The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 137 System Grandfather Theory

I have to say that Angers does things very resolutely.

Only one day later, the other party had sent the materials recorded on the list to Mu Qingzhi. At the same time, her pocket money account showed that 5 billion US dollars had been received.

…It’s not 500 million, it’s 5 billion.

Previously, Su Enxi brought tens of billions of investments to the Sheqiba family, which earned her a warm reception from the heads of the Sheqiba family. But now, Anger has transferred 5 billion to her alone.

Although he already took money very lightly, Mu Qingzhi was still shocked for a while after counting the zeros at the end of the account.

...What is the concept of US$5 billion in 2002?

This number has exceeded the total annual domestic GDP of many small countries.

[There is no future, this little money is just a waste of money. 】

In my mind, the system's contemptuous voice rang.

[As a person selected by this system, the host will go to the stars and the sea in the future and rule over all the heavens and worlds. What does a mere 5 billion mean? 】

"Who is dazzled? I have never seen so many zeros. This is my own pocket money."

After coming back to her senses, Mu Qingzhi hummed softly in her mouth and clicked the cross button to exit the website.

"And besides, what do you know about this system? I used to work hard and study hard and only earned 2,000 yuan a month. Even the 2,000 yuan was US dollars. I had to work for 2.08 million years to save so much money. Human civilization It has evolved hundreds of times and is easy to kill?"

【hehe. 】


【Hehehe. 】

"...Okay, I was wrong, I shouldn't have given you hot Coke."

After a moment of silence, Mu Qingzhi took the lead in making a compromise.

"I just think drinking ginger cola in winter should be good for the body..."

[Hot Coke is a piece of shit! ! ! 】

Suddenly, the system became unusually excited.

[That is pure heresy! ! Heretics going to hell! ! What’s the difference between hot coke and hot cola? ! ! 】

"Oh, but you, who likes fried pomegranates, don't have the right to criticize me."

Picking up a document on the table and flipping through it in her hands, Mu Qingzhi looked expressionless.

"Forget it about fried pomegranates. You gave me fried tomatoes and fried watermelons. I haven't settled the score with you yet."

[This system doesn’t care. The system has hard work even if it doesn’t have credit. It also has fatigue even if it doesn’t have hard work. I worked hard to support you behind the scenes, but you did this to me? You have to compensate me. 】

The system is unrelenting.

[I won’t say anything either. Since you made so many props for Mai Shutoku and the others, you should also make one for me. 】

"You? What props do you want?"

Putting down the document in her hand, Mu Qingzhi looked surprised.

Although she knew that her system was very weird, not only would she get motion sickness, but she would also give Coke to who knows where to enjoy it, but this was the first time that the other party took the initiative to ask her for props.

"Also, isn't your core fantasy? If you want any props, can you just make them yourself?"

[But I am a system, and the system has systematic rules. Do you think I don’t want to? 】

Rarely, there was a hint of depression in the system's words.

[Originally, I wanted to be a portable grandpa like Yao Lao, but I didn't expect that the damage was so serious that I couldn't be a grandpa at all, so I had to choose to be a system. 】

"Grandpa with you..."

This was the first time he heard the system talk about his affairs. Subconsciously, Mu Qingzhi sat up straight.

"System, can you tell me something about you? To be honest, I'm quite curious."

If you count carefully, she has been getting along with this system for almost ten years. Ten years is enough time for her to figure out the system's preferences.

The other party suffers from motion sickness, likes to drink Coke, is good at complaining, and has the habit of staying up late and getting up late... These living emotional traits make it difficult for her to connect the other party with a cold system, but she subconsciously regards the other party as a human being. of humanity.

【uh-huh? 】

"Well, even if it's inconvenient..."

[...Since you asked the question sincerely. 】

"Wait a minute... I'm a bit confused by what you've heard..."

[Then I will answer you mercifully! ! 】


【In order to prevent the world from being destroyed...】

"If you keep talking, I will send you hot coke every day, the kind that is 100 degrees without any bubbles."

——Mu Qingzhi’s tone was faint.

[Uh...let's put it this way, I was originally the supreme being in the world. Due to some accidents, I lost all my power, so I had to transform into a system. I wanted to start over...]

"Tell me, what props do you want?"

Very simply, Mu Qingzhi interrupted the system's boasting.

As for the supreme being... Which supreme being in any family gets motion sickness?

[A cup. 】

This time, the system answered quite quickly.

[I made one myself before, but it was thrown away, so I would like to ask you to make another one. 】


[Yes, that’s right, let me tell you about its effect...]

A few minutes later, a cup appeared in front of Mu Qingzhi.


[Item name: Coke cup (half price)]

[Grade: blue]

[Effect: Coke. Common liquids poured into the cup will be converted into ice-cold Coke. 】

[Remarks: ...(Teacher Bei was so happy that he was speechless.)]


"Coke this what you want?"

Looking at the ordinary cup in her hand, Mu Qingzhi had a strange look on her face.

[Yes, thank you. 】

The system was rarely in a good mood. After thanking her, the cup in her hand suddenly disappeared.

[Actually, I had the same cup before. That cup is called a magical instrument. Any liquid you pour into it will turn into cola. At the same time, the cup itself is indestructible. Even black holes are indestructible. Unfortunately, I don’t know who has that cup now. Got it in hand. 】

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

Although she wanted to complain about something, but recalling the other party's character, she found that the other party would really do such a thing...

"By the way, system, what's your name?"

Suddenly remembering something, Mu Qingzhi asked about this system that had been gloriously upgraded from a system to a portable grandpa.

"Also, will I leave the dragon world in the future?"

[Hiccup... As long as I am a system, I have to follow the rules of the system. The host can just call me system. 】

As if he hiccupped, the system beeped.

[If I want to leave in the future, I will naturally have to leave. After all, I don’t want to be the system all my life. However, if the host really wants to stay, it can be stayed, but at that time, the system will have to find another host again. , this will be very troublesome. 】


[The host does not need to rush to give an answer. There will still be a lot of time for the host to think about it slowly in the future. 】

Seemingly sensing her hesitation, the system spoke to comfort her in a very considerate manner.

[Even if this system is wiped out and ends up dead without a burial place, it has nothing to do with the host. There is no need for the host to have a psychological burden. 】

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...You know how to comfort people.

ps: good morning

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