Under the 170-meter-deep ice sea, dragons fled in panic.

Without the advantages of speed and vision, the relationship between hunter and prey has completely changed.

Although this dragon is very powerful and can freeze a large area of ​​sea water with just one breath. Once it hits the enemy behind it, it will be killed, but in front of Fengel who is completely in a state of rage, it is simply unable to do so. No such opportunity.

Before, it wanted to risk freezing the guy, but then a sudden strong pressure disrupted all its movements. Then, the guy grinned and stabbed the diving knife in his hand hard into it.

If it hadn't reacted quickly and escaped downwards in time, that crazy human would have even ridden directly on it and become a dragon knight...


Compared with it, the two guys chasing after it are obviously more like a dragon. It has just hatched and its body is too weak. If it hadn't barely gained the upper hand due to its speed, it would have been completely drunk. Under the opponent's knife.

——The current dragons are really depressed and want to cry.

"...I will tell the principal and the information here will be sealed."

Looking at the dragon escaping hastily over there, after a moment of silence, Schneider nodded and made a promise.


Turning his head, Schneider looked at the girl next to him.

"Can you give me a thing like that? I also want to go up and help and kill this dragon as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he pointed at the top of his head.

He had already seen that the reason why Fingel and Yuan Zhisheng were able to keep up with the speed of the dragon was all because of the weird thing they were wearing that was spinning rapidly on their heads.

Otherwise, even if it could ignore the water pressure and survive by breathing in the deep sea, it would never pose any threat to the dragon.

"If the two of them can't take down the dragon, it will be useless even if a few more people come up."

Shaking her head, Mu Qingzhi lowered her head and looked down.

"Have you ever thought about why that dragon is obviously at a disadvantage but still hangs around here and refuses to leave? Even if there is a bamboo dragonfly, that thing is not a racing prop. With the speed of that dragon, it is very difficult to move away. I can easily throw the two of them away and leave here."

"…that door?"

His heart suddenly moved slightly, and Schneider asked.

... He suddenly remembered Fingel's intermittent words in the previous communication channel.

"That's right, the opened door is now located directly under the diving bell that was frozen into ice."

Mu Qingzhi stepped on the ice below with her feet and answered.

"But it was not so much a door as the entrance to a Nibelung into which the other diving bell fell."

"you mean……"

Suddenly I felt a tremor in my heart for a moment, and another look finally appeared on Schneider's always cold face.

"Yes, that dragon is not important. What is important is the Nibelung below, and this Nibelung has an owner."

Raising her head, Mu Qingzhi looked at the other party word by word.

"My master hasn't spoken yet. As a servant, how dare you leave here without permission?"


This time, Schneider was completely silent.

He understood what the girl in front of him meant, but it was precisely because he understood that he knew how serious the matter was.

The concepts of the Nibelungs with owners and the Nibelungs without owners are very different. If the girl in front of her had not lied to her, there would be a legendary figure hidden under the ice sea. Four great kings.

...The King of Ocean and Water?

While Schneider was silent, something happened suddenly.

As if receiving some instructions, the dragon that had been running away suddenly changed its direction, and then swam towards them quite quickly.

Because they did not expect that the other party would suddenly change direction at the risk of being stabbed, Fingel and Yuan Zhisheng both slowed down a beat. When they reacted and hurriedly followed, the dragon The class has arrived above Mu Qingzhi and Schneider.

However, it had no intention of attacking Mu Qingzhi and the others. Instead, it bit hard on the tight safety rope.

The bite force of dragons is different from ordinary people. The safety rope, which is strong enough to support the weight of tens of thousands of tons, quickly breaks under this bite. The next moment, accompanied by the muffled sound of the rope breaking, Mu Qingzhi The diving bell they stood on quickly fell together with a large piece of ice.

As for the dragon above them, after Fingel, who was quickly rushed to his side, slashed his body and cut off a large piece of flesh, he faintly let out a mournful cry in his mouth, and suddenly burst out with an extremely powerful sound. With great speed, he plunged downwards.

A few seconds later, the dragon's figure and the diving bell disappeared in front of them... and they plunged into the door below.

"...Finally couldn't bear it any longer?"

A hint of curiosity appeared in Yu's eyes, and he handed Schneider in his hand to Fingel and Yuan Zhisheng who were rushing over. Mu Qingzhi looked down.

As the turbid water gradually became clear, the situation displayed in the door below was completely revealed in front of them.

Just like what Mu Qingzhi had observed before, the island was still the same island, but there was an additional diving bell next to the island. After the injured dragon entered the Niper dragon root, it ran all the way to the mountain. Those dense rock walls.

When he saw the dragon lying in a coffin, Schneider's face became quite ugly.

On that mountain, the rock walls are densely packed, and there are countless coffins placed inside the rock walls. If there is a dragon lying in each coffin, how many dragons are there?

Thinking of this, Schneider suddenly trembled slightly in his heart.

... He could feel that he seemed to have unintentionally touched upon an extremely huge secret related to the Dragon Clan.

The dragon race hides too many secrets.

When did the history of the Dragon Clan end? Where did the remains of the Dragon Clan disappear? Why did the Dragon Clan's civilization decline so quickly after the death of the Black King? Mysteries follow one after another.

The more you know, the more questions you have.

You know, even if the Black King and White King are gone, there are still eight Dragon Kings on the four thrones. They are all super beings who can destroy legions and even countries! !

...but they are all dead.

Along with that glorious civilization, it was buried in the vast river of history.

Schneider had a premonition in his heart that he could find it in the Nibelungen below, on that uninhabited island, in the dense rock walls on the mountain, in the dense coffins in the rock walls... The answers to these secrets.

This is an extremely huge and magnificent discovery, and this huge discovery may make all the secrets of the Helong clan come to light! ! !

If I could enter that island...

Thinking of this, Schneider's breathing became rapid.

"Don't think too much. If you guys get in there, I'm not sure I can fish you out."

As if she guessed what he was thinking, the girl answered the order without looking back.

"You two, hold your teacher back for me."

Schneider: “…”

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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