
With a roar, the black box burst open, and the Hulk rushed towards Moria.

“Shadow Mage!”

Moria’s shadow avatar appeared in front of him, and the Hulk punched it, but it was defended.

Moriah also rushed out of the collapse and chased after Jinping.

The Hulk grabbed Kippin and Robin and chased after them.

When Hulk chased him to the edge of the island, Jinping had already arrived, and said proudly: “When you get to the sea, you will not be my opponent!” ”

Jinping jumped into the sea.

“Water heart! The current falls over the shoulder! ”

Jinping throws the sea water out like a human, causing a huge wave to sweep towards the Hulk.


The waves crashed the Hulk, and the ground cracked.

The Hulk roared and jumped into the sea.

Seeing Hulk rush into the sea, he was shocked: “Not a Devil Fruit ability?” ”

“But, Hulk, you’re finished!”

“Five thousand watts fist!”

In the sea, the power of Jinping will be maximized!


The punch was thrown out, and the surrounding sea water was emptied.

The Hulk punched out, slammed, and flew out upside down in the sea, setting off a backward wave on the surface of the sea.

Moria sneered, “Hey, hee, hee… Dare to follow the sea of Jinping, Hulk, it seems that he is just a guy with developed limbs and a simple mind. ”

The Hulk roared and rushed forward, and the figure broke through the water in front of him and punched out.

“Seven thousand watts right fist!”


The two clashed their fists, and a huge wave was set off on the sea above.


The Hulk was smashed back again, and in the water, the power of the Hulk was partially offset by the seawater, and the power of Jinping was not only not canceled, but improved.

“I am invincible in the sea!” Pretty believable.

Hulk roared in his heart: “The Hulk is invincible!” No matter where! ”

Looking at the Hulk as if he didn’t know the pain and didn’t know the tiredness, he rushed again furiously, and he was not afraid.

“Yuwa Zhengfist!”

Jinping used the strength of his whole body, and with a punch, the sea surface rushed to the island, setting off a height of 100 meters.

Moriah hurriedly stepped back.

“Is this the real strength of Jinping, he

“Hey, hee, hee… Fight, when you both lose, your shadow will be mine! When the time comes, I will definitely be able to defeat Kaido! ”

The two fists collided, and the power of this punch was terrifying, and it also hit the blood hole in the Hulk’s palm, which was even more painful.


The anger in Hulk’s heart grew bigger and bigger, and he punched out.

“Seven thousand watts right fist!”


Colliding again, the color of the plane is shocking, because the power of the Hulk suddenly increases!


Jinping was smashed to the bottom of the sea, and after a few breaths, he smashed into the bottom of the sea, smashing out a deep pit.

Jinping was surprised: “Could it be… Does his power rise with anger? ”

The Hulk rushed over, and said coldly: “Although it is a little incredible, but, Hulk, it’s over!” ”

A water ball several times larger than before condensed in Jinping’s palm.

“Fishman empty-handed, Wu Laiguan!”

The water balloon rushed out violently, and the surrounding sea receded, making way for a path.


The water ball hit the Hulk, and the Hulk flew directly into the air.


The Hulk was smashed out of the sea and flew high into the air.

Robin’s face changed: “Brother Hulk! ”

Watching the Hulk being smashed into the air at a height of 10,000 meters, Moria sneered: “Hey hee… Is it solved? ”

Moriah looked at Robin: “Cut off your shadow first.” ”

Moriah approached Robin, and a huge spider sprang out, with a monkey-like head, and the spider silk spit out, entangled Robin.

Robin fell to the ground, and Moria’s black hand reached for Robin’s shadow.

At this moment, Moriah suddenly felt that his mouth was suffocated, and a cold, furious aura suddenly suffocated him, and a thick fear surged in his heart. And at this moment, a half-human, half-beast roar descended from the sky like nine heavenly thunder:

“Moria!!! Dare to move her… I’ll send you to hell!!! ”

The Hulk’s roar shook the entire terrifying three-masted sailing ship, and the killing aura generated by the fury made everyone fall into an ice cellar, and the whole body couldn’t help but snort.

Moriah felt a pressure force, slowly raised his head, touched the Hulk falling from the sky, touched the fierce gaze, Moria’s body was trembling.


The Hulk punched down from the sky, and Moria’s shadow blocked in front of Moria, blocking the terrifying blow.

Jinping in the sea, looking at the Hulk, his Hun has been smashed out of a blood hole by the water ball just now, but why did the injury have no effect on him, but it became more terrifying!

Under the impact of anger, the injured Hulk did not feel the slightest pain and exhaustion. His blood, blood, and soul are all impulses to kill!

The Hulk let out a roar, “Moriah!!! Jinping !!! ”

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