Under the turbid ice sea, evil things lurk in the shadows.

Deep water pressure, oxygen, visibility, speed of movement... No matter which hybrid species you are, you can only face the dragon under this ice sea with limited resources.

But all the advantages that the dragon possessed became empty talk when Mu Qingzhi arrived.

The power from adaptive lights smooths this gap.

At this time, when facing the dragon in the ice sea, Mu Qingzhi suddenly understood why the system advised her not to randomly send out magical props. Although these magical props mostly came from Doraemon, it was a bit ridiculous, but Even the simplest circulation circle contains rules such as space.

Once these props are misused at will, there may be big trouble...

"Leave it to me."

He walked up to his elder sister with the knife in hand, and Yuan Zhisheng spoke in a low voice.

"That dragon is very cunning, but its body is surprisingly fragile. Ordinary guns can break its defenses. As long as I find a chance to get close, I can definitely chop off its head with one knife."

He knew his sister's ability. It would be okay if she was on land, but now she was in an ice sea nearly 200 meters deep. Even if the flames could be released, their power would be greatly reduced.

In the past, he had difficulty moving in the water, and the opponent's body was flexible and the environment was bleak, so he couldn't find a chance. But now, not to mention the high mobility provided by the bamboo dragonfly above his head, the surrounding environment has also become brighter. Under these conditions, he was absolutely sure to kill the opponent.

"You? Okay, come on then."

Pouting her lips and crossing her arms with her chest, Mu Qingzhi leaned back against the tight safety rope.

The unknown dragon was just an appetizer. The real danger came from the Nibelung with the large door directly below them. She had to be careful underneath.

In addition, fighting underwater is really not suitable for her. After all, Shana's fighting style is basically related to flames. It is true that it is a bit difficult for her to generate flames in the ice sea.

"Then I'll go over and help."

He moved his body slightly, holding a diving knife in his hand. Looking at the dragon hiding in the ice floe over there, Fingel smiled sinisterly.

It was this dragon that almost killed Eva before. His hatred for the other party was unforgettable. Now that he saw the other party again, how could he not be angry?

"Go, go, go, I'm here to cheer you guys on."

Mu Qingzhi waved her hand perfunctorily, and simply sat down against the rope.

After irradiating the adaptation light, being in the deep sea feels no different from being on land...even more comfortable.

At the same time, when Fingel and Yuan Zhisheng were working together to slay the dragon, Schneider, with a safety rope tied to his body and a full set of diving equipment, was diving anxiously downwards above the ice sea.

Three of the four people who dived were his students.

...But except for Shutoku Aki, who was pulled up along with the safety rope, none of the others returned.

Shutoku Aki had multiple frostbite spots on his body, and was also suspected of suffering some kind of mental attack. After reluctantly telling him about the situation he encountered below, he fell into a coma.

...It’s hard to say how Schneider was feeling at that time.

The worst thing happened, the dragon hatched early and ambush the students while they were diving, intending to bury everyone under the sea of ​​ice.

After listening to Shutoku Aki's story, Schneider understood that the other three were already in danger. Even though they were extremely good, facing a newly hatched dragon in a high-pressure environment like the deep sea, they simply couldn't. No chance of winning.

At the same time, he also clearly understood that even if he went down by himself, nothing would change. Counting the time between Shude Aki being hung up and him changing into diving equipment and diving to that depth, the time spent in between was already far away. The limit of ten minutes has been exceeded.

To withstand the attack of a dragon for more than ten minutes in a deep sea environment... no one can do this.

Maybe the principal can do it, but the principal is not here. Only him, a few students and the sailor mates are here.

...But he still persisted and dived into the water.

He is not one of those guys on the school board who only care about interests. As long as Yuan Zhisheng Fingel and the others still have a glimmer of hope of survival, he will take action without hesitation.

30 meters, 50 meters, 80 meters, 100 meters...

Following the tight safety line of another diving bell hanging underwater, Schneider dived all the way down.

The farther below the ice sea, the darker the field of vision becomes. The only meager illumination provided by the diving spotlight on his head is that a little further away is a dark turbidity, and the sea water is also mixed with countless particles. Crushed ice chips and ice cubes.

Schneider could feel that the temperature of the surrounding seawater dropped further as he went down. By the time he dived to 120 meters, the seawater had completely dropped below 0 degrees Celsius.

This kind of supercooled seawater will freeze quickly with just a little stirring.

Even with his excellent bloodline, he couldn't help but feel a biting coldness. There seemed to be boundless evil beasts hiding in the darkness below, as if they might rush up and devour him at any time.

With an impassive expression on his face, Schneider continued his dive after simply reporting the situation to the people on the sea through the communication device.

The safety rope is still tight, which means that the other diving bell is still hovering in the 170-meter-deep sea. If Yuan Zhi, Fengel and Eva all died there, the dragon should come. If this safety line is touched and there is no problem with the safety line, it means that Yuan Zhisheng and the others still have the possibility of survival.

...Of course, judging from the IQ displayed by the dragon, this may also be a trap deliberately set by the dragon for the people at sea.

——But at least for the moment, this gives Schneider a reason to gamble on this hope.

120 meters, 130 meters, 140 meters, 150 meters...

The searchlight above his head was shining on the scenery below. While slowly diving along the safety rope, Schneider tightly held the rifle in his hand.

Yuan Zhisheng and the others had an accident when they dived to the 170th meter. Now he is less than 20 meters away from the incident. Soon, he will see the frozen diving bell.

But as the distance got closer and closer, Schneider's heart became colder and colder.

… He didn’t hear any gunshots.

Under the 170-meter-deep ice sea, the only means Yuan Zhisheng and the others could fight against the dragon were the underwater rifles distributed in their hands and bullets made from the Philosopher's Stone.

If Yuan Zhisheng and the others were still alive, then what he should have heard now was the ping ping ping ping pong of gunshots, but now, he didn't even hear a single gunshot...

Everything almost points to the worst ending.

——Except Shutoku Aki, all the other diver students were wiped out! !

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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