...B007's last desperate attempt still failed to have an effect.

Although he seized this possibly his only opportunity very accurately, after the explosion, the two people who appeared in front of him with gloomy and intact faces were the ones who appeared in front of him.

There were no injuries on the opponent's body, and even his clothes were not stained. On the other hand, on their side, they were damaged by the previous close-range explosion, and their heads were buzzing.

"Yan Ling..."

Suddenly, B007 seemed to understand something.

But before he could say anything, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his two shoulders. After two shots destroyed his hands, the monkey man held a steel pipe with a simple end cut into a sharp shape with a ferocious face. He jumped off the container, then directly penetrated his thigh with the steel pipe and nailed his only intact left foot to the ground.

The sudden pain caused B007 to take a breath of air, but looking at the monkey man in front of him who was tugging at his collar angrily, vomiting blood from his mouth, a mocking look appeared on his face. smile.

"It's a pity that I couldn't kill you."

There is absolutely no problem with the famous bomb of the equipment department. If the blow just now can severely damage the opponent, he may still be able to escape with his colleagues, but when he saw the opponent's intact appearance, B007 understood something , there is no chance for him anymore.

[The Pure Land of Word Spirits], serial number 66.

The effect of this word spirit is to reject anything within the coverage area of ​​the field. Not to mention the bomb just now, even if ten bundles of TNT explosives are piled in front of the opponent, the opponent will still be intact.

The killing plan he carefully designed to ambush had no effect at all in front of the opponent's more advanced bloodline and speech spirit.

"Blow us up, right?"

After hearing his words, the monkey man's face became even more ferocious, with veins popping up under his forehead, and his entire face looked like an evil ghost for a moment...

Grasping his head with both hands, the other party slammed his face down onto the floor. The bridge of his nose was almost broken in the first moment, and then followed closely. It's the teeth in the mouth.

Under the severe pain, B007 felt that his thoughts had become blurred, and everything in the world in front of him was stained with blood, making it impossible to see clearly.

In a daze, he felt like he was thrown to the ground like a broken bag. Then, he saw the monkey man cursing and picking up the iron hook on the side, and then pointed the sharp iron hook towards him. The chin is stretched out here...

It seemed that the other party was planning to hang him in the air by his chin like a dead fish.

...Tsk... I should have known that the last bomb was left for me...

Looking at the iron hook getting closer and closer to him, B007 smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly in his heart.

His consciousness was still very clear, but he could clearly feel the rapid loss of his body temperature. Although he really wanted to use another word spirit to blur the other person's eyes... but he really had no strength now.

If I had known that I would end up like this, I should have spent all the quota approved by the college at the casino. It would be a pity that the money would still be there after the person was gone...

While B007 was thinking wildly in his mind, he suddenly saw a flaming sword out of the corner of his eye. Following the familiar sword, the flying corner of the black windbreaker and the sword flowing like flames. of long, flaming hair.

"Xia Na..."

He muttered something in his mouth, tilted his head to the side, and B007's consciousness fell completely into darkness.


"How's it going? Is everything solved?"

Mu Qingzhi withdrew the sword from the scorched corpse in front of her. The flames attached to the sword gradually dissipated. Mu Qingzhi turned to look at Mai Shutoku who walked in from outside the cargo hold.

"Don't worry, it's easy."

Meeting her gaze, Mai Shutoku shrugged slightly.

"They are just some drug-abusing desperadoes. It doesn't take much effort to solve them... not to mention the support of your alchemy tools."

"What to do with these two guys?"

A head poked out from the ceiling, and Su Enxi pointed at the two people lying in a pool of blood.

"If they don't provide treatment, they will probably go to see God soon. Also, the noise you just made was a bit loud. Someone has already come this way."

"Wait half a minute."

Waving his hands, Mu Qingzhi took out a can of hemostatic spray from the ring and sprayed it on the two people on the ground from beginning to end.

There was too much noise outside, and there was also a fire in a certain room. In order to sleep peacefully at night, they finally couldn't stay in the room... Anyway, the invisibility potion passed through the ring or something. Mu Qingzhi is not lacking here.

...Then they found this way.

I have to say that the middle-aged man was quite difficult to deal with. Mu Qingzhi was unable to kill him instantly with her first blow...

"Okay, bring the people with you and let's go."

After spraying the two people on the ground with hemostatic spray and randomly wrapping treatment bandages, Mu Qing clapped her hands and stood up from the ground.

She had no intention of being a nanny for these two people. After making sure that all hidden dangers on the ship had been eliminated, Mu Qingzhi threw the two of them into an empty room on the way back.

The hemostatic spray can help the opponent stop bleeding quickly, and the therapeutic bandage can slowly recover the wound wrapped by the bandage... This is already very interesting to her.

"I found out. These guys are a group of well-known bounty hunters on the Hunter Website. They have committed several major cases and are quite powerful."

Su Enxi threw a piece of potato chips into her mouth and shrugged slightly while sitting in front of the computer.

"If you think about it this way, we have eliminated harm for the people this time."

"What about the other two?"

Lying on the bed and placing pillows under her body, Mu Qingzhi looked curious.

"The temporary commissioner sent by Kassel College is responsible for collecting intelligence and following up. I guess it was because of this that they provoked that group of people, so they were treated so cruelly... By the way."

As if she remembered something, Su Enxi turned her head to look at Mu Qingzhi with some teasing.

"The one who was injured the most seems to be a fan of You. I saw the co-branded shirt he was wearing. Those clothes are not easy to buy."

"Eh? Really? I didn't pay attention."

Mu Qingzhi was slightly stunned.

"It must be, I can't admit my mistake."

Su Enxi curled her lips.

"You have to know, I spent a lot of money to buy that dress for Ling..."

——Before she could finish her words, a pillow flew straight towards her.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Chapter 4 About six o'clock (づ●─●)づ

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