A high black wall stands on the top of the cliff. Colorful fallen cherry blossoms fly out from the high wall and float far away to the black sea in the distance.

On the bay, everything was calm.

Standing at the high wall, an old man over fifty looked across the sea into the distance. His clothes were neat, his hair was neatly styled, and he was wearing a straight black butler's uniform.

Although his actual age is over fifty, anyone who looks at him at first glance will think that he is a handsome and handsome man.

The old man's name is Hiroshi Kimura, and he is the butler of the Black Stone Mansion. He has served here for more than 20 years and has witnessed the rise and fall of this place.

It is unreasonable for such a large mansion to not have a housekeeper and maids to clean it. When the master returns, he will be the most considerate and dedicated Almighty Silas to provide any service. When the master is away, he will be responsible Maintenance and daily cleaning of Blackstone Mansion.

If you count carefully, he has served several owners. Even if this black stone mansion has changed hands several times, when talking about him as a butler, anyone will give it a thumbs up without hesitation.

——His service has always been impeccable.

About a year ago, the Blackstone Mansion changed its owner. Originally, he was full of confidence and planned to provide the new owner with absolutely perfect service again, but when he saw the people coming here, But his whole body was just numb.

Kimura Hiroshi remembered that day very clearly. After receiving the news that his master would be here soon, he woke up early, put on a black kimono, and led the servants to stand in front of the official residence to greet him.

He and the maids are looking forward to the new owner's debut. Everyone is guessing who he is. The person who can generously spend 100 million US dollars to buy this place is definitely not a small person, the chairman of a multinational group, or an Arab oil tycoon. It could be the Sultan of Brunei or the Saudi Sheikh of Brunei.

But when the stretched Lexus sedan drove along the winding mountain road and finally stopped in front of the official residence, what jumped out of the car were two Siamese cats... not even purebreds.

Purebred Siamese cats are skinny and skinny, but these two cats are plump and fat. They are probably a cross between Siamese cats and Garfield cats. They can’t be sold for more than 10,000 yen even if they are packaged together.

Kimura Hiroshi got the information from the driver.

——Because the buyer is still in school and does not have time to move in for the time being, he specially sent the cat to look at the house.

A mansion worth nearly hundreds of millions of dollars was used to raise two cats... That day, looking at the backs of the pair of little fat cats, Hiroshi Kimura suddenly felt that life was so meaningless.

Before that day, he had always felt that he was the top player in Sebas. At the age of 32, he received the "Golden Key Certification" issued by the Concierge organization. He has served many celebrities, wealthy businessmen, and political celebrities from all over the world. A friend from the upper class, his resume is simply brilliant and glorious...

...but from that day on, he became a cat slave.

In the eyes of the new owner, his record of being superior to his peers is not important at all. His existence value is to feed the cats.

At this point, there are only two cats, a housekeeper and a few maids responsible for cleaning living in the Blackstone Mansion, which is worth a total of 100 million US dollars.

There is an ancient building restoration company that regularly sends people from Tokyo to repair the house, replace the old tatami mats, prune the ancient cherry blossoms in the garden, and comb the cats. The company signed a ten-year contract with the owner and is responsible for this. Maintain the Blackstone Mansion to ensure it is always in top condition, ready for the owner's visit.

…But for months after that, no one came.

No one called to inquire or care about the cat's condition. It was as if they had been forgotten along with the house.

It wasn't until nearly June this year that the owner of this house came to visit after a long absence. At that time, he was so excited that he almost jumped up. He specially prepared a ceremony and formal attire to greet him... but he didn't expect that a few young people came over. girl.

In his life, Kimura Hiroshi has received many people, but he can't understand those young girls at all.

In that hot summer day, his state of mind first went from shock to calmness, then to fright, then to calmness, then to shock, then to calmness again... It was like riding a roller coaster.

He asked himself that he had seen a lot of big scenes. No matter what scene he faced, he would stand still and face it with a smile. But in that summer, he couldn't tell how many times he was shocked.

Flying freely in the air with a small stick on his head, he cut off large pieces of seawater and beach and used a fork to put them in the yard for impromptu surfing. The entire Black Stone Mansion was completely frozen in one night, and he sat under the cherry tree with great interest. Use a fishing rod to catch whales from inside the hot spring...

——That summer, his worldview was completely shattered.

But as a qualified Sebastian, no matter what outrageous things the master did, he only needed to keep smiling, so he remained tight-lipped, and no matter how curious he was, he did not ask a single word.

Today, Kimura Hiroshi feels that he has become stronger.

After personally experiencing many bizarre things in the appeal, he was confident that nothing in this world would ever shock him again.

Mount Tai collapses in front but does not change color; elk rises to the left but does not blink.

...This is the powerful him now.

Now, at the request of his master, he receives the incoming guests here at the door.

As for who the guest is, he already knows it in his mind. After all, the guests who have come here have never changed in the past few months.

Regardless of whether the opponent flew up this time, hit him directly with a cannon from a distance, or simply sat in the clouds and floated down from the sky, he had already made complete psychological preparations in his heart.

——Now I am absolutely invincible! ! !

While cheering himself up in his heart, with a gentle and decent smile on his face, Kimura Hiroshi looked at the winding mountain road in the distance.

Since no passing vehicles were seen, it means that the other party is not taking the right path this time, but no matter what, it comes down to it...

Just when Kimura Hiroshi thought of this in his mind, suddenly, the ground in front of him shook.

Then, under his stunned gaze, a submarine that looked like a child's toy slowly rose from the ground.

Kimura Hiroshi: "???"

"Huh? Good morning, Uncle Kimura~"

While Kimura Hiroshi was silent, the hatch on the head of the submarine in front of him was opened. Then, a girl's figure appeared there. When she saw him, she smiled and stretched out her hand. He said hello.

"...Good morning, Miss Uesugi."

Forcibly keeping a calm face and placing one hand on his chest, Kimura Hiroshi bowed slightly to the girl in front of him who had disembarked from the submarine.

Although he is just an ordinary person, he has served the upper class for so many years, so he still knows a lot about the dark side of the world.

Uesugi Trio, the eldest daughter of the Uesugi family in the Snake Qihachi family, a veritable daughter of the underworld... and also a person from that world.

She has a lively personality and occasionally has some weird ideas, but she is friendly to others and is a girl who easily makes people like her.

"The master is waiting at the inner house. Do you need me to show you the way?"

"No, I'm familiar with this place... By the way, please help put this submarine away."

As he spoke, Mu Qingzhi pointed at the submarine.

Although this thing looks big, it's not heavy at all.

"Okay, have a good time."

Nodding politely, Kimura Hiroshi stepped aside to make way.

——By the way, thanks to someone, the world of dragons that he now has in mind is already a fantasy world like Harry Potter, where he rides a broom and uses magic to fly around and fight against dragons.

…This is very scientific.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another update later.

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