Cold, shaking...

His consciousness seemed to sink into a bottomless abyss, and there was an unstoppable soreness in his limbs. In the hazy darkness, B007 suddenly opened his eyes.

It was bright and bright outside the window, and the room was deserted. Since there was no heating in the room, the cold air couldn't stop getting into the bones.

...He woke up from the cold.

After staring blankly at the ceiling for a while, B007 suddenly sat up as if he remembered something.

It was also at this time that he found himself in an unfamiliar room, with strange white bandages all over his body, and his shirtless teammates next to him were curled up and shivering.

"All the wounds are gone..."

After first checking the situation of his teammate and throwing a quilt on the opponent, B007 looked down at his body. A rare trace of confusion appeared on B007's face.

He remembered very clearly that he had suffered serious wounds on his body. Putting aside the several gunshot wounds, the steel pipe that pierced his thigh was the real fatal injury.

But now, there are no wounds on his body, his right wrist is intact, and there are no bloody holes in his legs, as if everything that happened last night was like a nightmare.

…But how could that be a dream?

Putting aside the mottled bloodstains on his body, the severe pain that came from his body at that time is still fresh in his memory.

"Someone saved us..."

Sitting cross-legged on the bed and grabbing his hair with his hands, B007 thought hard about what happened last night, but after thinking about it, all he could recall was an Odachi burning with flames and a figure with fiery hair. .

...It’s impossible for the real Shana to appear in reality, right?

While Commissioner B007 was alone and confused, in the Greenland waters not too far away from here, a scientific research ship quietly sailed to this sea area at night.

The black clouds were very low, the sea surface was rising and falling restlessly, and the black ship cut through the black water, leaving white water trails behind it.

The weather today was not good. The sky was overcast, like a layer of dull gray. Standing on the deck, Yuan Zhisheng lowered his head and looked at the large black sea water below.

In another half an hour, this fully armed ship disguised as a scientific research vessel will arrive in that area. They will use the diving bell to dive into the ice sea, find the dragon embryo on the seabed and bring it back to the academy.

The mission process is very simple, but the actions are somewhat dangerous. It is difficult to say what they will encounter when the time comes.

"What, are you feeling nervous?"

As a hand put on his shoulder, Fingel came to his side and winked at him.

"Don't worry, it's not yet certain whether we can dive or not. Once we get there, we will first conduct a certain exploration process with underwater robots, and then discuss and make a decision. We may stay here for a few days."

"Just thinking about something."

After coming back to his senses, Yuan Zhisheng shook his head.


Except that he would feel nervous when facing his elder sister, there was nothing that could make him nervous.

A monster is not afraid of another monster. Even if there is a dragon embryo waiting to be hatched down there, just draw your sword and kill it.

The reason why he was on the deck was because he had never been here before, so he planned to take a good look at the nearby scenery... But it was obvious that the other party misunderstood what he meant.

"It's okay. There's no shame in admitting to being nervous. After all, it's a 300-meter-deep, dark sea of ​​ice."

Fingel reached out and grabbed the armrest in front of him, looking up into the distance with a serious look on his face.

"To be honest, I actually feel nervous too, and my mood is the same as yours now, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Yuan Zhisheng: “…”

...No, the mood is definitely different.

This trip to the ice sea was led by von Schneider, the mentor of Yuan Zhisheng and Shuode Aki. The other person was old-fashioned but very responsible.

After seeing the two of them returning from the deck together, you handed them two pills.

"Oral neuroleptics, just hold them under your tongue."

——Taking the pill, Yuan Zhisheng decided to remain silent.

Half an hour passed quickly, and soon they arrived at the marked sea area.

As Fingel said, after arriving here, they did not receive the first notice to dive. What took their place was an underwater robot designed and produced by the Equipment Department, which also doubled as a karaoke sweeper. As well as three additional attributes of explosives, the functions and effects are extremely powerful.

But as time went by, Schneider's frown became deeper and deeper.

The underwater robot successfully dived into the area, but every time the machine they operated approached the seabed, the machine would inexplicably lose control. After rescuing it, it was found that the robot's circuit had been completely burned out.

One or two can be understood as accidents, but all underwater robots are like this, so it is difficult not to think of something bad.

If he was not sure before that it was a dragon embryo, now he is almost 100% sure. Legend has it that during the hatching process, the ancient dragon will develop a certain field to protect itself, and people who step into its field will appear. A fatal hallucination.

Biologically speaking, hallucinations are ultimately caused by the stimulation of the cerebral cortex, and the easiest thing to stimulate the cerebral cortex is electric current. It is the embryonic field that causes all the circuits of the underwater robot to burn out.

"Let's get on."

Standing aside, Fingel geared up.

"High-level bloodlines can withstand the realm of embryos. We have been training for this for a long time. We are fully confident in whether we can bring that embryo back."

"Nonsense, wait on the side."

With a stern face, Schneider scolded.

"Even if you can hold on to the territory, if that dragon suddenly hatches while you are diving or surfacing, you will have no room to escape under the heavy ice sea hundreds of meters deep."

Picking up the satellite phone nearby, Schneider looked indifferent.

"I will apply to the principal to change the target of this operation from containment to elimination. As long as a special alchemical mercury bomb is dropped there, it can be easily destroyed."

"But that embryo is very important to the academy..."

"Listen, compared to the so-called dragon embryos, the safety of my students is the most important."

Turning to look at the other party, while waiting for the call to be connected, Schneider interrupted Fingel coldly.

"I am the person in charge of leading the team this time. Please obey orders."

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Two hours late as scheduled...

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