I have to say that the abilities of that unknown dragon are quite tricky.

While the temperature of the seawater dropped sharply, even if the dragon did not deliberately control it, large areas of seawater were slowly freezing into ice. It was not only Fingel's diving bell that was frozen, but also the surrounding sea areas. .

After wandering in front of a large pile of ice for a long time, Mu Qingzhi finally managed to get around to the bottom and found a breakthrough.

Judging from the speed of ice formation, even if the dragon did not deliberately break the safety rope, it would not be long before the safety rope could no longer bear the increasing weight below.

Lowering her eyes, Mu Qingzhi glanced downward.

About 20 meters below, a door stood there like a smooth mirror. It was hard to see clearly from far away before, but now that it was close, Mu Qingzhi was actually vaguely reflected in the mirror. Saw a strange island.

Different from ordinary islands, this island in the Nibelungen has a weird shape like the Colosseum in ancient Rome. Black rock walls surround the island. There are towering trees in the center of the island. On the rock walls The coffins placed in the dense caves can be vaguely seen... The entire island has a strange and ominous smell from the bottom of its heart.

Even in this mirror, Mu Qingzhi also discovered the diving bell that Yuan Zhisheng and Shude Aki were riding on that had fallen beforehand. The diving bell, which had been frozen into a big lump of ice, was piled on the coast like garbage. .

"Ah...it's a plot I haven't read..."

While complaining in his mind, after looking up at the thick ice above for a while, Mu Qingzhi took out the traffic circle and placed it on the ice.

As one of the earliest practical props made by her, it has undergone many improvements since then, and it is no longer in the form of the original iron hoop.

Soon, as the traffic circle was put up, a hole about a few meters deep appeared in front of her. There seemed to be air inside, and the seawater did not enter for a while.

But I don’t know what’s going on, but from time to time, a lot of ice cubes will fall from the top, and at the same time, there will be a dull sound like a pile driver.

"What the hell is this..."

Blocking her head with one hand and muttering in her mouth, Mu Qingzhi got in very flexibly.

It was only a few meters long passage, and it was just a breeze for her.

A few seconds later, she poked her head out on the ground.

Then at the first glance, she saw a bare-chested, burly man hammering the ice crazily. The ice cubes falling down in the channel were his work.

In addition to this guy, in a corner, a girl was lying on the ground with a pale face, blood oozing out from time to time from her abdomen that was tightly bound by a diving suit.

Although the girl was still barely conscious, her eyes had begun to wander, and she was probably not far from losing consciousness. When she saw her emerging from the ground like a groundhog, the girl was obviously stunned. .

However, Mu Qingzhi had no intention of explaining anything. After crawling out of the hole in the ground, Mu Qingzhi quickly reached Eva's side without paying attention to Fingel, who was in a violent and violent posture behind him.

After first taking out the hemostatic spray to help the other party stop the bleeding wound on his abdomen, Mu Qingzhi then took out a therapeutic bandage and helped the other party rebandage the abdominal wound.

After doing these two things, Mu Qingzhi took out a fairy bean and fed it to the other party after thinking about it for a moment.

Fairy beans, from Dragon Ball.

The original fairy beans are incredibly effective. No matter how serious the injury is, they can instantly fill up the blood and mana. It also has the effect of repairing broken limbs. The pirated fairy beans she used to create with her almighty skills do not have such functions and can only restore. It's a kind of physical strength. After all, this thing itself is prepared for the problem that Yuan Zhisheng is unable to fight after releasing the word spirit, so naturally it doesn't need to use so many functions.

Three axes come together, and the effect is immediate.

After eating the fairy beans, Eva had the strength to sit up from the ground.

Before, she felt that her body became colder and her consciousness became more and more blurred. But after the other party sprayed something on her wound and then wrapped it with a bandage, she magically felt that the heat returned to her. on the body.

What's even more amazing is that after she swallowed the bean fed to her by the other party, the strength she had lost quickly returned to her body...

Looking at the mysterious girl who suddenly appeared in front of her, Eva's eyes were filled with inquiry and curiosity.

"May I ask you are……"

"It doesn't matter who I am, you should stop him first."

Pointing at Fingel behind him who had not noticed the situation at all, Mu Qingzhi shrugged slightly.

"Now is not the time to reminisce about old times. Don't forget, there is a dragon outside."


... Fingel no longer knew how many punches he had thrown.

At the beginning, he would deliberately control the strength and precision, but later on, he only had mechanical movements on his hands.

The effect of the Bronze Throne began to disappear, and severe pain spread from his fists, but he himself was suddenly undecided. He just punched mechanically, letting blood splatter on his hands, and his eyes were empty.

……Time is running out.

He knew very well the injuries on Eva's body. After delaying for so long, there was no possibility of survival. His girl was eventually buried under the vast sea of ​​ice.

It was obviously very noisy around him, but he felt that the world had fallen into a dead silence, as if something was sinking in his heart, and the boundless darkness began to swallow him up bit by bit.

...until the girl hugged his hand.

Not a cold corpse, but a soft body with warmth.

Stopping what he was doing, Fingel turned around and looked blankly at the girl in front of him. She had warmth, could speak, could hold his scarred hands in anger, could put her hands on her hips and scold him loudly...

Suddenly, Fingel stretched out his arms and hugged the other party fiercely.

As if he was hugging some lost treasure, he buried his face in the girl's neck. Fingel cried loudly. The tall man who was more than 1.9 meters tall looked like a child at this moment. The other party was crying so hard that he was out of breath, and there were even snot bubbles coming out of his nose...

It seems that she didn't expect Fingel's performance to be so extreme. At the beginning, Eva was at a loss for a while.

Since she knew the other party, the other party has never shown such a shameful state in front of her, but now, the other party is holding her and crying very ugly, with a lot of snot and tears flowing...

"Okay, am I okay? Stop crying."

Reaching out and gently stroking the other person's back, Eva whispered comfort in her mouth.

"It's okay. We agreed to get married after graduation. How could I leave you first? Okay..."

Looking at this scene in front of me, after thinking about it for a while...

Squatting in the corner, Mu Qingzhi silently took out a video camera from her pocket.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There are two more updates to come.

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