory of the Dai tribe that year, and it was the richest in the entire Tianran star domain, and the Dai tribe has long followed.

Of course, the Dai people were embarrassed to raise it directly, and the Lord of the Temple of Fengshen Temple paused and said with a smile: "If the **** of death is willing to give up the original site, I have no opinion here, and all the clan sites are given to the **** of death."

A group of strong men set their sights on Li Huang. Li Huang paused and said, "No, the site beyond Tianyuejie cannot be allowed."

"Ha ha!"

The attitude of Emperor Li immediately caused dissatisfaction with a dominating force. He glanced at Li Huang and said, "Li Huang, what do you mean when you cross the boundary of the heavens, you want it, and you also want the tribe's place? Your appetite is so big, not afraid to support Arrived? Have you asked the emperor about this matter? What about death ... can you be the master? "

The emperor Li was angry and suddenly got up and said: "Yu old ghost, what do you mean? Death ca n’t decide this thing? Do you dare despise this seat?"

"Of course not!"

Yu Laogui smiled quietly and said, "This seat is for you to ask the Emperor Lu, are you sure you want to swallow such a large area? Can you eat it?"

Another elder dominating the power also said: "The top ten dominating alliances have resisted the enemy, and each of the major dominators has exerted great efforts. Now there are two sites in total, and the **** of death wants one alone. This is a bit too much, right? Everyone does n’t have to eat. You can't drink a bite of soup, Li Huang, are you too overbearing? "

The deputy chief of Beacon Pavilion said: "I don't think this is what Emperor Lu meant, but it is what Emperor Li himself meant? I think you still want to ask Emperor Lu's meaning."

"Yeah, yeah! You can't be the master of Li Huang, please go and ask for advice!"

Four of the nine masters have spoken. They are obviously provocative inside and out, and they seem to be angering Emperor Li. In his voice, he indicates that he cannot represent the **** of death. He is not a character and needs Lu Li to decide.

Emperor Li was always the No. 1 giant of death and the boss of death. He once thought that death was him and he was death. Now being smitten among the major forces, he couldn't bear this breath.

At the moment he patted the table and said, "No need to ask, this seat can represent the **** of death. We need the **** of death in this place. What's wrong?"

In Li's view, the death of the fighting clan and Tong clan played a decisive role. If it's not death, don't say that the top ten masters are discussing sub-areas here, for fear that many will be destroyed?

Now that we have won, the major forces have actually joined forces to target death? Crossing the river and breaking the bridge so fast, can you keep him from getting angry?

Mo Huang felt that something was wrong. The major forces felt that they were running against Li Huang together? This is very abnormal. Lu Li is the leader of the alliance. This time, he has made great achievements. The major masters are not grateful, even dare to join forces against death? What are they going to do?

Mo Huang groaned for a while, and soon figured it out!

Lu Li's credit is too great this time. If the credit is divided according to the credit, the clan's territory will be exaggerated. The problem is that if the clan is given death, the rest of the dominant forces will definitely not be willing.

Especially the lower ranking forces, they are afraid that the soup will not have to drink. So they retreat to advance, and then deliberately provoked Li Huang? Take up Li first? If Lu Li turned around, there would still be room for manoeuvre, wouldn't he?

Moreover, the gods of death occupy the territory of the tribe, the Dai and Fengshen Temple must be unwilling, then the Dai and Fengshen Temple must be united with them, and then they will isolate the **** of death together. Lu Li can not resist the nine masters?

Mo Huang quickly summoned to Li Huang, who must not be fooled, but Li Huang was angry at the moment, how could he hear it? Angered like a second sister-in-law.

Feng Shendian and the Dai people were unwilling. When they were about to say something, a voice suddenly rang out in the hall: "What's wrong? Is the war just over? Are we ready to join forces to deal with our death? In this case, Li Huang Mo Huang, you can bring your team back, we don't need this place, let them! "

This voice sounded without warning in the hall ~ ~ It was very calm and looked like an old friend chatting. But when I heard this voice, the whole hall suddenly quieted down, and all the strong men sat subconsciously, because the voice was ... Lu Li.

Li Huang and Mo Huang were also surprised. Isn't Lu Li in Tianyue City? Why are you here quietly? However, Li Huang and Mo Huang did not question Lu Li's words. Although Li Huang was still upset, Lu left the mouth, and he did not dare to say anything.

"Hum, go!"

Li Huang gave a cold hum and turned away, and Mo Huang sneered and glanced at the audience, and strode away. Without waiting for the powerful men to stay, Li Huang and Mo Huang have stepped out of the hall and disappeared into the sight of the powerful men.

The whole scene was still dead, but the uneasiness in the eyes of all the strong was very obvious. The weaker dominating powers even sweated on their foreheads, and their hearts were trembling.

Lu Li seems angry?


PS: Four chapters tomorrow.

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