In the bustling casino, B007 looked bored while leaning on the table with a glass of red wine.

B007 is not his name, but his code name in the executive department. As a mixed race, his bloodline concentration is actually very low. The proportion of dragon bloodline is only a little over 3%, and his bloodline rating is C level.

However, he personally doesn't care about this. He is engaged in intelligence work. Going to the battlefield to slay dragons is not his job. He only needs to be responsible for managing logistics and collecting information.

For example, like this time, his mission is to collect relevant intelligence on the YAMAL. It is far away from the battlefield, and no matter what happens there, it will not affect this side.

The life here is too dangerous. He has already made preparations in his heart to apply for transfer to China after graduation next year. No matter how good the foreign country is, there is no place in the motherland that can make him feel at ease.

After taking a sip of the red wine in the glass, B007 turned to look out the window.

Huge icebergs slowly sailed past the ship, and the sea was covered with ice floes broken into pieces. This place is close to the North Pole, and the low temperature outside has reached more than ten degrees below zero.

...Dive into the ice sea in such extremely cold and harsh environment. Only students with top bloodlines can do it, right?

Subconsciously, B007 reached out and straightened the Shana co-branded shirt he was wearing under his coat, as if its appearance could bring him a sense of security and warmth.

As a commissioner who has been named in the execution department, the school has approved part of the funds for him this time, totaling 1 million US dollars, but 900,000 US dollars of it cannot be used as a deposit. He can use it to squander it on this gambling boat. , and only the remaining one hundred thousand US dollars.

Regardless of whether he collects losing money or winning money, he must make a detailed report when he returns, and all remaining money must be handed over. If he loses, it belongs to the school, and if he wins, it also belongs to the school.

B007 is actually not interested in gambling or anything like that. He is more interested in animation and games. This Shana limited-edition co-branded shirt he is wearing is proof of this. He specially asked his senior brother who was on a mission in Japan to bring it back to him. Although it cost him half a month's living expenses, he personally felt it was worth it.

Putting down the red wine glass in his hand, B007 slowly walked to a nearby gambling table. After stopping to watch for a moment, he threw a few chips onto the table.

During this process, his eyes always swept over the others, trying to find the strange people among them.

In addition to him, there are two other commissioners on this ship who are doing the same job as him. The three of them don't know each other on the surface, but they are all silently monitoring an area.

If you find anything, communicate with each other through headphones.

One day later, the academy will launch an operation in the Greenland waters. If any external force wants to intervene, this ship is the best place to stop, so there is no room for him to slack off.

His brows suddenly moved slightly. After casually throwing the chips he had just won to a maid who came up to him, B007 turned back to the window and picked up the wine glass.

...There is indeed a hybrid on this ship, and they have made a new discovery.

In addition to him, one of the other two commissioners has a blood-related spirit. This spirit has no lethality. The specific effect is to improve his sensitivity to bloodline perception, so that he can find his body in a huge space. People with dragon blood.

seven people……

Picking up the wine glass, B007 drank the wine silently.

From this moment on, their mission officially begins. While reporting the information here to the academy, they are also responsible for keeping an eye on the targeted target. Although they basically have no combat effectiveness, these It was an order issued by the college.

- Obedience to orders is the bounden duty of soldiers, and Kassel College itself is a school that implements strict military management.

After drinking some wine, B007 returned to his room, then took out a suitcase from the closet. After carefully loading the bullet, he hid the pistol in his waist.

It was getting dark outside, but the lights on the ship were still bright.

After sorting out the information in detail and sending it to the college, B007 let out a breath and left the room again.

Although there are seven people on the opposite side and there are only three of them, they are in the dark. If they are careful, this kind of marking is still no problem.

Because the nightlife has just begun, there are not many people in the corridor except for a waiter pushing a cart to clean. Everyone is either in the restaurant, in the casino, or watching the icebergs and aurora on the deck outside. .

Just as B007 was thinking about what he was going to eat next, the waiter who walked up to him on the cart suddenly got up and grabbed the short knife hidden under the white cloth with one hand. The waiter slashed directly towards the back of his neck. past.

The movements are precise and capable, without any delay.

...But B007's reaction is faster.

Before the opponent could draw the knife, he kicked the opponent's chest hard back, but when his foot touched the opponent's chest, B007's heart sank slightly.

Although he had the upper hand, the waiter did not retreat at all. He even felt as if his kick was on an indestructible wall of flesh.

The next moment, the severe pain from his leg interrupted his thoughts. He abandoned the short knife and the waiter's white-gloved hand grabbed his ankle expressionlessly.

Under the sudden burst of force, B007 even felt that his leg bones were being crushed by the opponent... The gap in strength between the two was too big.

Frowning fiercely, B007 quickly pulled out the pistol inserted in his waist while losing his balance and falling backward.

When he saw the pistol in his hand, the expression on the waiter's face finally changed slightly. He grabbed his ankle and slammed him against the wall. Then he stepped forward and kicked him hard. On the wrist.

After suffering such a heavy blow suddenly, he coughed up a mouthful of blood from his throat. At the same time, the gun he had just pulled out of B007's hand fell out of his hand and flew into the air.

But just as the waiter reached out to grab the fallen gun, a ball of white light suddenly exploded in front of him. Almost instantly, the completely defenseless waiter was deprived of his visual ability.

...B007 quite accurately captured the moment when the waiter was most relaxed.

His Word Spirit is [Blazing Sun], ranked 28th in the sequence. This Word Spirit has no lethality at all. He usually uses it as an ultraviolet disinfection lamp at most, but it can also play a decisive role at critical moments.

When the waiter's vision finally recovered, B007's figure had disappeared into the corridor, leaving only some mottled blood stains on the carpet.

When he saw this scene, the waiter finally showed a rare angry look on his face. He originally dealt with this guy with a joking mentality of a cat catching a mouse, but he didn't expect that his cat was being played by a mouse. .

Just when the waiter was about to continue chasing this cunning mouse, a rapid frequency sound suddenly came from his hand. When he looked down at the source of the sound on his hand in confusion, a sudden change appeared on his face. There was a hint of panic.

In the pistol in his hand, which he took from the rat, a sharp flash was emitted from the crack of the gun. The next moment, before he could throw away the pistol in his hand, a violent flame erupted from the gun body. suddenly appeared.


The second before his consciousness was swallowed up by the fire, the waiter suddenly wanted to greet the lunatic who made this pistol in his heart.


At the same time, in a certain presidential suite.

"...Did it sound like there was an explosion just now?"

Sitting up from the sofa, Mu Qingzhi turned her head and looked out the window with some uncertainty.

"I heard it too."

With a slight brow movement, Shutoku Mai stood up.

"I'll go outside to inquire. Just stay in the room and don't move around. I'll be there soon..."

"Wait, there's no need to take risks."

Raising her hand, Su Enxi stopped the other party's actions.

"I can just call and ask about this kind of thing. Don't forget, we are VIPs."


"Don't worry, there are only two possibilities left and right."

Squinting her eyes slightly, Su Enxi turned her head and looked out the window.

"...Apparently some of the mantises couldn't hold it in any longer."

PS: Good morning.

There are three more updates today.

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