Chapter 116 Dying struggle...?

In his room, holding both ends of the sink with both hands, B007 gasped for air.

Traces of blood flowed from his mouth and nose, and then fell into the water.

The opponent had just thrown him up and smashed him against the wall, causing considerable damage to him. His chest was so tight that he probably hurt his ribs, but his nose was nothing.

In addition, the pain in the ankle of the left foot was severe, and the bones there were probably cracked. The wrist of the right hand was extremely swollen, and the slightest touch caused severe pain.

But compared with the damage he suffered, the opponent's fate was undoubtedly more miserable. The explosive power of the pistol specially modified by the equipment department was no joke. When he heard the explosion as scheduled, he had already predicted the opponent's attack in advance. ending.

Although the people in the equipment department have always been unreliable, they were surprisingly reliable this time. But just thinking about how he had been running around with such a time bomb before, B007 felt very flustered... …

After quickly washing his face with water and a towel, B007 dragged his feet and quickly came to the closet. His identity had been exposed at some point, and it was no longer safe here. While everyone else's attention was attracted by the explosion, In the past short period of time, he had to quickly deal with the wounds on his body and move quickly.

"If I had known that the gun was so useful, I should have gotten a few more..."

After treating the injuries on his ankles and hands with a grimace, he threw all the scattered alcohol and bandages into the suitcase, reached out to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and B007 stood up from the bed.

After a little hesitation, he took all the important information and threw it on the suitcase. B007 sprinkled several bottles of gasoline that had been prepared in advance on the suitcase.

He wrapped his coat slightly tightly, took a hat from the hanger on the side and put it on his head. He threw a lighter behind him without looking back, opened the door and quickly left the room.

Under the premise that he was inexplicably exposed, going to find the other two colleagues was tantamount to setting fire to himself. After all, the three of them were not good at fighting. If they lured the enemy to them, they would harm others. So when he left the room, B007 had already All the communication equipment was thrown into the fire.

He has done what he needs to do and has reported the information back to the college. Now what he should consider is how he can survive.

It was impossible to abandon the ship. There was a vast sea of ​​ice outside, and there was no way to go. With his size, he would freeze to death, so he had to find a way to hide on this ship.

The best hiding place is the cargo hold at the bottom of the ship.

It doesn't take long, just hide patiently for a day or two, and the matter will be over, and the other party will not have the trouble of looking for a small commissioner like him.

With this idea in mind, B007 deliberately avoided the crowd and moved towards the bottom cargo compartment alone.

Although their feet were injured and they couldn't move quickly, they had already boarded the ship five or six days in advance. The layout of the ship had been thoroughly explored a few days ago, so they were not afraid of not finding it. road.

Perhaps affected by the explosion and the fire in the room, most of the crew members rushed there, so his journey was quite smooth. When he actually entered the cargo hold, B007 breathed a sigh of relief.

But just when he was about to find a place to sit down, the tip of his nose suddenly smelled a certain smell of blood. The smell of blood came from deep in the cargo hold and was quite strong.


His face changed slightly, he turned around and glanced at the ajar door not far behind him, and B007 walked quickly towards the depths of the cargo hold.

Half a minute later, in the deepest part of the cargo hold, he found a shirtless figure suspended by an iron hook.

The sharp fishhook passed directly through the opponent's palm and hung him on the shelf. There were wounds cut by the knife everywhere on his body. Blood flowed from the opponent's body and formed a pool on the ground. Xiaotan.

The figure's breath was already very weak, and blood was spitting out from the corner of his mouth. When he saw him running over eagerly, the other party reluctantly shook his head at him, seeming to urge him to run... But B007's There was no hesitation in his steps.

On this boat, he had two teammates, and the one in front of him who was hung up by an iron hook was one of them. Yan Ling was a blood-bound Jieluo, and it was the other party who had previously informed them to go back and report the information to him to keep an eye on.

It seemed that the other party was exposed earlier than him.

But it was obvious that his junior did not have the luck to kill others.

Just when B007 walked closer and hugged the other party's feet, trying to put him down from the fishhook, a slightly rapid gunshot that sounded like a silencer rang out behind him.

The next moment, a pool of blood appeared on his knees, and his whole body fell to the ground.

"It was the third child who should have captured you, instead of you coming here on your own. Where is the third child?"

As this slightly cold voice sounded, a flashlight was shined towards B007. On a nearby cargo box, a middle-aged man with a slovenly beard looked down at him.

There are 11 floors in the entire ship, and it is difficult to hear the explosions in the upper floors from the bottom cabin.

"This guy must have been lucky enough to escape. You can see he has injuries on his hands and feet. It's not like the third child doesn't know that because of his arrogant personality."

Next to the middle-aged man, a young man as thin as a monkey squatted there with a smile.

"These commissioners have low blood and weak strength. The third child is probably playing a cat and mouse game again."

"You are bounty hunters on a hunter website."

Looking up from the blood on the ground, B007 looked at the people standing on the container expressionlessly.

"Who sent you here, and what is your purpose?"

——This time, he spoke the same English as the other party.

On the hunter website, there is a group of notorious bounty hunters. These guys walk on the edge of black and white all day long. As long as they are given money, they will accept any job and do any job.

...Obviously, the guys in front of me are one of those notorious bounty hunters.

"What, you're still not convinced?"

The middle-aged man hasn't spoken yet, but the monkey man is happy. While talking, he still shines a flashlight on him.

"You commissioners from the secret party are no match for us guys who lick blood from the edge of a knife. They are simply immature. You have already fallen to this point, and you still want to get something out of me?"

With a hint of violence flashing through his eyes, the monkey man suddenly raised his hand and pointed his pistol at the figure who was hanging on the fishhook and was almost half alive.

"Don't think about releasing the word spirit, and it's best not to make any moves. If I find you making any strange move, believe me, this guy's head will explode immediately."


After a moment of silence, B007 slowly raised his hands.

When he stepped into the warehouse and smelled the smell of blood, he knew that he had fallen into a trap and couldn't escape. He originally thought about whether he could repeat the same trick and trick the other party, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't do it at all. His opportunity.

Raising his head, B007 looked at the other party expressionlessly.

"Put him down, otherwise his blood will bleed dry. We have no fighting power anymore. If it is just for money, there is no need to offend the secret party to death."

"Put it down? Okay."

After looking him up and down, the monkey man showed an extremely evil smile on his face.

"You go up, and I'll put him down."


After a moment of silence, B007 nodded slowly.

Seeing this, the monkey man smiled and kicked to the side. With the sound of a chain sliding, the fishhook fell from the air together with the figure.

"Okay, hurry up."

Standing on one foot with a flashlight to take a picture of their side, the monkey man's face was full of impatience.

"Put the palms of your hands through the fishhook, and then..."

Before he could finish his sentence, there happened to be the sound of rapid footsteps coming from outside the cargo hold.

As the cargo door was pushed open with great force, a short and stocky figure appeared at the door and spoke anxiously.

"Boss, the third child was bombed to death!! Now it's chaos up there..."

Before the other party could finish speaking, while the two people on the container were looking over there, B007 quickly took out a pen from his underwear pocket, and pressed hard on a certain part of the pen with his left hand. After two clicks, he threw the pen towards the two people on the container.


PS: Good morning~

Wait a minute, there will be two more updates.

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