Under the 160-meter-deep ice sea, holding on to the safety lock with one hand, Schneider remained silent.

...I haven't heard any gunshots at this distance, so there is no need to hold on to any hope in my heart.

There are two choices before him now. One is to continue to explore down to see if there is a way to bring Yuan Zhisheng's bodies back for burial. The other is to notify the superiors now and let them activate the recovery equipment to pull him up.

The latter is safer, but the former involves taking a lot of risks... After all, there is still a possibility that the dragon is wandering around.

Logically speaking, he must be rational at this time, but after a moment of silence, Schneider still chose to continue diving.

...have already come down here, and he has no reason to go back.

160 meters, 165 meters, 168 meters...

Finally, under the illumination of the spotlight above him, he saw the diving bell below that was completely frozen by ice.

Just like Shutoku Aki said, the diving bell has turned into a big lump of ice, surrounded by a large area of ​​frozen sea water. It is roughly estimated that it is at least tens of meters frozen to the side. No wonder it cannot be pulled up...

Suddenly, Schneider froze.

... There are very few words to describe his shock at this moment.

Under the 170-meter-deep dark water, on the frozen ice at the top of the diving bell, a black-haired girl sat there with her legs crossed and leaning on the safety rope.

The other person seemed to be very young. Not only was he not wearing any diving equipment, he didn't even have an oxygen bottle or anything like that... But the other person was still alive.

Not only was the girl alive, but she would even raise her hands and shout something into the distance from time to time. The deep water pressure and harsh environment had no impact on the other party.

...Dragon King?

Suddenly, Schneider felt his heart tremble.

No one can do this under the 170-meter-deep ice sea, including the principal. The only ones who can do this are dragons.

...Among the dragons, the only ones who can transform into humans are dragon king-level beings.

Under the ice in this sea area, there is a... Dragon King?

Thinking of this possibility for a moment, Schneider suddenly felt that his breathing had become stagnant, and just when he wanted to quietly point the gun in his hand at the girl below who was suspected of being the Dragon King, the girl suddenly looked up with a strange look on her face. To him.

"After staying up there for so long, are you sure you can't come down? Also, are you trying to shoot me?"

Schneider: “…”

After a moment of silence, Schneider lowered the muzzle of the gun in his hand and silently descended to the ice-made platform.

——Facing a Dragon King-level existence, any small actions are redundant and bloated, and will only accelerate your own unnecessary death.

"Although I don't know what you misunderstood in your mind, things are definitely not what you imagined... Forget it, I'll prove it with actual actions."

After staring at his face for a while, the girl in front of him suddenly sighed, and then pulled out a flashlight from somewhere.


Looking at the flashlight held by the girl in front of him, Schneider couldn't help but frown, and at the same time, he felt confused in his heart.

... Even though he had guessed in his mind the many possibilities of confrontation with the Dragon Kings, he had never guessed that things would take such a weird direction.

"Don't worry, it will soon... uh, the battery will run out."

Seemingly seeing the vigilance on his face, the girl got up from the ground and waved her hand to him.

"Wait a moment, the battery is out of power, I'll replace it."


While Schneider continued to be confused, he watched helplessly as the girl actually took out two AA batteries from behind the open flashlight and replaced them with new ones...

——Schneider suddenly suspected that the Dragon King in front of him might have something wrong with his mind.

But soon, as the flashlight pointed at him, after a burst of pink light flashed, and he felt relaxed, Schneider suddenly found that the world became brighter in an instant.


Unlike Eva and Fingel, who are very receptive to new things, Schneider was particularly shocked when he looked at the ordinary flashlight in the girl's hand.

"Well, do you understand? Things are not what you think."

Shrugging slightly, the girl in front of her put away the flashlight in her hand again.

"As for your students, they are slaying dragons over there right now."

As he spoke, the girl pointed behind him.

Following the other party's instructions and turning his head blankly, Schneider found his student in the ice sea not far away.

Fingel's diving suit had been torn off, and he was now naked from the waist up. He was holding a diving knife in his hand and wearing a strange, rapidly rotating thing on his head. With a grin on his face, he chased after a man who was fleeing at high speed in the turbid ice sea. Behind the figure.

As for Yuan Zhisheng, the opponent held a long knife in his hand and also wore that weird thing on his head. He and Fingel were surrounding the figure one after another.

Because the scene that happened in front of him was really too bizarre. Looking at the situation over there, Schneider was stunned for a long time.

...Didn’t you say that you were attacked by a dragon?

But judging from the current situation, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like they have been attacked by dragons. Instead, it looks more like the dragons are helplessly suffering from their crazy attacks...

——This was the first time he saw Fingel's ferocious appearance like a demon.

...Looking at Fingel's situation, it was clear that he was going to ride on the dragon and cut it into pieces with the knife in his hand! ! !

What happened in the past ten minutes?

...Now Schneider feels like he is drawing a sword and looking around at a loss.

"Where's Eva?"

After a long period of shock, Schneider finally came back to his senses and turned to look at the girl who put her hands in her pockets and walked slowly to him, the voice coming out of her mouth was hoarse and unbelievable.

"She was a little injured, so I rescued her and placed her somewhere else, but don't worry, she's fine."

Looking up at the battlefield over there, the girl looked noncommittal.

"The dragon almost killed Eva, that's why Fingel acted so crazy. As for more specific details, you can ask them in detail after they go back."

"What about you? Who are you?"

Looking at the girl next to him, Schneider's voice was dry.

"What was that flashlight just now? A word spirit? An alchemy tool? Or some kind of alchemy field engraved on it?"

"Me? You can ask the principal this question."

Raising her head, the girl looked at him with a half-smile.

"You'd better just tell the principal about what happened here. The principal knows who I am and I need to find a chance to talk to him."

"Today's incident is the sincerity I have shown."

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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