The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 123: Shameless people are invincible in the world

With Eva's comfort, Fingel finally returned to normal after a while.

Although it was a bit embarrassing to cry like that, in front of Eva, there was no problem... People who have never experienced a desperate situation cannot understand how he felt at that time.

"By the way, why did you...I remember you..."

As he spoke, Fingel quickly looked at Eva's belly.

He remembered clearly that a big hole had been penetrated by sharp claws in the other party's place before, and he had tried his best to strangle it with a diving suit to prevent his internal organs from flowing out. But now, the diving suit tied around the opponent's waist was gone, replaced by a pure The white bandage seemed to stop even the bleeding.

...Where did the bandage come from?

Suddenly thinking of some possibility, Fingel froze.

Eva had been in a near-death state before, so it was naturally impossible for her to be as alive and kicking as she is now. Now that there are different bandages on her waist, there is only one possibility.

...I fell into a hallucination.

Everything that happened before existed only in his own fantasy. In the real reality, he was still mechanically hammering the ice wall. Eva was lying behind him with a pale face, just lost...

Just then, a voice brought him back to reality.

"Hey, that's it. You've done enough to show off your affection. If you continue to show off, I'm going to go crazy."

With a dark face, Mu Qingzhi stood up from the ground.

Shana's template is good in everything, but she's too short. She's only 1.46 meters tall without the stupid hair, and Eva is just that. Fingel is over 1.9 meters tall, and she has to raise her head to see the other person...

But if you think about it on the bright side, anyone who sees her must lower their head...actually, that's pretty much it.

"You are..."

Looking down at the black-haired girl in front of him who was glaring at him with an unhappy look on his face, Fingel couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

"She saved me."

Leaning next to him, Eva spoke softly.

Although Mu Qingzhi gave her emergency treatment, the wound on her abdomen was still scary. Even with a treatment bandage, it would take time to recover slowly, so even though she had regained her strength now, her body was still a little bit... weak.

"Me? I am the messenger of justice, the flower of the motherland, and the successor of communism."

Pouting her lips, Mu Qingzhi threw away the camera in her hand.

"I have recorded all of your touching scenes just now. I will show them to my brother later. While he was slaying dragons for you outside, you were making love to each other inside... I’m looking forward to my brother’s expression when the time comes.”

"Wait, Heroine, please show mercy!!"

When he saw the camera and recalled the embarrassing scene before, Fingel's expression suddenly changed.

"There was a reason just now. I was..."

"It's too late, I want you to show off your affection like no one else is around."

With a soft hum in his mouth, Mu Qingzhi casually threw the camera in his hand into the ring.

"Okay, hurry up as soon as you recover. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it later. Don't waste time here. We have to hurry up and get out. There's still a dragon outside. My idiot brother might not be able to withstand it... By the way, stand closer."

Without giving the two people in front of him a chance to speak, Mu Qingzhi took out a flashlight from the ring and started urging.


[Item name: Adaptive lamp]

[Grade: Purple]

[Effect ①: Adapt. After being illuminated by this flashlight, it can adapt to any extreme environment, including deep sea and outer space. The duration is 24 hours. Multiple exposures in a short period of time do not overlap. 】

[Effect ②: Ambient light. The light emitted by the flashlight will change randomly, and it may be blue, purple or neon. 】

[Effect ③: Energy gathering ring. This flashlight must use Nanfu batteries as energy supply, and one battery is better than six. 】

[Note: My super power is that I can automatically skip several hours every time I sleep. It is a terrible time-based super power! ! 】


The adaptable lamp is a very useful prop. After getting along with Su Enxi, a rich woman, this thing was one of the first ones she made.


Although they didn't know what the mysterious girl in front of them was doing when she suddenly took out a flashlight, Fingel and Eva still got closer.

In fact, there were too many things they wanted to ask about now, such as the identity of the other party, the extra hole in the ground, and where the camera suddenly went... But they still held back.

Just as the other party said, now is not the time to talk about these things. There are dragons around outside, and they must...

Just when they thought of this, there was a "click" sound like a camera taking pictures, and a flash almost blinded them.

Fingel/Eva: “…”

…So it’s not a flashlight, but a camera?

"The damn flash can also be considered an ambient light..."

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly. Facing the confused and confused expressions of the two people in front of her, Mu Qingzhi put the adaption lamp back into the ring, and waved her hand without changing her expression.

"Okay, let's go."

After saying this, Mu Qingzhi walked to the cave and jumped down.

Tens of seconds later, Fingel and Eva also jumped down from the hole. Originally, they wanted to give in to the oxygen problem, but after discovering that they were suddenly able to breathe and speak in the water, the two of them decided The expression on his face can be said to be quite wonderful.

No one here is a fool. They easily thought that the cause of all this must be because of the camera in the flashlight before, but there is something that can take a picture of them and allow them to go 170 meters deep. Free movement under the deep sea?

For a moment, both Eva and Fingel looked quite confused.

Not only were they able to breathe in the water, they also found that the water pressure that was always oppressing them disappeared. They were as relaxed in the deep sea as on land. What shocked them even more was that the bone-chilling temperature of the water around them also disappeared. Suddenly I became comfortable, and I felt like I was back home in the deep sea...

——Everything happening in front of them is challenging their worldview.

Especially when the mysterious girl in front of him took down a ring from the ice wall and the hole disappeared, the sense of unreality became even stronger.

If he hadn't been able to feel the pain, the door still appearing below would have reminded him that Fingel almost thought he was still in an illusion.

"Okay, stop dawdling, Fengo stays, and the patient gets on board."

After waving her hand and greeting a swimming fish in the distance, Mu Qingzhi urged her.

Finn dog...

After a moment of confusion, Fingel did not hesitate.

"Woof woof woof!!!"

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another update later.

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