...This dragon is far more difficult to deal with than I imagined.

Looking at the figure swimming in the sea not far away, holding the spider in his hand tightly, Yuan Zhisheng frowned unconsciously.

Just like his diving bell, the diving bell below belonging to Fingel and his friends has also been frozen into a large block of ice. No matter how hard the tight safety rope is, it can't hold such a large block for tens of meters. The behemoth was lifted out of the water.

Although this environment temporarily provided him with a focus, the water was the dragon's home field. After figuring out the scope of his [Kingdom] domain, the dragon has been cautiously swimming in the domain. Waiting for opportunities outside the range, not bringing anyone closer at all...

Although this thing has just been hatched, its IQ is unexpectedly high.

...It can’t be delayed any longer.

Feeling the fatigue coming from his body, Yuan Zhisheng tightened his grip on the spider cutter and took out a bean from his amulet and stuffed it into his mouth.

[King Quan] The release of this word spirit is a huge burden for him. Basically, he will lose all combat effectiveness once he uses it. If it weren't for the support of the fairy beans made by his sister, he really wouldn't have the confidence to save him. people.

Leaning down and no longer looking at the thing swimming in the distance, Yuan Zhisheng forcefully inserted the spider in his hand into the ice. The effect of the royal power was weakening. Pure dragons have a great influence on this word spirit. Immunity.

——He had to rescue Fingel and the others before that thing couldn't help but rush forward.

"Are you sure you won't take action yet?"

Turning to look at Mu Qingzhi sitting beside her, Jiude Mai had a strange look on her face.

"If you continue like this, your brother won't last long."

"Don't worry, he's not as weak as you think. I gave him a lot of props when I sent him to school... Compared to this, did you guys see that door just now?"

Looking at the screen in front of her, Mu Qingzhi frowned slightly.

Fingel's statement was not wrong. At that time, an illusory door did appear in the sea... In fact, it is not appropriate to describe it as a door. It was more like a mirror that separated two worlds.

Then, unknown dragons appeared, the seawater became turbid, large areas of seawater condensed into ice, and they lost sight of the door.

"Nibelung, this is not unusual. The boss once said that there is a Nibelung hidden under the water here."

Throwing a potato chip into her mouth, Su Enxi shrugged slightly.

"The mission goal of Zero and I's trip is to confirm the existence of the Nibelung. It would be best if we could go in and investigate. However, now, the latter mission is too dangerous and has been abandoned."

Able to freeze sea water in such a large area in an instant, this newly hatched dragon is suspected to be a dragon king-level existence. It has to face such a tricky thing outside. It is hard to imagine that it can still exist in that Nibelung. Encountered something scary.


Turning her head, Mu Qingzhi glanced outside.

The diving bell whose safety lock was cut off by Yuan Zhisheng has already fallen into the Nibelung. This diving bell is probably fast. If the dragon had a higher IQ and went around above to cut off the safety rope, the situation would probably be different. very bad.

"Hey, system, does the [Sealing] I opened have the same effect as the original sealing?"

Secretly, Mu Qingzhi asked the system in her mind.

"If I open the seal now, will everyone else fall into a state of stasis?"

Fengjue, a free method commonly mastered by Fire Mist Warriors that can isolate internal and external space. Ordinary people cannot perceive the existence of Fengjue, and once entering Fengjue, they will be completely "frozen" like other things.

In terms of description, this free law is related to cutting off cause and effect, which is extremely noble.

[Host, please keep your feet on the ground and don’t daydream. 】

The system's tone was full of disgust.

[Feng Jue is just a basic free law in Shana. Don't think of it as a sure kill. Shana's world has laws that belong to Shana's world, and the dragon world has laws that belong to the dragon world. The two bases can be shared, but there is no such thing as coverage. 】

"Okay, I knew..."

Mu Qingzhi reached out and scratched her cheek, with a look of annoyance on her face.

"You know what?"

Turning his head, Su Enxi looked at her confused.

"It's nothing, you just wait here, I'll go over and save people."

After handing over the control of the submarine to Mai Jiude, Mu Qingzhi stood up from her seat and pressed her forehead with her hand somewhat speechlessly.

"That guy is so clumsy, I can't stand it anymore..."

Yuan Zhisheng's thoughts were simple and simple. He actually wanted to dig a big hole with the spider in his hand. Once the dragon around him had the intention of approaching, he would not hesitate to release the spirit of words to force it back. .

Although this approach seems to be very effective, in Mu Qingzhi's opinion, it is simply stupid...

——Fingel and Eva may have been tricked, but they are not just decorations.

At the same time, inside the diving bell.

The muscles all over his body exuded a faint cyan metallic luster. Gritting his teeth fiercely, Fingel punched the surrounding ice wall one after another.

His word spirit is the [Bronze Throne], which can greatly strengthen the muscle strength, making the muscles as hard as bronze. When used to the extreme, the color of metal will appear on the surface of the body.

Different from Yuan Zhisheng's imagination, they were completely frozen in the ice and lost consciousness. Before the extreme cold wave came, Eva released the word spirit and instantly emptied the sea water near them, allowing them to temporarily gain some stability. time to breathe.

But at the same time, Eva was also seriously injured. The air inside the ice was thin, and the oxygen pipe was broken and cut off. They could not last long.

The only way out is to break the ice wall and escape with Eva.

But firstly, they are in the deep sea, and the water pressure around them is terrifyingly high. Secondly, the ice surface is hard and may even be more than ten meters thick. Trying to break through the ice wall with a pair of fists and escape from this cage is tantamount to Idiot's dream.

...But Fingel had no intention of stopping.

In this small cage, he could hear the sounds outside. In the narrow space, any sound was infinitely amplified, so he knew that Yuan Zhisheng was risking his life outside to find a way to rescue him, not to mention that Eva was still around. , he has no reason to give up.

His fist hit the ice like a pile driver, and broken ice edges flew everywhere in the small space. Fingel's entire state was almost crazy.

He didn't dare to look back because he was afraid that when he looked back, he would see Eva's face becoming paler.

Under the 170-meter-deep water, in this extremely small space, he could even hear the other party's increasingly weak heartbeat and breathing...

Eva was seriously injured, not only from the subsequent field collision, but also from being pierced by the dragon in order to protect her opponent's lower abdomen. Although he tried his best to take off his clothes and tie up the wound tightly. , but still couldn't stop the red blood from spreading in the water.

For this extremely serious injury, the opponent must be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment within ten minutes, but ten minutes was not enough for him to even penetrate the ice wall.

...I didn't dare to look back or think, I just mechanically increased the speed and strength of my hands.

He had never believed in religion. At this moment, he suddenly prayed crazily to the gods in the sky.

...The gods seemed to really hear his wish.

PS: Good morning.

The second update today, and there will be three more updates, starting from tomorrow at a fixed time period.

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