Sometimes, time always passes very fast.

For example, ten minutes after class, a handful of games on the phone, short videos quickly scrolled, Saturdays and Sundays... and holidays spent playing with friends.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed quietly.

While Su Enxi's thoughts were still lingering on the Yunshang Hot Spring three days ago, November 4th arrived quietly. They would set off from Atami in Japan, and then take airplanes and ships all the way to the Greenland waters.

In fact, if they follow the normal itinerary, they can get there in less than a day. However, since the sea area is closely watched by all forces, they can only take some more roundabout methods.

"...So we have to disguise ourselves and go on a gambling boat?"

Sitting in the cabin of the passenger plane, looking at the information handed over by Su Enxi, Mu Qingzhi looked strange.

"Greenland waters are located in the Arctic Ocean. During this season, there are very few ships that dare to sail there. This icebreaker is the best choice."

Throwing a potato chip into his mouth, Su Enxi shrugged slightly and quickly took a photo in front of Mu Qingzhi.

"YAMAL, the world's largest icebreaker, belongs to Russia. Two heavy water nuclear reactors provide it with almost endless power. The thick armored bow can easily smash 6-meter icebergs. All over the world Among the icebreakers, except for a few military monsters whose identities cannot be disclosed, this is the only one that has ever sailed to the North Pole.”

Lowering her head, Mu Qingzhi looked at the photo.

What the photo shows is a large red ship sailing on an ice sea covered with ice floes. It has a total of eleven floors, which can be called a giant.

"Another icebreaker..."

Slightly, Mu Qingzhi's face turned dark.

...The experience on the icebreaker Lenin always left her with a little shadow of the word icebreaker.

He didn't notice the change in Mu Qingzhi's expression. While eating the potato chips in his hand, Su Enxi patiently introduced them.

"The YAMAL was originally planned to be used as a scientific research ship, and it assumed the strategic goal of the former Soviet Union to move towards the Arctic. However, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, this strategic goal also came to nothing. However, a ship built with a huge amount of money cannot be idle and invested. It was used by civilians and transformed into a luxury gambling ship, cruising on the Arctic Ocean all year round. We have a business relationship with the captain of that ship, so that is the most suitable hiding place for us. "

"Okay, then when will we arrive?"

With a sigh, Mu Qingzhi put down the documents in her hands.

"...Two days."

After thinking for a moment, Su Enxi nodded.

"We need to go through a total of six transfers before we can blend into the boat perfectly. Every time node is recorded. You may also be able to buy some special gifts at the local places along the way."

"I mean this plane."

Pointing downward, Mu Qingzhi looked serious.

"To be honest, I feel a little airsick right now."

"Uh... eight hours, how about you take a nap first?"

After a moment of confusion, Su Enxi pulled a quilt from behind.

"There is a quilt here, you can cover it first, but if you want a pillow, you may have to go to the cupboard..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Su Enxi couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth slightly when she saw someone in front of her who had taken the quilt and lay skillfully on Jiude Mai's legs.

...She felt that when Zhi lay down, the breath of Ling who was sitting next to her suddenly became cold.

After thinking for a moment, he turned to look at Ling beside him, and Su Enxi spoke with a "weak" look on his face.

"No, I seem to be feeling a little airsick now. Can you lend me your knee to lie down on..."

——Very accurately, a trash can was handed to her.

Su Enxi: "..."

There was actually nothing much to say about the journey along the way. After many trips and trips, except for Ling and Mai Jiude, who had undergone rigorous training since childhood, Mu Qingzhi and Su Enxi, the civilian staff, were all very tired.

I don't know if something strange was transmitted from the system. Mu Qingzhi didn't get motion sickness before, but she also started to get motion sickness in the past year.

It was fine when flying, but when riding in buses or cars, she basically leaned on the shoulders of the people next to her as soon as she got on the bus. Sometimes it was Mai Shutoku, sometimes Zero. It all depends on who can sit down faster...

Finally, after several transfers along the way and several jet lags, Mu Qingzhi and Mai Jiude successfully boarded the gambling boat under the leadership of Su Enxi and Ling.

...and then she got dazzled.

In fact, Mu Qingzhi has not been exposed to big scenes. During the time when she was working in the Enforcement Bureau, she did not know how many casinos she and the crows had sealed down, but even the most glorious scenes could not compare with this one. situation.

The casino on the ship is splendid, and the warm breeze is filled with the strong smell of whiskey and high-end perfume. A Belarusian girl who is over 180cm tall and wearing high heels acts as the dealer. Her fair skin and swaying miniskirt make people's eyes hurt.

Countless wealthy people from various countries spend huge sums of money on this gambling boat. Mixed with the bling is the burning atmosphere of power and sex transactions. Without a certain amount of wealth, you can't even get on this boat.

As if she was afraid that she would be spoiled by the environment here, just as Mu Qingzhi stood on tiptoe and curiously looked at the lively scene around her, Zero and Shutoku Mai each grabbed one of her hands and followed Su Enxi. Leave here quickly.

Su Enxi is a VIP here, so there is no need to mess around in a low-level casino like the one in the hall below. That is not in line with her noble status.

"No, you two..."

"The environment here is not suitable for you, so don't turn around and look around."

As if she guessed what she was going to say, Mai Shutoku interrupted her in advance.

"On this gambling boat, there is a high probability that there will be commissioners sent by Cassel College lurking. The more conspicuous they are, the easier they will be noticed."

When boarding the ship this time, except for Su Enxi, each of them went through a certain disguise...but it was just a certain disguise.

"It's okay."

Reluctantly, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

Tens of minutes later, under the leadership of the waiter, they arrived at the presidential suite that Su Enxi had booked in advance. The environment here was excellent, and the endless sea of ​​ice could be seen outside the window.

"Huh... we're finally here. I was suffocated all the way."

As soon as she entered the room, Su Enxi breathed a sigh of relief. She casually took off the expensive jewelry she was wearing and threw it on the bed. Then she kicked off her high heels neatly, making her whole body thump. He ran towards the bathroom.

"You guys sit down wherever you want, I'll take a shower first!!"

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

Zero seemed to be accustomed to Su Enxi's behavior. After locking the door behind her, she started to check the various measures in the room, making sure that there were no listening or monitoring equipment. Mai Shutoku was Followed by.

So for a while, Mu Qingzhi was the only one left standing there dumbfounding.

In fact, their actions were originally a little more complicated. After all, all kinds of diving equipment need to be attached, but as long as there is storage equipment, these are not a problem at all.

Don't forget, Su Enxi is an out-and-out rich woman, so as early as that summer, Mu Qingzhi made a number of extra storage props and gave them to them.

Not to mention trivial diving equipment, even a tank weighing more than ten tons can be brought on board without anyone noticing...

Facts have proved that the owner of this boat is very professional.

After a careful search, Zero and Mai Shutoku ruled out the possibility of listening or surveillance equipment in the room. Even on the side of the bathroom where someone was taking a bath, Zero broke in and searched carefully amidst Su Enxi's screams. Read it again...

"I can understand your professional habits, Ling, but at least give me some privacy, okay?"

Su Enxi, who was blowing her hair with a hair dryer and wrapped in a bath towel, seemed a little unhappy.

"It's not the first time that you just barged in without even knocking on the door, okay?"


Ling glanced up at her and looked up from the light novel in his hand and answered calmly.

——It seems that the other party is too lazy to explain.

Su Enxi: "..."

"When does the action begin?"

Looking away from the iceberg floating beside the icebreaker outside the window, Mai Shutoku turned her head to look at Su Enxi.

"I don't know, just wait."

When Su Enxi put down the hair dryer, she shrugged slightly.

"The mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole follows behind. We are neither the mantis nor the oriole, but the hunters under the tree who raise their guns and aim at the oriole. We will consider this matter after Cassel College begins to explore. Well, it will take another day for them to arrive here."

"So can I go for a walk?"

At the right time, Mu Qingzhi raised her hand.

"I'm quite interested in this gambling boat, so I want to go out and see the world, and then make some money on the way..."

"What do you think?"

Turning her head, Su Enxi gave her a strange look.

"Based on your appearance, believe it or not, as long as you take off your hat and go out alone now, you will be recognized by others in less than a minute."

" I so famous?"

"You are not famous, but the light novel with you as the protagonist is famous."

Su Enxi curled her lips.

"When I came in just now, I happened to see someone wearing Shana's official peripheral co-branded cedar. Although this ship is specially customized for the rich, there are also some wealthy people."

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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