Under the vast sea of ​​ice, a Nibelung that hides countless secrets appeared in front of him. The history and secrets of the Dragon Clan were all in it.

...and he was less than a few dozen meters away from the secret.

But the distance of just tens of meters seemed like a natural chasm.

"Let me go, I'm not that kind of idiot."

After looking at the two people guarding him on the left and right, Schneider sighed and spoke.

"Do you have your mobile phone with you? Although it says you can't go in, it's good to take some photos."


Looking down at himself who was almost running naked, Fingel simply shook his head.

"But my savior is..."

"Electrical appliances will not work. Don't forget how the underwater robots you damaged before were damaged."

While looking at the scenery below attentively, Mu Qingzhi answered without raising her head.

"Look carefully, something seems to be coming out from below."


After a slight pause, Schneider lowered his head and looked down.

...At this time, he also saw the clues.

At some point, the junction of the sky and the sea on the island below suddenly lit up, as if there was a flame burning, and it seemed like a spectacular sunrise on the sea.

The light spread rapidly from the junction of the sea and the sky. Soon, half of the sky turned golden, and the cyan clouds were completely engulfed by the light, completely integrated into the dazzling golden light.

… It’s not just the sky that changes, but also the sea.

Violent waves arose on the sea surface, and the waves hit the island one after another. The entire sea was red, and the firelight in the sky was repeatedly refracted in the seawater. It looked like the seawater was boiling with flames.

In the radiance of the sky, a small black spot gradually became clear on the sea... It was a boat.

The hot light that almost illuminates the sky and the earth comes from the bow of the ship, or to be precise, it comes from a lantern hanging on the bow. The ship carries a coffin, wearing a cloak and tight white clothes, like a mummy quietly Standing on the bow of the ship...

——No one can help but be shocked by the scene before them.

"What is that... God?"

Schneider murmured, with a look of despair on his face.

"God? It's probably some kind of Dragon King. You see, it has golden eyes."

Unlike Schneider who was shocked, Mu Qingzhi was not affected at all. She took out a camera from the ring and started filming, and she answered casually.

"Everyone, please be careful. I don't know the details of this guy. If it really comes out of it, you should run up there immediately and I will block it for you. Do you understand?"


Opening his mouth, Yuan Zhisheng seemed to want to say something, but in the end, he just clenched the handle of the knife in his hand and softly uttered one word in his mouth.

Even though his sister provided him with so many conveniences and Fingel was helping him, he still let the dragon run away.

——He had no reason to refute this abysmal record.

At this moment, this god-like figure from the sea also came to the island.

Raising his head in front of the island, the god looked at them far away from the Nibelungs. His eyes were neither sad nor happy, and the golden eyes in his eyes were bright.

...Schneider has never seen such bright golden eyes.

The moment his eyes met that figure's, he felt as if his mind was ignited by the golden eyes, his thoughts became blank, his eyes became dull, and he even unconsciously wanted to run towards the other person's arms without any care. …

——Yuan Zhisheng caught him and Fingel in time.

"Don't look that guy in the eye."

Closing his eyes tightly, Yuan Zhisheng spoke in a low voice.

Although his bloodline is far stronger than Schneider and Fingel, when he made eye contact with the other party, he actually lost his mind for a moment.

"It's useless for you to say that. They can't hear you anymore. One person cuts them all."

He casually threw a knife behind him. After saying these words, Mu Qingzhi raised the camera in his hand toward the god.


As the flash flashed, after looking at the finished product, Mu Qingzhi nodded with satisfaction.

"It's okay. It's quite photogenic."

It seemed that he didn't expect that someone would dare to be so rebellious in front of him. The god was stunned for a while, but he quickly reacted.

……anger? Not to mention.

Just like humans wouldn't be offended by an ant's provocative actions, the same is true for Him. Now, He only thinks that the girl outside is interesting.

He has lived for too long, and has not seen such an interesting toy for a long time. He can sense that the girl outside is a mixed race, and her bloodline rating should have reached the S level... But this does not explain what the other party is saying. demonstrated these abilities.

If this is the case, then let the other party become your puppet.

Over a long period of time, He has collected many interesting puppets, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to add one more today...

With this thought, He chuckled in his mouth.

But just when he wanted to raise his hand, his expression suddenly changed slightly. I don't know when, behind the girl...or to be precise, beside the girl, quietly There was another boy who made a sound.

The boy was wearing a neat suit and a tie at the collar. He looked like he was going to a banquet.

Standing next to the girl, the boy looked at him indifferently. Just like the expression he looked at those people, there was no expression on the boy's face. He just glanced at him so indifferently that even Gold The pupils didn't even light up.

...But with just such a glance, an emotion called panic suddenly arose in his heart.

He thought that this emotion had completely disappeared, but now, he couldn't stop shouting in his heart, and an inexplicable fear emerged from nowhere and surrounded him.

The boy didn't appear for long, just a few seconds, but these few seconds seemed like years to him. It wasn't until the boy's figure quietly disappeared from the girl's side that he grew up in his heart. He breathed a sigh of relief.


After taking a deep look at the girl who was still playing with the camera in her hand, he waved his hand calmly.

The next moment, the door suspended in the sea of ​​ice closed quietly.

"Run away now..."

Mu Qingzhi glanced at her side thoughtfully, and put the camera away again with some regret.

Although she didn't know what the meaning of Lu Mingze's request for help from her was in the end, she could feel that the god-like figure following Nibelung seemed to be afraid of Lu Mingze.


PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be four guaranteed updates tomorrow, and there will be another update later.

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