The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 120 Under the Sea of ​​Ice

As the diving bell gradually descended, Yuan Zhisheng's heart began to calm down.

Although he had practiced in the academy before, it was his first time to seriously dive to the sea. However, unlike Shutoku Aki who was a little nervous at the side, he seemed extremely calm.

While listening intently to the sound of breathing coming from the communication channel, he looked around cautiously.

It is extremely quiet under the sea and the ocean currents appear to be quite stable.

Schools of fish passed by them in an orderly manner, and occasionally some curious ones would swim in front of them and take a look at them in the diving bell. Yuan Zhisheng couldn't name these fish, but this did not prevent him from observing them. School of fish.

The state of the fish school can, to a great extent, reflect the condition of the embryo on the seabed.

…but all was quiet.

The sea was so calm that they even observed two beluga whales leisurely swimming past them one after the other. The smaller beluga tried to hit them with its head, but it turned around flexibly. After the bend, it disappeared under the sea.

The first half of the dive was incredibly smooth, and they did not encounter any danger along the way. However, in the second half, or to be precise, when they dived to the 170th meter, Fingel's face became a little dignified. The sound mixed with heavy breathing came from the communication channel.

"Guys, I see a door."


When he heard Fingel's words, Yuan Zhisheng was stunned at first.

This is 170 meters deep under the sea, and it is still 130 meters away from the seabed. The visibility of the seawater is very low. In this case, if you see a door, is this door suspended in the seawater?

Subconsciously, Yuan Zhisheng's gaze swept downwards.

The diving bell that Fingel and Eva were riding was right below him, and nothing unusual could be seen. The water was turbid and cold, and he couldn't see much except the diving bell.

"Take the pills. You may be affected by the embryonic realm and hallucinate."

Frowning slightly, Yuan Zhisheng spoke on the communication channel.

But for some reason, the originally quiet communication channel suddenly became extremely noisy, mixed with many strange sounds and abnormal noises of electricity. His voice was mixed in the strange noises, and sounded a little distorted.

"I... know... but it's wrong... the door... the door... the door was opened... something came out..."

Fingel's voice came intermittently from the communication channel, and it seemed to contain some kind of anxious emotion. This was the first time that Yuan Zhisheng heard the other party being so rude.

Before he could react, messy gunshots and Fingel's roar suddenly came from the communication channel. An emergency seemed to have occurred below, and Fingel and Eva were fighting fiercely with something.

The changes that occurred were extremely critical. In less than half a minute, gunfire broke out. The communication channel was seriously interfered with by the current. Yuan Zhisheng could not get any effective information at all.

Just when Yuan Zhisheng was about to go down to help, he suddenly felt a pull from the diving bell. Schneider on the sea heard the movement in the communication channel and chose to abort the operation without hesitation and dived. The bell is being quickly recovered by ships at sea.

Feeling the rising of the diving bell, Yuan Zhisheng stopped his original plan to leave the cabin, frowned, and looked down.

The sea below was already very turbid, the electricity in the communication screen was sizzling, and the sound of gunfire disappeared at some point. He completely lost contact with Fingel's team.

Logically speaking, Fingel and the others should not use the diving bell, because the electrostatic barrier in the diving bell is their important protection. Schneider repeated it many times on the ship before.

But now, what was originally a chaotic place was eerily quiet.

Just as Yuan Zhisheng hesitated, a deep and unreasonable coldness surged into his heart. Driven by the sudden sense of crisis in his heart, his heartbeat seemed to have stopped for a moment.

At this critical moment, Yuan Zhisheng released his word spirit [royal power] without hesitation, then turned around and grabbed the hand of Shude Aki, whose lips were blue from the cold, and held him He desperately escaped from the diving bell.

The moment the two of them left the diving bell, the thick ice completely enveloped the diving bell, turning it into a large piece of sea ice.

If the two of them leave the diving bell even for one second slower, they will be completely frozen in the ice. In that kind of terrifying extreme cold, they will not have any countermeasures.

Looking at the shadow wandering not far below, Yuan Zhisheng's expression was terrifyingly cold.

...That is an extremely frivolous shadow.

It looked so light in the cold water, its slender tail swinging slowly in the water, just like a butterfly flying without making a sound... It had been swimming silently beside them just now.

Under the influence of the royal power, its figure was pushed down violently, so their escape from the diving bell was so safe, but at the same time, they almost forced themselves into a desperate situation.

...Is this the hatched dragon that was fighting Fingel and the others just now?

While thinking silently in his heart, Minamoto Zhisheng handed the underwater rifle in his hand to Shude Aki, and then took out the spider cut from the amulet around his neck and held it in his hand.

The amulet was a birthday gift from his sister. It was an extremely magical alchemy product that had its own space inside that could store some miscellaneous items.

——It wasn't until he came to study at Kassel College that he realized how outrageous the things his sister usually brought out were.

Without a moment's hesitation, taking advantage of the fact that the dragon was still unable to surface under the pressure of the royal power, Minamoto Zhisheng tied Shutoku Aki to the safety rope.

The surrounding seawater has become colder and colder, and the water temperature has dropped below zero. He can still adapt to this environment, but for Shutoku Aki, it is hell.

Shutoku Aki stretched out his hand towards him, as if he wanted to pull him together, but the other person was already frozen by the sea water and had no strength. After the dragon appeared, the temperature of the sea water continued to drop.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

He stepped down on the top of the diving bell that had turned into ice. After shaking his head at Shude Aki, Minamoto cut off the safety lock connected to the diving bell with a single blow.

So in the blink of an eye, Shutoku Aki floated up with the rapidly rising safety rope, while Yuan Zhisheng stepped on the diving bell that turned into ice and quickly descended, holding a knife straight towards the wandering shadow below. .

...This was the last scene that Shuudoku Aki saw.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Today’s first update, should the update time be fixed?

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