In early winter in November, the weather is slightly cool.

Mu Qingzhi was already very hungry after being so busy driving the submarine for several hours. However, Su Enxi had already prepared a set of barbecue utensils here, so everything was fine.

Next to it is a steaming hot spring, and looking up into the distance is an endless empty seascape. Compared with the depressing atmosphere in Tokyo, this place is obviously much more relaxed.

"Is it too late to set off on November 4th?"

While eating skewers, taking off her shoes and following Su Enxi's example, Mu Qingzhi asked by the hot spring.

"The total distance is only 8,000 kilometers. It's useless if we go early."

With a slight shrug, Su Enxi picked up a potato chip and threw it into her mouth.

——She has a serious alcohol addiction, so she suppresses it with potato chips.

"It's like a life-and-death hunt. Before the main scene begins, everyone must hide in the grass as much as possible. It is a very unwise behavior to expose one's existence in advance."


After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"Then during these few days, Mai and I will stay with you."

"Don't worry, after receiving your message, I've already had the bed made for you. It's still in the same place. We can just get together and have a pajama party in the evening."

Su Enxi winked at her.

"How about it, do you want to soak in a hot spring first? This hot spring water has just been released. I can go get you some cod, and then make some hot spring boiled eggs."

"Soak in the hot springs..."

Looking at the pool of hot spring water in front of her, Mu Qingzhi suddenly felt moved.

——In winter, hot springs are the most comfortable.

Just as she was hesitating, Zero on the side handed her a bunch of grilled skewers. After she came over with Mai Shutoku, the other party gave up reading the novel and concentrated on being a skewer. Master Chuan.

In fact, this scene seems a bit unbelievable to Su Enxi, because she knows that the other party has a very serious mysophobia, and outside of tasks, he can't stand a slightly dirty place. But right now, the other party is wearing an apron and braving The oil smoker used a brush to apply paint on the skewers...

She noticed keenly that although Zero still spoke very little, the expression on his face seemed much softer.

"Give me a bunch."

After blinking, Su Enxi stretched out her hand towards Ling.

"Bake it yourself."

After glancing at her, Zero spoke calmly, handed her the brush used to brush the seasoning, and then stood up.

"I'll leave this to you while I get the bathrobe and towel."

Su Enxi: "..."

Bathing in hot springs in winter is definitely a rare treat.

After returning, Zero not only brought you towels and bathrobes, but also asked several maids to bring some snacks and sake.

Mu Qingzhi lived here for a short time in the summer, and there were clothes and kimonos for her to change here.

"Hmm...should we go for a dip in the sky?"

After staring at the things Ling brought over for a while, Mu Qingzhi suddenly had a whim and made a proposal with great interest.

"The weather is quite good today, and the scenery and views in the sky are better. Let's go to the hot springs above the clouds!!"

"Yunshang Hot it another prop from Doraemon?"

After being stunned for a moment, Su Enxi quickly reacted.

When she first came into contact with him that summer, her worldview was as strongly impacted as Kimura's, but soon, that impact was replaced by unprecedented novelty.

Fantasy comes into reality, and there are unexpected surprises almost every day. The feeling really shouldn't be too wonderful.

——After that, Doraemon became her must-watch series.

"Yeah, how about it, do you want to try it?"

Mu Qingzhi threw the leftover stick in his hand into the slot beside him and wiped his hand vigorously on the towel beside him.

"Don't worry, others can't see it."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go, let's go now!!"

Without hesitation, Su Enxi was the first to stand up from the swimming pool.

They had taken naps and had tea parties on the clouds before, and even had night pajama parties. Although when they woke up during the day, they found that they had all drifted to the high seas, it was a rare experience. It cannot be covered up by such a small change.

But even though she had done so many things, this was her first time soaking in a hot spring above the clouds. Just thinking about it for a moment made her feel extremely full of anticipation.

"Wait a moment, I'll pull some suitable clouds over."

He took out a bamboo dragonfly and put it on his head. After waving to a few people on the side, Mu Qingzhi flew directly into the sky.

She had done this kind of thing many times, so she was already familiar with it. After a while, she pulled a thick white cloud from the nearby clouds high in the sky.

The sun shines warmly on the body, bringing a bit of luxurious warmth.


[Item name: Cloud solidified gas]

[Grade: Green]

[Effect: Solidification. Solidify the clouds, and you can build various buildings on the clouds using clouds as materials for 24 hours. 】

[Note: The clouds are very light, so be careful not to be blown away if you fall asleep. 】


This prop was made by Mu Qingzhi in the summer. There is still a lot of gas left in it, so it can be used here.

After the clouds are solidified, they become as soft as marshmallows, but at the same time they have the characteristics of clouds. There is no saying that people sitting on them will push the clouds down. The hot spring water in the last pool is more than enough.

With Su Enxi's help, Yunshang Hot Spring was successfully built in just half an hour. The hot spring water steamed out faintly, and pillowing on the soft clouds, the whole person felt like lying in it. It's like being in a fairyland.

From time to time, there would be a breeze blowing through the sky, bringing bursts of coolness, but soon, the coolness would be completely dissipated by the hot spring water and the warm sunshine above our heads.

"By the way, if I remember correctly, this gas only lasts for 24 hours, right?"

Just as Su Enxi was lying comfortably on the clouds, eating potato chips and enjoying the hot springs, she seemed to suddenly think of something and turned over like a salted fish. She turned her head and looked at Mu Qingzhi.

"If we wait for the end of time, wouldn't this pool of hot spring water fall directly?"

"It's just a temporary rainstorm. Anyway, it won't cause any casualties or attract any attention. Anyway, I haven't heard of anyone being killed by the rain..."

While taking a piece of fruit from the tray floating on the hot spring, Mu Qingzhi turned to look at the other party strangely.

"What, what's the problem?"

"But strictly speaking, this hot spring water is actually our bath water, right?"

Su Enxi raised a finger in front of her face with a serious look.

"It's okay if this basin of bath water floats to the sea and sinks. But if it floats to a certain city, wouldn't it be embarrassing?"


——It must be said that Su Enxi can always find strange problems from some tricky angles.


At the same time, Kassel College on the other side of the ocean.

In his dormitory, Yuan Zhisheng looked strange as he looked at the urgent inquiries from the family on the screen in front of him.

After skipping work all morning and half of the afternoon, Crow was the first to discover the note left on his desk. Although he really wanted to hide this matter for his eldest lady, but It's obvious that he can't make the decision.

So in the end, the Snake Qihachi family still learned that the director of their executive bureau and the eldest daughter of the Uesugi family, Tsukuyomi Ming, ran away from home.

Just as Mai Shutoku had guessed, after this information was learned by the Snake Qihachi family, an earthquake immediately started within the family.

Being able to go all the way from the bottom to the position of Director of the Executive Bureau, Mu Qingzhi did not rely on her background, but her actual achievements and strength. It is no exaggeration to say that she has now become the heart of the new members of the Sheqiba family. emotional support.

How could the Sheqiba family endure such a big shot disappearing without a word, and even saying that he would be gone for more than half a month?

While dispatching manpower to find people immediately, the Sheqiba family also sent a message to Yuan Zhisheng.


With his sister's character, she does seem to do this kind of thing even if she doesn't agree with her. If he were in that position, he would consider the family's justice and the responsibilities he shoulders. But If it were her sister, she wouldn't care about this at all.

After thinking for a while, Yuan Zhisheng briefly edited an email and sent it back while tapping the keyboard with his fingers.

Although he doesn't support it intellectually, emotionally he stands by his sister's side unconditionally. His sister has paid so much for the Snake Qihachi family, so what's wrong with asking for a little vacation to go out and have fun?

And besides, since Mai Shutoku is by her sister's side, she doesn't have to worry about anything. If something big happens in the family while her sister is away, it can only mean that those people in the family are trash. .

He also said that he would find a way to contact his sister and persuade her to return to Sheqiba's house... Fortunately, those people had the nerve to send him this email.

Shaking his head, after confirming that the email had been sent, Yuan Zhisheng simply closed the laptop in front of him.

In a few days, as an elite commissioner, he will go to the Greenland Sea to participate in a secret mission, and he must prepare early.

I'd better leave the family affairs to the old man... Ahem, just let Father have a headache.

... Yuan Zhisheng coughed a few times in embarrassment.

PS: Good morning.

There will be another update later.

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