The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 106 Eriyi’s birthday party (Part 2)

At a very fast speed, Yasha blended into the atmosphere of the party.

It was obviously the first time they met, but for some reason, Yasha inexplicably felt a sense of intimacy with the guy named Crow.

The two of them have the same interests and hobbies, can talk about many topics, and have similar personalities. So after a while, he and each other became good brothers who talk about everything.

Yasha was very emotional about this.

It's just that unlike him, who quickly became familiar with others, Yabuki Sakura seems a little out of place because she grew up in Afghanistan. Although it was said that she was brought back by people sent by the Fuma family, until now, she has not She only knows some simple conversations, and she doesn't understand slightly more complicated exchanges at all.

When Yasha and Crow were holding each other's arms and telling cold jokes, she stood on the edge in a daze like an outsider. The gorgeous clothes she wore specially for this party looked like they were placed on her body. Just like the dummies in the shopping mall, there is an obvious mismatch.

In the end, Yuan Zhisheng couldn't stand it anymore and pulled her into the kitchen to help her. Only then could she find some meaning for her existence.


He raised his head and looked at Sakurai Yabuki and Minamoto who came into the kitchen to help. After thinking for a moment, Sakurai Kogure withdrew from the kitchen.

But just when she was about to help blow up the balloons, a young man with a gentle and bright smile on his face stood in front of her. When she looked up at him with some doubts, the words that came out of the young man's mouth made her... He stood there unconsciously.

"Sister, long time no see."

"...A Ming?"

After staring at the boy in front of him for a long time, Sakurai Kogure finally called him by his name in an unbelievable tone.

Sakurai Akira, her half-brother, her last impression of her brother always stayed on the day when they were put into two cars respectively when they were five years old.

——When the other party was put into the car, someone looked at her in panic and asking for help.

Like her sister, the other party is also a ghost with unstable blood.

Since he is a ghost, he must either escape and join the fierce ghosts, or he must remain harmless in that prison until he is monitored until he is 40 years old. Apart from these two options, there should be no third option.

She was able to obtain the currently restricted freedom because her eldest lady's plea allowed her to get special approval from the parents, but what about the other party? Why does the other party have such restricted freedom like her?

"Not long ago, the eight Sheqi families developed a drug that can convert dangerous bloodlines into safe bloodlines. Your brother is the first batch of voluntary experimenters."

I don't know when I walked up to them, and while wrapping tape on my hands, Minamoto Girl smiled and started talking.

"In the past few years, your brother's evaluation has always been the best, so he got this opportunity. After my sister's recommendation, my brother finally chose him as his retainer."

"The medicine..."

As if thinking of something, he turned to look at Minamoto Girl next to him. There was a slight tremor in Sakurai Kogure's words.

"Although the cost is high and large-scale mass production is impossible, it is still no problem to use it as a supply in a small area. Students in those special schools, if they perform well, will have a chance to be reborn, and they will no longer be It’s all meaningless like you did before.”

With a smile on her face, Yuan Jingnu handed over a gift box she had prepared in advance.

"My sister asked me to give this to you. She said that based on your previous performance at school and your silent efforts over the past month, you are qualified to receive this thing."


After a long silence, he took the box, lowered his eyes, and spoke in a low voice.

"It's okay. If you want to thank me, just thank my sister. I'm just the person responsible for delivering the message."

She reached out and scratched her cheek, Yuan Zhennu felt a little embarrassed.

"I can feel that you are actually a very gentle and delicate person. You might as well smile more in the future... By the way, I still have something to do, so I won't disturb you siblings' reminiscing."

After saying these words, she waved to them, and Yuan Zhennu joined the battlefield in the living room again.

His brother went to the kitchen to teach Yabuki Sakura step by step. Yasha and Crow alone were not capable of such delicate arrangements, so he had to go over and help.


Watching Minamoto's leaving figure, after a moment of silence, Sakurai Kogure turned to look at the obedient boy beside her.

"Tell me about your experiences over the years."


I have to say that Shutoku Aki is quite good.

There was obviously only one person, and there were a few helpers around who would help cause trouble from time to time, but he managed to keep the entire kitchen in order.

When Mu Qingzhi came downstairs with the newly dressed Huiliyi, the living room had been basically decorated with the help of a few grown men. It was snowing outside, and there was nothing to do. So They all just sat together and played a game of ghost cards.

When dinner started at noon, Yuan Zhisheng came out of the kitchen and almost didn't recognize the two people with notes on their faces...

——Yaksha and Crow know how to survive in the workplace.

Snowflakes are flying outside, and it's warm as spring inside.

Surrounded by everyone, Eliyi, who was dressed like a little princess, stood nervously in front of the large cake that was several layers high. Her little hand kept grabbing Mu Qingzhi's hand and refused to let go.

In the end, it was Yasha who realized something was wrong first, clapped his hands and took the lead in singing Happy Birthday loudly in the crowd, followed closely by Crow, the brother he had just recognized.

I have to say that the scene of two grown men singing happy birthday loudly with notes on their faces looks quite contagious...

Under the blessings of everyone's songs and Mu Qingzhi's encouraging eyes, Eryi finally let go of her hand, and then she mustered up the courage to walk to the cake that was taller than her.

With her hands clasped together in front of her chest, Eriyi closed her eyes and, surrounded by family and friends, made her first birthday wish seriously on the occasion of the first snowfall of the new year.

——This is a dreamy day that will be destined to be remembered by her forever.


In the study, Mu Qingzhi looked at Sakurai Kogu who took the initiative to find him in front of him, with a confused look on his face.

"I am an undercover agent sent by the Fierce Ghosts."

Sakurai Kogure lowered her head and spoke quickly.

"They originally planned to kill everyone in the school, but because of the appearance of a woman in red, they changed their minds and kept me as an undercover agent to pass on information to them."

"Uh... let's talk about the undercover thing later. How about you put down the knife first?"

Looking at the girl in front of her who was holding a knife against the palm of her left hand, Mu Qingzhi felt dumbfounded for a moment.

"I'm glad you confessed this to me, but with your knife..."

"I deceived you, eldest lady, before, so according to custom, I need to cut off my fingers to apologize."

Sakurai Kogure's tone was serious.

"This kind of crime is not an exaggeration to break off a few fingers, so I decided to break off an entire hand to show my..."

"Stop, stop it, we don't have this custom here."

Raising her hand, Mu Qingzhi decisively interrupted the other party's words.

"Since you are an undercover agent, let me ask you, how many times have you passed information to them?"

"...Not even once."

After a moment of silence, Sakurai Kogure shook her head.

"The woman said that when the time is right, she will contact me again. I have never received a message."

"Woman...what kind of woman?"

As if thinking of something, Mu Qingzhi asked.

"A very beautiful woman, wearing a bright red dress, seems to be the leader of those people."

"Is this it...Okay, that's it."

After nodding thoughtfully, Mu Qingzhi looked at the other party.

"Put the knife away. Since you have never done anything betrayal, it cannot be called betrayal. If she contacts you, just remember to notify me then."

"But at least one of them will be broken..."

"Nothing but yes, am I the eldest lady, or are you the eldest lady?"

Before the other party could finish his hesitant words, Mu Qingzhi waved his hand and interrupted the other party again.

"Okay, go back and enjoy the party. I'll be there in a minute."


After a long silence, she silently put away the dagger in her hand, and Sakurai Kogure bowed deeply to her.

PS: Good morning~

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