Mu Qingzhi's trip to the ice sea finally came to an end with such a dramatic scene.

"Remember, the 10,000-word review will be sent to my email when the time comes."

Before leaving, Mu Qingzhi looked serious.

"Also, as for what happens under the ice sea, you can leave it all to Schneider. He knows what to do."


Holding Professor Schneider in one hand, Yuan Zhisheng nodded, and beside him, Eva was holding Fingel in her hand.

She didn't know whether it was Odin or Lu Mingze who had done it. Anyway, when Mu Qingzhi turned around, she found that Schneider and Fingel had fallen into a coma.

Her submarine was big enough to accommodate a few people. However, in order to prevent her affairs from being exposed to irrelevant people, Mu Qingzhi released these four people when they were dozens of meters away from the sea. come out.

"Okay, see you later."

After waving her hand, Mu Qingzhi simply closed the hatch.

After watching the submarine completely disappear from his sight, Yuan Zhisheng turned his head and looked at Eva next to him.

"Let's go, we should go back."

Using the Word Spirit [King Power] many times in a short period of time, even if there are fairy beans to replenish his physical strength, it still consumes a lot of money on himself.

But fortunately, we are only a few dozen meters away from the water now, so the effect of the adaptive light still continues to take effect, so there is no need to worry too much...

At the same time, under the ice sea.

After the mission was over, Mu Qingzhi was not in a hurry to go back. Instead, he went directly to the bottom of the sea to set up a fire and camp out as promised.

When she came to Binghai this time, in addition to worrying about the relationship between Yuan Zhisheng and Shuode Aki and changing the tragic fate of Fingel and Eva, it also included a certain relationship originating from Lu Mingze. request.

If she doesn't come this time, there will be zero people to replace her.

The last time Ling and Lu Mingze came to the Greenland waters, their goal was to explore the Nibelung, but some accidents happened on the way and they failed. But this time, on the premise that she joined the team, The task was exceeded.

"No... do you really plan to have a barbecue in the sea?"

Looking at the two people setting up a fire and a tent in front of them, Mai Shutoku had a strange look on her face.

"Otherwise? Do you think I prepared these props for nothing?"

While taking out various things from Na Ring, Mu Qingzhi curled her lips.

"Ever since I revisited the Haunted Rock Castle under the sea, I have always wanted to do this. It is rare to go out so far. As a result, I have been wandering on the road for a few days and got motion sickness. There is no way I can just go out and not play anything. Let's go back?"

"That's right, that's so boring."

Beside Mu Qingzhi, Su Enxi nodded wildly.

"Also, Xiao Zhi, I strongly suggest that you change that ring into a four-dimensional pocket. This will make you feel more like Doraemon!!"

"Hmm...can you consider it?"

Mai Shutoku: "......"

Originally, she turned to look at Zero to get support from the other party, but after finding that the other party had silently started to set up a tent, she reluctantly gave up the idea.

In fact, she had some considerations in wanting everyone to leave. After all, such a big thing happened here. It is estimated that within a few hours, Kassel College and the Secret Party will send personnel to closely monitor and explore the sea area.

When the time comes, those specialists or detection robots dive to the bottom of the sea and take a look. They find no trace of the dragons, but they find traces of barbecue and camping all over the place... Just thinking about this scene makes me sick.

"...Forget it, it's not me who has the headache anyway."

After comforting herself in her heart, Mai Shutoku happily joined several people in the barbecue.

...No one can resist a barbecue under the sea.


The secret party moved very quickly. After receiving the news that there was an accident under the ice sea, only one of the four people returned seriously injured and that an unknown dragon was suspected to be infested, a large number of manpower and material resources were quickly transferred here.

Angers, in particular, took his special plane and rushed here in person as soon as possible.

Being attacked by a dragon under the ice sea nearly 200 meters deep is an extremely despairing thing just thinking about it, let alone the special existence of Yuan Zhisheng among the people involved in the accident.

Once something happens to Yuan Zhisheng, Ange can almost imagine Uesugi Yue coming to kill him with a knife...

Opening his eyes, Ange looked silently at the clouds outside.

Originally, Yuan Zhisheng was included in the team to increase the insurance of success for this operation, but he didn't expect that something so bad would happen...

"New information."

At this moment, a woman wearing a professional OL outfit with a happy face walked quickly from the front cabin.

"According to the news from the ice sea, everyone including Professor Schneider who dived later survived, but due to unknown factors, Schneider and Fingel fell into a coma. Half an hour ago, Yuan Zhisheng and Eva took the They surfaced!!”

"...when will it arrive?"

His eyes flickered slightly, and Ange raised his head to look at the other party.

"Before dark."

After a little calculation in her mind, the woman gave her answer.

"Call me when you get there."

Quietly stuffing the folding knife into his sleeve, Ange closed his eyes again.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Angers arrived above the ice sea on time.

There was no room on the ship for a large passenger plane like his to dock, so Angers directly took a parachute, opened the hatch, and jumped down from the sky very simply.

Tens of minutes later, soaked to the skin, he climbed onto the boat.

After a few hours of rest, Schneider and Fingel woke up. After examination by doctors, it was determined that they were not seriously injured. On the contrary, Eva and Yuan Zhi, who brought them up, were in serious condition.

Yuan Zhisheng was extremely exhausted and suffered from severe mental failure. After taking Schneider on the boat, he fell into a comatose state and has not yet woken up.

As for Eva, the penetrating wound on her abdomen was terrifying, and she lost a lot of blood. She is now lying on the hospital bed.

In fact, if Eva had stopped the medical staff from taking off the therapeutic bandage wrapped around her abdomen, she would not have been reduced to lying on the hospital bed, but the bandage could not be explained, and she also saw what those people seemed to want. He deliberately concealed his identity, so he did not choose to speak.

… Let’s get down to business.

When he got this information from the medical staff on the ship, Angers was stunned for a long time. He originally thought that the two people who were most seriously injured were not seriously injured, but the two people who were in the best condition were seriously injured...

This change made him a little confused for a while.

...What happened in the 20 minutes after Schneider dived into the ice sea?

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

I chose the setting based on Jiangnan. In the setting of Jiangnan, Odin is the king of sky and wind...

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