Jinping and Moria were horrified in their hearts: “What kind of monster is this, is it undead?” ”

The Hulk kept bombarding Moriah, and Moria kept backing away.

Pulling Moriah and Robin far apart, the Hulk rushed into the sea, constantly attacking Jinping.

Jinping found that his strength was no match for the Hulk, and he was sure in his heart: “This Hulk, the angrier he is, the stronger he is!” ”


Jinping was shocked, and the Hulk shook, grabbed Jinpei’s collar, and then rushed out of the sea.


With a sharp flick of his right arm, he threw Jinping directly on the shore, smashing out a deep pit.

Bang bang bang….

The Hulk landed on the ground and smashed Jinping continuously, and blood splattered everywhere.

After a minute of beating, Jinping was already scarred all over his body and could not stand up.


Suddenly, a light turned on, and Moria appeared behind him.

The Hulk was just about to rush when Moriah’s shadow blocked the Hulk.

Moriah’s black hand reached for the very flat shadow on the ground, and then grabbed the shadow and pulled it out, making a sound like tearing strips of cloth.

The severely injured even plane looked low: “Moria… What are you doing…”


Even if he wanted to resist at this moment, it was impossible.


The moment Jinping’s shadow was torn off, Jinping fainted, and Jinping’s shadow struggled in Moria’s hands.

Moriah’s shadow blocked the Hulk, and Moriah lifted up and rushed to the top of the castle.

Moriah would not let Jinping die, otherwise it would be useless to get the shadow.


Soon, the castle began to shake.

Moriah said excitedly: “Oz, the two people you have on your arm, go ahead, kill them.” ”

“Yes, Lord Moria.”


The castle was smashed open, a huge figure jumped out, the dust dispersed, and the color of the base plane changed.

“It’s so big…”

A height of one hundred meters, crimson skin, two long white feet on the forehead, and golden hair.

This is Majin Oz.

Oz saw the Hulk and Robin, and then at the two bounty orders on his arm.

“Found it.”

Oz’s huge arm burst out: “Five thousand watts fist!” ”

This fist is much larger than the Hulk, and before the fist falls, the ground begins to crack sensationally.


The Hulk kicked the soles of his feet, rushed up, and punched out.


The two fists collided, and with a whoosh, the Hulk fell to the ground, smashing out a deep pit. Oz, on the other hand, did not take a step back.

Kiping was shocked: “This move is very flat!” What’s going on! ”


Hulk’s whole body ached from this punch, roared, and rushed out of the pit.

Oz said, “Little no, not dead.” ”

Robin was very worried, and at this time, Moriah laughed and said, “Hey, heehee… Oz, the strongest warrior! Hulk, die! ”

“Oz…” Robin seemed to have heard it there, and his face immediately changed: “Could it be the Majin Oz who moved the country a long time ago?”

The Hulk rushed over and punched Oz in the head, and Oz’s head jerked down, shaking the Hulk to the ground.

Seeing that the Hulk was easily knocked down by Oz, Kiping was worried: “The shadow of the sea hero Jinping, coupled with this giant, the power is stronger, can Uncle Hulk fight it.” ”

“Muscular palm!”

Oz kicked his feet sharply, jumped like a cannonball, and jumped thousands of meters high!

Kiping was shocked: “It’s so huge, it can jump so high!” ”

Oz fell and said in a deep voice: “Flatten you!” ”

Oz was like a mountain pressed down, and Kiping broke out in a cold sweat: “It’s over!” ”

The Hulk rushed to Kiping, threw Kippin away, and landed in the sea.


Oz fell, and the entire terrifying three-masted schooner shook.

Oz stood up: “Squashed.” ”

However, on the ground, the Hulk protected Robin under him, and Robin was not injured.

Picking up Robin, the Hulk put Robin on the ship, then jumped sharply, hissing and jumping onto Oz’s head, his fists constantly bombarding.

Oz stretched out his right hand and slammed it towards his head, and the Hulk jumped out in a flash.

The Hulk jumped out, and Oz locked his eyes on the Hulk in the air and punched out.

“Seven thousand watts right fist!”



The Hulk fell to the ground, smashing out a deep pit, and Oz grabbed the deep pit and grabbed the Hulk in his hand.

Hulk’s head was exposed, and his body was held tightly upside down by Oz.

“Go and die, little one.”


Oz’s right hand slammed down, constantly hammering the ground, and Hulk’s head constantly touched the ground, smashing deeper and deeper pits.

After smashing dozens of times, Oz stopped: “Let’s die now.” ”

However, Hulk roared, jerked hard, gradually stretched Oz’s fist, and then jumped out and slammed into Oz’s jaw.


Oz fell backwards from this punch.

Moriah was shocked: “Isn’t this all dead, is his life force stronger than Kaido’s bastard?” ”

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