The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 136: Laughing to death, losing money

Mu Qingzhi didn't value money or anything else.

After all, if she wants money, just say it casually, and Su Enxi will proudly throw an unlimited black card to her to use at will.

So she really didn't plan to make a fortune from Angers, she just wanted to make a little pocket money. After all, except for the [Adaptive Lamp] whose effect she had reduced, the total cost of manufacturing the other three props was even Less than a hundred dollars.

Bamboo dragonflies, a few wooden sticks, and treatment bandages were obtained directly from the hospital. It is a little more expensive to order the spray, but it is not too expensive.

But for something that cost less than 100 yuan, she dared to add tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands times to the price. It was a seller's market.

A can of hemostatic spray costs 100,000 US dollars, a pair of therapeutic bandages costs 50,000 US dollars, and a bamboo dragonfly costs 200,000 US dollars. Don’t worry, this is a limited supply. A maximum of 100 items of each type can be shipped each month. You can’t buy it if you like it. purchase.

As for the adaptive lights, Mu Qingzhi quoted a unit price of 10 million.

Because the quality has been reduced and restrictions have been added, Mu Qingzhi estimates that the cost of a single adaptive lamp will not exceed 200 yuan, and 10 million US dollars is already considered very cheap.

Using some casually made consumables in exchange for Ange's favor and support, Mu Qingzhi still thinks this transaction is quite cost-effective.

...Or maybe I'm at a loss?

She has no intention of distributing props on a large scale, but it is okay to take out a little bit of such innocuous consumables.

The prerequisite for cooperation is that both parties are equal and have complementary interests. To put it in more secular terms, you must show your own value.

The value Angers showed was his identity, strength, status, and reputation in the mixed-race world, while the value she showed was these magical props that only she could create.

Whether you want to buy it or not, this thing is unique and has no semicolon.

In addition, another reason why she took out the props was to take the initiative in the conversation. The hemostatic sprays and bandages in the front were just an introduction. The real big deal was the potions in the back.

The Lion Heart Society has been using the blood purification technology of violent blood all year round. They are the people most troubled by the critical blood limit. Maybe there are people from the Lion Heart Society lying in a certain sanatorium. Regarding this medicine, Angers and others It is impossible to remain indifferent.

In fact, the situation was exactly as she guessed.

Despite Angers showing that he doesn't care about anything in the original work and that he is an out-and-out vengeful ghost, in fact, Angers values ​​his friends the most.

Once the potion is confirmed to be effective, even if someone from the secret party wants to touch her later, they will have to go through Angers first.

As for worrying that Angers would chop himself, that is even more of a joke.

Just because it’s not possible now, doesn’t mean it won’t be possible in the future.

When she can actually build the time machine, it will be possible to save those who died in history. On the basis of realizing this possibility, Angers will have a way to stand firmly on her side. The reason...even if there are several dragon kings on her side in the future.

...Of course, these things are still too far away at the moment, and they are considered to be Mu Qingzhi's immature ideas.

However, assumptions are assumptions. Mu Qingzhi could clearly feel that after she revealed the existence of the potion, Ange became a little absent-minded. The strength he showed at the beginning was gone. During the conversation, she was completely in control of the situation on the field.

Although there are certain factors that caused Uesugi Yue to come in and set up cups to cause trouble, the essence is still because of the existence of the potion.

No one can resist the temptation of that medicine, not even Uesugi, nor Ange, who is burdened with too many things.

——These are actually the essence of why Mu Qingzhi chose to take out these props.

Although there is an off-field factor at play...but we will talk about that factor later.

All in all, instead of letting Ange ask for something, it would be better for Ange to ask for something from him. This is Mu Qingzhi's idea.

With Angers’ support, many things will become much easier in the future.

As for building your own power, it takes time and effort. Is it necessary? She is not taking the path of conquering the Tyrannosaurus. She would do such an idiotic thing only if her brain is completely crazy.

"I think too much, but 100 more? At most three a year."

Rolling her eyes, Mu Qingzhi looked a little annoyed.

"Also, 50 million is just the processing fee. The raw materials for making the potion have to be paid by the other side. That is the bulk of the potion. It is estimated that it will not be able to get hundreds of millions of dollars. Just be mentally prepared."

"Three... is fine too."

After a moment of pondering, Ang nodded.

He still understood the principle of asking for a lot of money and paying back the money when he landed, so he didn't originally have any hope of getting a hundred. Although three was a bit lower than expected, it was still barely enough.

...hundreds of millions of dollars?

For a person of his status, no matter how much money he has, it is just an ordinary number on his bank account.

...This also applies to the other party.

If a dignified underworld daughter is short of money, then that's called real generosity. The essence of this transaction is not about money at all, but about the so-called stance and attitude of the other party.

The other party took the initiative to give him a storage alchemy tool, which was the other party's attitude towards him, and his initiative to ask for the price to be doubled from the original unit price several times was a response to the other party's attitude.

——Communications between smart people often don’t need to be said too much.

"Okay, then it's settled."

After tapping the notebook with the pen in her hand and slightly raising her chin, Mu Qingzhi gestured to Angers about the list on the table.

"I have already given you the price and so on. As for the list of raw materials needed to make the potion, I will ask dad to send it to you later. Whenever you ship the raw materials over, I will help you make them."


Looking at the handwritten list on the table, Ang nodded.

"As for the money, I will transfer it to Uesugi Yue at that time, and all the money will be paid at five times the original unit price..."

"Wait a minute, who do you want to assign it to!?"

Before Angers finished speaking, the girl in front of him suddenly became furious.

"I worked so hard to earn some pocket money, why should I give it to my dad!?"

Angers: "..."

"...Give me your account name."

Reaching out and pressing his forehead, Ange suddenly felt a headache.

"When I get back, I'll ask Norma to transfer the money to you."


"The artificial intelligence that the college invested resources in manufacturing last year is not yet fully functional and is still being modified and debugged."

After sighing, Angers spoke.

"You will know after you enroll... By the way, when are you going to enroll?"

As if thinking of something, Ange raised his head and looked at the girl in front of him.

"Well...let's give it another five or six years."

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi stood up from behind the table and waved her hand.

"If I want to go to the academy, I will arrive in advance..."

Before Mu Qingzhi could finish her sentence, she accidentally moved the tea table, causing several teacups that had been placed on the edge to fall to the floor.

Although the cup was not broken, the sound it made when it hit the wooden floor was quite crisp.

Just when Mu Qingzhi was feeling something bad, the next moment, the door of the tea room was violently opened with a sword, and a heavily armed Uesugi Yue appeared at the door with two knives.

After looking around the situation in the tea room with a murderous look, Uesugi Yue stood in front of Mu Qingzhi without hesitation.

"Daughter, you go first, daddy will stop you!!"

Angers: "..."

He finally discovered that this guy Uesugoshi was deliberately trying to find an opportunity to fight with him again... or to be more precise, he wanted to beat him up.

"Be careful, repairs are very expensive."

After thinking for a moment, he waved to the two old men in the room, whose combined age was almost 200 years old. Taking his cup of Coke with him, Mu Qingzhi easily turned around and left the room.

It would be better for her not to get involved in matters between the older generation.

The old man is indeed very strong, and his own bloodline can be said to be arrogant among the others. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the strongest hybrid in the world. But it is a pity that compared to the black sun that cannot be easily used, Angers Time Zero is obviously more perverted. .

——So here, she wins over Angers.

"Prepare the list...have you really sold it?"

After reading the list of places handed to her by her eldest lady, Shutoku Mai had a subtle look on her face.

As a retainer who is almost always around him, she knows better than anyone else how outrageous the appearance of those magical props is.

There are no complicated rituals, and there are no rituals that must be carved. The eldest lady just puts her hand on the raw material for a moment, and the thing turns into a magical prop with magical power.

...It's extremely outrageous.

Compared to alchemy, she felt that it was more like using the spirit to forcibly interfere with reality and give matter extra properties.

"Of course, I personally took action, how could I not be able to handle it?"

Mu Qingzhi put her feet on the desk in front of her and sat on the chair with her hands folded, looking calm and relaxed.

"Notify Su Enxi for me later, and send the list to the other party at the same time. Just say that I won the bet."

Not long ago, she made a bet with Su Enxi.

The specific content of the bet is to see who can sell an item first for a profit of 1,000 times its original value.

...a mere 1,000 times profit?

It’s so funny, I sold it for 10,000 times or even 100,000 times the profit. The gap is so huge, let me see what you win this time.

Mai Shutoku: "......"

ps: Good morning.

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