Mu Qingzhi is naturally familiar with the Black Stone Mansion.

After all, she had lived here for a long time to escape the summer heat, and she was no longer familiar with it. Even if she closed her eyes, she could walk back and forth here.

After entering the mansion, her goal was directly at the hot spring pool in the rear courtyard, which had the best view of the entire Blackstone mansion. The cherry blossom trees were in full bloom and the scenery was superb.

Although it is not the season for cherry blossoms to bloom, there are hot springs there. It is winter now, so it is a suitable time to soak in the hot springs.

And when Mu Qingzhi arrived in the submarine, Su Enxi was sitting by the hot spring pool, stepping on the water while chatting with a girl who was sitting under the cherry tree and reading a book.

Different from Su Enxi, the girl was extraordinarily petite. Her blond hair, which was almost pure white, was simply tied into a ponytail on the back of her head, revealing her slender neck. Her skin was white and cold, and her whole figure looked like an ice sculpture. At first glance, it is easy to think of the endless snowfields of Siberia.

Just like her appearance, the girl's personality is also quite cold.

Often when Su Enxi said dozens of sentences, she would simply reply with one or two sentences. Her eyes were basically focused on the new novel in her hand, and she never moved aside at all.

...This is the latest volume of Shakugan's Shana novel. Su Enxi tripled the price and paid expensive postage before it was flown over by helicopter.

Looking at the light novel spread out on the girl's lap, Su Enxi felt a little heartbroken for some reason.

"...By the way, Zhi sent me a message this morning saying they would come over."

Looking at the girl over there who would only respond perfunctorily no matter what she said, Su Enxi suddenly pretended to say this casually after a moment of silence.


As expected, after hearing her words, the girl immediately raised her head and looked towards her.

"The mission is on November 7th, and it's only November 1st now. Shouldn't she only come here on the 4th? She can't leave at all, right?"

"Who knows? Anyway, when I contacted her before, she said she would be there in the afternoon and asked me to prepare lunch and hot springs for her to come."

While celebrating in his heart that the other person had finally spoken more than two sentences, Su Enxi took out a potato chip from the potato chip bag and stuffed it into his mouth. Su Enxi looked calm and relaxed.

"I asked Kimura to wait at the door in advance. If there is any news, it should come soon."

...The iceberg has three nothings?

Indeed, this Sanwu Niu always has such a cold attitude when facing other people, including in front of her boss. Her temper is as indifferent as an iceberg that has not melted for thousands of years... But she is an exception in front of one person.

"I'll wait for her."

Closing the pages in his hand and putting them down, Zero calmly and quickly stood up from under the cherry tree.

...Ten years are enough to change too many things.

When Zhi lost contact and Zero was taken away, her world collapsed. She was living in a state of confusion, wandering aimlessly in the world.

During her three-year wandering life alone, the first thing she learned was to close off her emotions.

Only by keeping an expressionless face can others not be able to judge your thoughts.

With the props Zhi gave her, the large amount of money left by Zero, and her awakened bloodline, she could actually live a good life, and there was no need to wander.

...But she couldn't find a reason to stop.

After losing her last companion, she was left without a home.

It wasn't until Zero reappeared in her dream three years later that her meaningless wandering career ended. However, the habits that had been engraved into her bones during those three years of wandering could no longer be changed. .

To a certain extent, the indifference she displays on the surface is just a disguise for her inner self. Once the mask is worn for a long time, it will blend into her bones and blood and become indistinguishable.

...that's what she thought.

"Isn't it necessary? It's only a few steps."

Looking at Ling who stood up, Su Enxi looked helpless.

"Maybe she has arrived now and is outside the door now..."

"Eh? How did you know I arrived?"

At the right time, a surprised voice sounded at the door.

"I originally planned to show up suddenly to surprise you, but you actually knew that I was right outside the door? How amazing is that?"

Su Enxi: "..."

As the voice rang, Mu Qingzhi walked out from behind the door with a look of resentment on her face, and Mai Shutoku, who was stroking her forehead helplessly.

——When she saw Su Enxi sitting by the hot spring pool, Mai Shutoku nodded slightly toward her.


"You really don't want to consider joining me?"

Sitting side by side by the hot spring pool, eating potato chips, Su Enxi complained loudly about the bitter water.

"Come here, not only are you able to manage your daily wages, but there are also a lot of holidays, right? I only have a cold iceberg and a neurotic boss here. It's really hard to find someone to chat with."

"Now I am Zhi's retainer."

Holding a wine glass in her hand, Mai Shutoku spoke in a leisurely tone.


"In Japan, if a minister betrays his lord, he will be punished by committing seppuku."

After drinking the sake in the cup, Mai Jutoku glanced at Su Enxi next to her.

"Jumping to your side? What, when the time comes when I commit seppuku and apologize, you stand aside and pretend to be my wrongdoer?"

"This seems possible..."

Reaching out and touching her chin, Su Enxi looked thoughtful.

"Come on, instead of trying to persuade me, you might as well persuade her."

Pouring her lips, she put her hands back on the ground to support her body. Mai Shutoku turned her head and looked at the sky.

"I have always been with her. I will go wherever she goes. There is no such thing as betrayal or job-hopping. Do you understand?"

"I have tried to persuade you, but my conditions are not as good as those offered by the Sheqi Ba family. What do you want me to do?"

Sighing, Su Enxi simply lay lazily next to the hot spring pool.

"And to be honest, I doubt that my only colleague will be stolen away by her soon. Since she is poaching my corner, I have no other countermeasures except switching tactics to poach her side. Bar?"

"...Zhi should stay at Sheqiba's house for a while."

After thinking for a moment, Mai Shutoku started to comfort her.

"Although she is now the director of the Executive Bureau, according to my estimation, she will step down after serving as director for a year or two at most. By then we will have enough time."

"One or two years... By the way, why did you come so quickly today?"

As if he suddenly remembered something, after looking at the two people who were busy cooking barbecue over there, he got up from the ground, and Su Enxi asked curiously.

"If I remember correctly, you should still be at work today, right?"

"Oh, we missed work."

She also threw a potato chip into her mouth, and Mai Shutoku looked calm.

"Between two points, the straight line is the shortest. We took the submarine directly from the underground. The submarine is parked in the collection room. If you are really curious, you can experience it."

"Underground submarine... I feel like this alchemy technology is getting more and more outrageous."

After thinking about it for a while, Su Enxi's eyes twitched slightly.

Regarding her guess about Uesugi Zhi's identity as the Bronze and Fire King, she once worriedly asked her boss, and for the first time, she got an uncertain answer from her boss.

【...It's not her. 】

[The real King of Bronze and Fire is not so outrageous at all. 】

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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