
"...Takahashi Yashichiro."


"twenty four."


"Male...brother, could you please ask me what exactly I have committed?"

In the small dark room, looking at the black suit and black trousers in front of him, and the black sunglasses, Takahashi Yashichiro, who was forcibly abducted here and was so frightened that his calves were shaking, finally couldn't help but asked cautiously.

"You...maybe you kidnapped the wrong person?"

As a light novel writer and an otaku, Takahashi Yashichiro's daily life is actually quite simple. In addition to taking a routine walk outside for inspiration, he also stays in a rented house and works hard to catch up on manuscripts. His social circle can be said to be small. Pitiful.

But today, just as he was going out to throw away garbage as usual, at a corner, a black van drove up to him quite unexpectedly and stopped.

Opening the door, serving people, putting towels in, bagging... the whole set of actions was done in one go, and in just three seconds the kidnapping of him, a light novel writer, was completed.

When he opened his eyes, he was horrified to find that he was already in this small dark room. In front of him, two sturdy men in black suits were looking at him with malicious expressions, and they seemed to have weapons in their hands. With a small leather whip...

Obviously, he accidentally provoked a gangster.

But just when he was racking his brains to think about when he had offended these murderous people, these guys in front of him started to question him in great detail as if they were business-like. Depending on the situation, these It seemed that they had kidnapped him specifically to check his household registration. They even seemed to want to trace his ancestors back to seven or eight generations... He racked his brains for a long time and couldn't figure out the meaning of these questions. Where exactly.

"Shakugan no Shana, you wrote this light novel, right?"

Without any intention of answering his question, the man in the black suit in front of him took out a light novel from behind and placed it in front of him with a solemn expression.

"Also, according to the illustrator's explanation, the modification suggestions for the above illustrations were also made by you?"

"Uh, yes, yes..."

In an instant, Takahashi Yashichiro became even more confused.

"Why was such a character designed?"

With a cold face, the black suit slammed the table with his hand.

"Tell me the truth, where did the inspiration come from?"

Takahashi Yashichiro: "……"

... He suddenly suspected that the black suits in front of him were sent by the publishing house at home to mess with him.

After looking at the black suit in front of him and the pistol inserted into the opponent's waist, Takahashi Yashichiro answered honestly after a moment of silence.

"I had a dream about this character. It was precisely because I had this character first that I had such a story. In fact, things like inspiration largely come from..."

Before he could finish speaking, the man in the black suit placed a piece of scratch paper and a pen in front of him.

Just when he looked up at the other person in confusion, wondering what kind of medicine the other person was selling in the gourd, he suddenly heard an answer that made him feel a little heartbroken.

"Write, you are not allowed to go out until you finish writing this draft today."

Takahashi Yashichiro: "???"

...He suddenly felt that this might be the most hard-core reminder in history.



Looking at the research report presented by the crow in his hand, Uesugoshi couldn't help but look a little surprised.

"Hidden bloodline, although it is said that there is dragon blood, but the internal proportion is quite small. Basically, it can be regarded as an ordinary person."

He stretched out his hand to hold his eyes on the bridge of his nose, and the crow spoke seriously.

"About a month and a half ago, the eldest lady rescued the other party from the hands of a violent Deadpool. It may have been at that time that the eldest lady's heroic appearance in the battle was imprinted in the other party's mind... Although there were things that happened after that. Hypnosis induction processing, but the scene was still remembered by the other party in the form of a dream."

There are quite a few people in the Sheqi family, especially the Executive Bureau, who have seen Mu Qingzhi in action.

Among these people, as long as one person buys this light novel, which has been widely praised as soon as it is released, the light novel will spread rapidly internally through viral marketing, and it will not be difficult for it to reach the ears of Uesugoshi.

My Tsukuyomi fate, the underworld eldest daughter of the Uesugi family, was actually written into a light novel. Not only the appearance, but even the fighting method was almost 100% restored. How could Takahashi Yashichiro, the original author, be able to Stay out of it?

"...What do you think?"

After thinking for a moment, Uesugi Yue looked at Uesugi Zhi beside him.

"Hmm... you have a good imagination?"

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi looked up and looked serious.

"Xia Na is very handsome. I like it very much. When will the next book be released?"

Uesugoshi: "..."

"What I mean is, should we ban the publication of this light novel?"

Putting down the document report in his hand, Uesugi seemed a little helpless.

"Your appearance and fighting methods have all been leaked. This is actually a big secret..."

"Light novels are just light novels. Although I also use swords and flames, it is completely different from what is described above, right?"

Spreading his hands, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"And besides, after reading this light novel, do some people really think that I am some kind of Fire Mist Warrior, and that I can also open a seal? Don't forget, my Zhidian Zhe is in It will glow golden in a dark environment!!”

With her head held high, Mu Qingzhi looked proud.

"Who says no one believes it? Eri Yi is just like..."

After coughing a few times, Uesugi looked away.

"Let's do this, send someone to acquire that publishing house, and the Sheqi Eight Family will be fully responsible for the release and subsequent development plans of this light novel."

They discovered it a bit late. By the time they discovered this, the light novel had already been sold in the market. Coupled with the popularity of the Internet, it would be a bit cover-up if they really wanted to completely recycle or delete the content of this new novel. .

Since the original owner didn't mind, Uesugoshi naturally didn't want to say anything, so he simply brought the author and the publishing house under his control... or in other words, protected him.

For example, like this time, if they had moved a little slower, the uncertain Yashichiro Takahashi would have been kidnapped by the Menggui...

——If you want to ask who the fierce ghosts hate the most, Uesugi Zhi, who is Tsukiyomi, definitely ranks first.

"By the way, old man, tomorrow is Eri's birthday. Will you come over then?"

As if remembering something, Mu Qingzhi raised her head from the light novel in her hand and looked at Uesugi Yue in front of her.

"At noon in the villa, I invited some people over to prepare a birthday party for Eri."

"...Just wait until evening. I have time at night."

After thinking for a moment, Uesugoshi smiled and shook his head.

"Since it's an event for you young people, you might feel a little nervous if I, an old man, go there, so you won't go there. Do you need me to send you some chefs?"

"No, we will have someone to cook by then. If we hire a chef, the party will be meaningless."

After waving her hands, Mu Qingzhi stood up from the sofa.

"Okay, since there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first... By the way, there's one more thing."

Suddenly he remembered something and turned to look at Shangyue. Mu Qingzhi had a serious look on his face.

"If you finish the second volume, remember to have someone print it out in advance and send it to your home. Eriki and I are waiting to read it."

Uesugoshi: "..."

PS: Morning...

I guess there are only two updates today. After finishing the first update at three o'clock in the morning, my stomach suddenly hurt badly. Then I went to the hospital for a check-up at six o'clock and the pain continued until nine o'clock.

Then I got the result that it was a complication half a year after the appendicitis surgery, and I could only endure it...

There will be another update before 12 o'clock.

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