In the captain's cabin, Angers met Schneider.

The other party was in a pretty good state of mind. He was sitting at the table and staring at something intently. He was so focused that he didn't even notice his arrival.

Frowning slightly, Angers strode forward, and then he saw the thing that Schneider was studying intently.

...It was an AA battery soaked in water.

Angers' Chinese literacy is pretty good, and he can recognize that it is a Chinese product, with the words Nanfu and Energy Concentrator printed on it.

But just such an ordinary AA battery, Schneider looked at the battery as if he was fascinated, as if there was some magic power on the battery that attracted him extremely.

It wasn't until Angers couldn't stand it anymore and coughed that Schneider noticed his arrival.


Seeing the figure standing in front of him, dripping with water and not even changing his clothes, Schneider couldn't help but froze.

"Tell me what happened."

Pulling up a chair from the side and sitting down, Angers spoke calmly.

"Also, what were you doing just now?"

"Battery... By the way, this is not a battery, but a very powerful alchemy tool."

Suddenly coming back to his senses, Schneider excitedly picked up the two AA batteries on the table.

"As long as this alchemy item is matched with an artifact, it can emit light that allows people to adapt to the deep sea pressure environment and even breathe in the water!!"

When Mu Qingzhi used the adaptive light before, she changed the battery midway because the flashlight was low on power. After replacing the battery, it was thrown aside. Unexpectedly, Schneider secretly picked it up and hid it in his pocket.


After a moment of silence, Ange stood up from the chair silently, then turned to give instructions to the people outside the door.

"Help me find a room, I'll take a shower and change some clothes...Also, call the medical staff, Professor Schneider may have some mental problem."

Schneider: “…”

...The situation seems to be a little different from what he imagined.

Half an hour later, with Schneider's narration, Angers finally understood the whole story and what exactly happened under the ice sea.

Although he still thought that Schneider might have had mental problems due to the deep sea pressure and had fantasies, but after the other party took out the bamboo dragonfly borrowed from Eva and gave him a demonstration on the spot, Angers reluctantly Believe what the other person said.

"...Okay, you can come down now."

Looking at Schneider, who was flying around in the air with a rapidly rotating wooden stick on his head regardless of his appearance, he pressed his forehead with his hand, and Ange spoke with a headache.

"Tell me more carefully what that girl looks like."

Although he had basically locked in the identity of the mysterious girl mentioned by Schneider, he still had to ask about the things that should be asked.

"Uh... long black hair, not tall, and..."

While Schneider was racking his brains to think of adjectives, Angers took out a crumpled book soaked in water from his pocket and opened a certain page in front of him.

"Is it this one?"

"Yes, yes, it's her!!"

After looking at the illustration on the page, Schneider nodded without hesitation.

"Does the principal really know her? How could there be... wait, this seems to be..."

"The latest light novel, the original one I asked someone to bring back from Japan."

Glancing at the surprised Schneider in front of him, Angers leaned back on the armrest of the chair and lit a cigar for himself.

"The girl's true identity is Minamoto's older sister. She is the eldest lady of the Uesugi family of the Japanese branch's Seraki Hachi family. She is also the current director of the Japanese executive bureau. Her name is Uesugi Chi."

"Uesugi Zhi...Mixed breed?"

After digesting this information in his mind, Schneider was suddenly stunned for a moment.

No matter what, he couldn't connect that mysterious girl with the term hybrid. The other person was more like a dragon king.

"I can tell you some things, but you'd better not tell anyone else."

He puffed on the cigar in his hand and looked beyond Uesugoshi's figure to the dark sea of ​​ice outside, Anger's eyes were deep.

"In addition to her identity as a human being, her other identity is that of the King of Bronze and Fire who has not yet awakened."

"The Lord of Bronze and Fire...!?"

When he heard the news, Schneider almost jumped out of his chair as he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"There are twins on the throne. If that girl is the King of Bronze and Fire, then Yuan Zhisheng..."

"Don't worry, Yuan Zhisheng has nothing to do with her. I haven't found out who the other Dragon King is."

Angers raised his head and glanced at him.

"For the specific details of what happened under the ice sea, please hand it over to the school board according to the version I will give later."

If he had some doubts about the other party's identity as the Dragon King before, now, after listening to Schneider's story and seeing these magical alchemy creations with his own eyes, he has been able to confirm it 100% That's it.

The Lord of Bronze and Fire, the pinnacle of alchemy.

According to historical records, the other party once used the power of the master of metal and fire elements to forge the alchemical weapon "Bronze Purgatory·Seven Deadly Sins". It was a set of alchemical swords forged to kill the other seven first-generation species of the four monarchs. The casting technology is unparalleled and is known as the pinnacle of alchemy.

Although this set of alchemical weapons has never been found, a certain guy who was dying in the attic always believed that this set of weapons definitely existed.

At that time, the alchemy technology used by the other party to cast the Seven Deadly Sins was beyond comprehension. It was the top alchemy technology. It could create new metals purely according to one's own will. Any alchemy master in history could only look up to this kind of technology. Metal, this power belongs only to the supreme master of alchemy among the four monarchs, the Lord of Bronze and Fire.

Times have changed, time has passed.

Although the other party still masters that terrifying alchemy, the other party has actually made further improvements on the original basis, whether it is the small prop that Schneider just demonstrated to him that allows people to fly freely in the air, or Schneider The magical item described in the description, which could allow people to survive and even breathe in the deep sea just by shining a light, was far beyond his imagination.

In alchemy, there are seven top achievements, called the Seven Kingdoms.

Element replacement, spiritual recasting, concept arming, time counterflow, space opening, life creation, and causal separation.

...I wonder which of the seven kingdoms are included in the alchemy tools that the other party took out?

"Give me these things and I will take them back."

After extinguishing the manual cigar in the ashtray nearby, Angers stood up from the chair.

"Not just the little thing that makes people fly, but the battery as well."

Professional things should be left to professional people to study.

...I hope the guy in the attic can research the principles of these alchemy tools and mass-produce them.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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