The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 105 Eriyi’s birthday party (Part 1)

Since it had been decided to hold a lively birthday party for Eliyi, Mu Qingzhi went out early the next morning.

Originally, she thought she was already very early, but she didn't expect that Mai Shutoku was even earlier than her. When she arrived at the agreed place, Mai Shutoku was already waiting there.

Although she is the same age as Shutoku Aki, but unlike Shutoku Aki who still has the youthfulness of a high school student, Shutoku Mai is obviously more mature than her sister.

Her shoulder-length black hair is as smooth and soft as the finest silk. The black belted windbreaker perfectly outlines her graceful figure. Her slender waist is so slender that you can’t help but grasp it. Coupled with her extremely conspicuous long black silk legs...this At that time, Mai Shutoku already had a faint smell of beauty and misfortune.

"You're dressed like this..."

Looking up and down at Jiude Mai in front of her, Mu Qingzhi had a strange look on her face.


Closing the light novel in her hand and slightly raising her eyebrows, Mai Shutoku looked at her.

"No...are you really not cold?"

Mu Qingzhi subconsciously tightened the scarf tied around her neck. Mu Qingzhi, who was wearing a knee-length black coat, looked like she was looking at a fool.

"The temperature has dropped again today, and it will probably snow again later. I'll probably freeze you when I go back..."

"As a mixed race, this level of low temperature is nothing."

——Interrupting her words, Mai Shutoku spoke with a faint tone.

"Uh... can't I care about you? It's getting cold, so it's best to put on a pair of long johns... Hey, hey, wait for me!!"

Because the New Year is approaching, the festive atmosphere on the streets has become more intense, and the temperature has also dropped further.

She didn't know what she said that offended the other party. During the subsequent purchasing process, Mu Qingzhi found that Mai Jiude had a dark face and didn't speak at all, as if she was sulking.

"Well, is it snowing?"

After walking out of the vegetable market with a lot of vegetables in hand, Mu Qingzhi raised her head as if feeling something, and looked up at the sky.

In December 2001, snowflakes fell from the sky.

When she returned to the villa with Mai Shutoku, Minamoto and Minamoto had already gotten up and were busy decorating the living room. Eri was still in bed because she played games too late last night. Couldn't get up.

After rejecting Yuan Zongnu's self-recommendation with a firm tone and an amiable smile, Mu Qingzhi put on her apron and rolled up her sleeves, and walked into the kitchen with the air of a famous chef.

Just when Mai Shutoku was shocked that the other party could actually cook, she packed up her things and walked into the kitchen to help. She happened to see someone holding a spatula, a lid and a piece of fish jumping around in the pan. The shocking scene of the fish hitting back and forth...

Mai Shutoku: "......"

Just as she was contemplating whether to expel the troublemaker in front of her from the kitchen, the doorbell rang.

With a carefully selected gift in hand, Jiude Aki finally arrived belatedly after her sister. She took the spatula and apron from Mu Qingzhi's hands with some laughter and laughter. She took over the important duties of the cook without hesitation.

There is no way, Yuan Zhisheng can only fry eggs, and Yuan Zhisheng can not only fry eggs, but also teach others to fry eggs.

Although Mai Shutoku is barely qualified for the position of cook, most of her energy is spent on her skills and spiritual training, and she cannot compare with her younger sister who is becoming an increasingly virtuous wife and mother in terms of craftsmanship...

Tens of minutes later, Crow and Sakurai Kogure arrived together.

Sakurai Kogure silently went to the kitchen to get started, while Crow became the most useful coolie very diligently, and together with Minamoto and Minamoto, they were busy decorating the living room.

Various balloons, decorative ribbons, various toys and dolls were placed on the sofa. The atmosphere could be said to be quite lively for a while... Eriyi was in this noisy atmosphere. Among them, he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and walked downstairs in a daze.

Looking at the lively and bustling living room in front of her, Eriyi was stunned for a moment. Then she drove out when she saw the slogan specially customized by Crow to celebrate her birthday and the boy in the center of the living room. When she went to retrieve the extra large layer cake, her eyes immediately lit up.

When she was with the Menggui people, her mentor actually celebrated her birthday, but at that time it was just her and her mentor, plus a small birthday cake on the table.

The instructor would clap her hands and sing happy birthday to her, and then smile and urge her to make a wish and blow out the candles... Those were one of the few good memories she had.

So she actually had certain expectations for her birthday. The reason why she slept so late yesterday was precisely because of this nervous psychological factor.

But she never thought that one day, her birthday would become so... lively.

"Okay, stop looking, it's still too early to eat cake."

After blinking at Eli Yi who was standing blankly in front of him, Mu Qingzhi stepped forward and took her hand.

"Come on, I'll take you up to wash up and change into new clothes."

Eriki's room was individually decorated and filled with various dolls and toys, most of which were missing birthday gifts from Minamoto no Najime in previous years.

It can be said that now, Eriyi is the only family pet in their family. Not to mention toys and those big Rilakkuma dolls, Eriyi's new clothes can't even fit in the closet...

Shortly after Mu Qingzhi took Huiliyi upstairs, the three retainers of Yuan Zhisheng finally arrived belatedly. Because it was the first time to officially visit their young master’s home and the other party’s family, in addition to Except for Yabuki Sakura, who had no idea about this, the other two were all very nervous.

This is the young master's house. They may even meet the legendary Tsukiyomi during this trip. How can they suppress the excitement in their hearts?

For today's visit, Yasha was so excited and nervous that he stayed up all night. Before dawn, he got up from the bed and carefully selected his outfit for the day.

For example, right now, he is dressed in a suit and leather shoes. Yesterday afternoon, he specially spent money to get a look. He looks dignified, human-like and dog-like... The adjective behind is his own. Self-evaluation.

But just after Yasha rang the doorbell with anxiety and nervousness, the scene inside made him stunned.

The person who opened the door for him was not the young master, but a thin guy wearing glasses, with tape and balloons stuck to his body funny, and his hair was messy.

"Who are you……"

"Yaksha, right? Hello, I'm Crow, please come in."

After a moment of daze, the Crow reacted and quickly got out of the way with a smile.

"You came just in time, we are short of help here."

Yaksha: "......"

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Currently due for updates, it is still 42

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