Seeing Fengel in front of him who looked not ashamed but proud of this, Mu Qingzhi was silent for a while.

She just said it was smooth, but she didn't expect that the other party actually picked up... This was indeed the Fingel she knew.

If you look at it this way, the dark history video she specially shot before is probably useless. After all, people are shameless and invincible.

...Dark history?

It’s just a dark history, and there’s no need to be afraid of the opponent who evolves from Fingel to Findog...

Not long after, the sea fish that received the message swam in front of them, and then in the almost numb expressions of Fingel and Eva, the sea fish turned into a flashy submarine in front of them.

"Are you sure you don't need our help?"

Poking his head out of the porthole, Su Enxi asked reluctantly.

"No need, remember to stay away so you don't get discovered."

Mu Qingzhi waved her hands to the people in the submarine.

"Also, help take care of her."

All of them have been illuminated with adaptation lights in advance, so entering and exiting the submarine is a very simple matter. It can be done with just one pass circle... Anyway, it has an automatic drainage function.

"It's okay."

Very reluctantly, Su Enxi nodded.

"Don't forget, you promised me the barbecue under the sea."

"Don't worry, don't worry. I'll fix it for you when I get back this time. It'll be a big one. Then I'll roast a whole whale for you."

Waving her hands, Mu Qingzhi looked grand.

Fingel/Eva on the side: "..."

...Listening to the conversations of the people next to them, they now seriously suspected that they had traveled to some strange magical world.

"Okay, stop looking. My brother is still up there, knocking ice cubes diligently."

Seeing that the submarine that had once again transformed into a sea fish had moved away, Fingel was still looking over there. Mu Qingzhi kicked the opponent angrily, and then threw a bamboo dragonfly to the opponent.

"Can you still fight? If you can, just do it for me."

"this is……"

Following the small bamboo stick in his hand, Fingel looked confused.

The diving suit that he had taken off and tied to Eva had been put on again, but it looked wrinkled on him due to multiple damage and blood infection.

"Put it on your head and control it with your thoughts."

After saying these words, Mu Qingzhi took the lead and flew upwards after taking the bamboo dragonfly with her.

Although it is not impossible to swim across, the speed is too slow.

——The essence of the bamboo dragonfly is an anti-gravity device, so it can actually be used in water.

The use of the bamboo dragonfly was quite simple, so Fingel quickly mastered the trick. While quickly following the mysterious girl in front of him, he asked tentatively.

"By the way, I just saw it in that submarine..."

"Mai Shutoku, Aki Shutoku's twin sister."

Mu Qingzhi seemed to have guessed what the other party was going to ask, and spoke very simply.

"As for Minamoto, that's my younger brother. You can call me Uesugi Zhi."

"Uesugi Zhi..."

Nodding thoughtfully, Fingel silently remembered the name in his heart.


On the layered ice, Yuan Zhisheng frowned and looked at the ice below.

In the past, he heard a dull roar coming from inside, but now, the sound has completely disappeared.

...feeling exhausted, you still want to give up?

Turning his cheek slightly, Yuan Zhisheng looked at the turbid sea water beside him.

He still had plenty of oxygen, but the dragon seemed to be stubborn about him, lingering around and refusing to leave.

After many exchanges, he finally figured out the other party's confidence.

...The opponent is very strong, there is no doubt about it.

Even if he inherited the royal blood, once he was hit by the opponent's breath from the front, he would still lose half of his life.

But correspondingly, I don't know if it was due to the forced incubation, but the opponent's body was quite brittle. Not to mention the spider in his hand was cut, even the ordinary bullets loaded in the underwater rifle were able to penetrate the opponent's defense.

If he could get close, he could definitely cut off the opponent's head with one knife...but he couldn't get close.

The thing paraded underwater very quickly, without making any sound during the parade, and he only had the spotlight on his diving helmet to provide the light source. The surrounding seawater mixed with ice was quite turbid, and his field of vision was quite poor. It's hard to catch each other's figure.

So far, he has released the royal power five times in succession.

Even with the fairy beans to replenish his physical strength, the side effects of releasing the word spirit many times still made him feel dizzy. If he continued to drag on, he might be able to wait for support on the sea, but it was more likely that the other party would encounter that one. The dragon's surprise attack resulted in an untimely death.

What's worse is that, based on his understanding of Professor Schneider, the other party may have already infiltrated to find them.

Although there were no extra diving bells on the ship, with Professor Schneider's pedigree, the opponent was fully capable of diving to the bottom of the sea without protective gear.

Once Professor Schneider encounters that dragon...

Thinking of this, Yuan Zhisheng suddenly became a little restless.

And just when he was about to risk using himself as bait to trap and kill the dragon, a beam of pure white light suddenly shone straight towards him.

In an instant, the water pressure disappeared, the surrounding sea water was no longer cold, the dark surroundings suddenly became brighter, and he was able to breathe in the sea...

Looking at the two figures flying over there, Yuan Zhisheng suddenly opened his eyes unconsciously.

"What are you looking at? I came here to catch whales. Do you think I came here just for you?"

With a cold snort, Mu Qingzhi threw a bamboo dragonfly over.

"As for the bamboo dragonfly, I paired it for you, right? Why don't you use it?"

"I, I didn't expect to be in the water..."

After taking the bamboo dragonfly, Yuan Zhisheng suddenly stuttered.

He is not afraid of anyone, and nothing can make him lose his composure, but only in front of his elder sister, he always feels that he will be inexplicably intimidated.

...What is an unknown dragon?

Compared with those things, my elder sister is the most terrifying existence in the world.

"When you go back, honestly hand me 10,000 words for review."

When Mu Qingzhi came to the other party with one hand on her hips and looked up at him, she was not polite.

"How's it going? Any questions?"


Glancing at Fingel who was holding his hands and nodding, Yuan Zhisheng lowered his head honestly.

At this time, if he dared to say no, the number of words would immediately triple.

"Huh, I'll settle the score with you when I get back."

With a soft hum in his mouth, Mu Qingzhi turned her head and looked around her.

The dragon had originally been wary of Yuan Zhisheng, but now there were two more people here, one of whom was the person who shot and injured it before. Now it was even more reluctant to get closer... but it didn't go far.

Relying on its flexible body, it has been swimming in the nearby ice floes and sea water, looking for opportunities to move.

...As a dragon, its revengeful mentality is actually very strong.

But obviously, it didn't realize it.

——Since Mu Qingzhi came to this battlefield, the identity between hunter and prey has actually been lost.

Now, it's prey.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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