Mu Qingzhi didn't know what happened in Angers...or maybe even if she knew, she wouldn't care.

After a hearty meal of undersea barbecue, she boarded the submarine back to the gambling ship with Mai Shutoku and the others.

As for those barbecue marks left on the bottom of the sea... she wouldn't be the one having a headache anyway.

Because I was still thinking about bringing gifts to Eri Emoto and the others, and the time I had been out this time was indeed a bit long, considering that Ange might go to Japan to find her at any time, so Mu Qing Zhi did not choose to stay on the gambling boat for a long time.

It's just that unlike her and Mai Shutoku, Su Enxi had other tasks on this ship this time, and Zero, as the only bodyguard, had to stay to protect her, so although there were four of them when they came, when they returned, , became two people.

Before, I had to be sneaky when I came out, but when I went back, there was no need to hide like this. Mu Qingzhi just used Sheqiba's card for consumption in a large shopping mall in the United States. The next morning, from Sheqi People from the eight families appeared in front of her and Mai Shutoku.

It was a special plane when we came out, and it was also a special plane when we came back.

After returning to the Sheqiba family, the first thing Mu Qingzhi did was to distribute gifts as agreed. Not only Crow and Sakurai Kogure, but everyone in the executive bureau received the specialties she brought back. Gift.

Therefore, on this day, the atmosphere in the entire executive bureau seemed to be celebrating a festival...

"You went to the Greenland ice sea."

Looking at Uesugi Zhi who came through the door in front of him, he sighed, put down the pen he was correcting on the document, and spoke in a very affirmative tone.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Mu Qingzhi blinked and sat down on the sofa, looking innocent.

"If I don't go this time, Zhisheng might be in danger. I've traveled thousands of miles to save people. Old man, don't you blame me for this?"

"It's not your fault, it's just..."

"When will Principal Angers arrive?"

Interrupting Uesugoshi's words, Mu Qingzhi asked simply.


Looking at the girl over there, Uesugoshi suddenly froze.

"A target like me, who is suspected of being a Dragon King, appeared on the other side of the Greenland ice sea, and also left key clues. Principal Angers cannot turn a blind eye."

Touching her forehead with one hand, Mu Qingzhi sighed helplessly.

"Old man, I have finally climbed to the position of director of the Executive Bureau. I have also learned the history of the Dragon Clan. Judging from the abilities I have shown, it is normal for you to suspect that I am the Dragon King..."

"No, you are not the Dragon King, but my daughter."

With a calm face, Uesugoshi interrupted her.

"I will block Angers' visit for you. No one can..."

"Some things cannot be avoided, so it is better to face them in advance."

With a vague warmth passing through her heart, Mu Qingzhi shook her head.

"Don't worry, old man, I have a sense of discretion."

"…Call me if you need anything."

After a long silence, he turned his head and looked aside, and Uesugoshi spoke.

"Although I said I might not be able to defeat that bastard Angers, but he can't even try to defeat me. I will stay outside while you are talking."

Half an hour ago, he received an email from Angers.

The content of the email is very concise. Angers will visit the Japanese branch tomorrow and hopes to have a private meeting and conversation with the director of the Executive Bureau, the eldest lady of the Uesugi family, and his daughter Uesugi Yuhi.

...Before his daughter came into the office, he was writing furiously in front of the computer and scolding the other party in emails.

"Okay, let's break the cup when the time comes."

Nodding, Mu Qingzhi looked solemn.

But just when she stood up, as if she suddenly remembered something, she reached out and patted her head. Mu Qingzhi took out a box from her pocket and placed it on the desk.

"By the way, I almost forgot...this is a specialty I brought from Greenland and the United States. You can try it, old man. It tastes pretty good."


Looking at the big box in front of him, which was almost taller than others, Uesugoshi couldn't help but fall into silence.

Although he was basically used to it, but seeing the other person take out such a big thing from such a small pocket...should he be said to be the king who stands at the top of alchemy?


At three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Angers took his own special plane and arrived at the airport in Tokyo, Japan on time.

Although he had made corresponding psychological preparations in his heart, he was still shocked when he came to Genji Heavy Industries and saw Uesugoshi's appearance.

Compared with usual, Uesugoshi put on clothes that are suitable for fighting this time. He was very energetic in a long black windbreaker. There were hundreds of knives densely inserted on the precious floor in the room. Uesugoshi was sitting here. The center of the sword array looked at him with murderous intent.

Angers: "..."

"I came here with no ill intentions. There is no need for you to be so hostile to me."

Ange pressed his forehead with a headache, and sighed helplessly.

"Also, where did you get such a childish temper?"

"Come on, Zhi is my daughter, you should know this."

Looking up at the figure in front of the office, Uesugoshi sneered.

"You think I don't know what you have in mind. Although I won't listen to what you have to say, I will stay outside. If something bad happens, I will..."

Before Uesugoshi finished speaking, Ange simply took off the folding knife from his waist and threw it to him.

"To be precise, I'm here to thank your daughter this time."

He simply sat down on the floor in front of the office, leaning against the door frame, and Angers spoke calmly.

"If your daughter hadn't taken action this time, some of my best students would have been buried in that sea of ​​ice forever. I really want to kill all the dragons in the world. That's right. This idea will be impossible even in a hundred years. It won’t change…but she’s not a dragon yet.”

"So you want to take action when Zhi turns into a dragon?"

Suddenly, Uesugoshi's face turned dark.

"Ange, I tell you, you'd better not think about it..."

"Both you and I should know one thing. Once the Dragon King awakens, your daughter's memories of more than ten years are not worth mentioning in front of Norton's thousands of years of memories."

Interrupting Uesugoshi's words, Anger's face was expressionless.

"The thoughts of the Immortal are beyond the comprehension of us humans, especially those of dragons. If you don't kill her then, she will kill you."

"...No exceptions."

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another update later.

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