The raindrops pattered on the window, the water splashed, and the rainwater flowed down along the glass, forming a transparent water film.

The weather today is very bad, just like Lu Mingfei's mood.

Sitting in the back seat of the class near the trash can, while unconsciously scribbling on the draft book with the pen in his hand, Lu Mingfei became stunned.

It was the last class in the afternoon, and there were still about ten minutes before school ended. Because the rain was too heavy, the teacher simply let them study by themselves.

The classroom was very quiet, with only the rustling sound of the pen tip scratching across the notebook. The class teacher was sitting on the podium, so no one dared to whisper.

Reaching out to touch his empty pocket, Lu Mingfei sighed.

Because he didn't expect it to rain suddenly this afternoon, he didn't bring an umbrella at all. Other students in the class didn't have to worry about this, because most of them had dedicated drivers to pick them up, but he was an exception.

The aristocratic school Shilan Middle School, those who can enter this school must either have excellent grades or have a wealthy family, but he has neither of these.

His parents both went abroad a year ago and let him stay at his aunt's house. Life under the roof was not easy, especially since his aunt was a very aggressive person.

When he was at home, he basically did all the housework. His aunt often asked him to run errands and do various things, and his pocket money was very little.

He was at this age when his self-esteem was strong. The drastic changes in his family environment made him taciturn in school. His grades, which were fairly good in elementary school, plummeted after he entered junior high school, and he gradually fell to the bottom of the pile.

Even if he wanted to make friends with other classmates, the two of them didn't live in the same world at all. The other party was wearing famous brands, while he was all selling goods. There was nothing in common... and the other party didn't want to see him. .

Sometimes, Lu Mingfei felt that he was an out-and-out outsider, out of place in this aristocratic school, and living like a lost dog dragging his tail.

Sometimes, Lu Mingfei feels like a useless and useless Nobita, but Nobita also has an omnipotent Doraemon, but he has nothing, not even a dollar in his pocket to take the bus. If you can't find it, how can He De compare with Nobita?

Looking at the blackened draft in front of him, Lu Mingfei sighed softly in his heart.

All he can hope for now is to wait until school is over to see if any classmates have dropped umbrellas in the classroom. If there is an umbrella, he may be able to avoid getting soaked in the rain.

...but it is obvious that his luck is not very good.

Standing under the eaves with his schoolbag in his arms, Lu Mingfei looked melancholy as he watched the students walking into the rain one by one with umbrellas or being picked up by luxury cars.

But just when he was about to put his schoolbag on his head and run home and take a shower, the old man in the guard room suddenly stopped him.

"My delivery?"

Looking at the package handed over by the old man in front of him, Lu Mingfei couldn't help being slightly stunned.

He couldn't think of anyone who would send him express delivery. When his parents first left, he had expected that his parents might send him some souvenirs or photos from time to time, but after a whole year, his There is no news at all from my parents, only the money that is sent to my uncle’s account on time every month.

And besides, if it was really a courier sent by my parents, it should have been sent to my aunt's house. How could it be sent to the school?

"Yes, it just arrived this afternoon. It was sent from overseas. It was sent from Tokyo, Japan."

After carefully comparing the words on the package, the old man nodded firmly.

"It says on it, Shilan Middle School Road Mingfei will accept you."

Shilan Middle School is an aristocratic school, and the old man in the guard room doesn't know how many overseas express packages he has received, so there is no way he can make a mistake.

"Tokyo, Japan..."

After being stunned for a moment, Lu Mingfei suddenly remembered something. After quickly taking the express and checking it carefully, he saw a name in the lower right corner of the express.

——[Inflamed hair and burning eyes].

"It actually got sent over..."

Looking at the rather light express delivery in his hand, Lu Mingfei seemed dumbfounded for a moment.

After entering junior high school, due to the decline in his studies and the drastic changes in his family environment, he gradually became obsessed with Internet cafes. He spent all his little pocket money on the Internet.

Reality is no better than the Internet. On the Internet, he can vent at will.

Although he didn't have many friends in real life, he did meet a few good people online, and Enfa Sakugan, an otaku uncle from Tokyo, Japan, was one of them.

Yanfa Shaoyan, commonly known as Laoyan, was first introduced to him by Old Tang. According to Old Tang, he was an out-and-out Japanese social beast a few years ago and often worked overtime until midnight, but in recent years it seems that he has I have semi-retired from the company and have a lot more free time every day. I have begun to evolve from a social animal to an otaku.

For example, the ID of Enhaka Sakugan comes from an anime that has become very popular in recent years, "Sakigan no Shana". Lao Yan's avatar is also an image of the protagonist Shana cut from the anime.

Lu Mingfei has never seen the anime "Shagugan no Shana". The production company seems to have spent a lot of money, and the graphics are quite sophisticated. Lao Yan generously shared with them a full set of film and television and light novel resources, and successfully roped them in. Got this pit.

On the Internet, the two netizens Lu Mingfei chats with the most and is most familiar with are Lao Yan and Lao Tang. However, because Lao Tang is in the United States and due to the time difference between the two regions, he usually chats with the two netizens Lao Yan and Lao Tang the most. , or with Lao Yan, the otaku uncle.

Although the age gap between the two may be several dozen years, they share the same hobbies and hate tragedies. In order to get a perfect ending to a game, they can work tirelessly to collect various props just to achieve the final outcome. Reunion.

They have the same interests and hobbies, and they can easily chat with each other. The two of them talk about everything, but they can also be regarded as a couple who have been friends for many years.

Because he got to know Lao Tang, Lu Mingfei's English scores were good. After getting to know Lao Yan, Lu Ming found that he could now almost read an entire Japanese light novel without dyslexia...

As for why the other party sent him this package, this matter has to be traced back to a week ago.

At that time, as soon as he went online, he happened to meet Lao Tang again to catch up on his sleep, and then Lao Yan pulled him into a game and also set up a bet.

The content of the bet is very simple. If he loses this game, he has to learn how to bark on the channel. If the other party loses, the same applies.

Old Tang once complained to him about this matter, and told him earnestly that if Lao Yan wanted to ask him to play a game to settle a bet, he had better refuse. Originally, he didn't understand, but one day Lao Yan proudly asked someone to make a bet. After sending the screenshot, he understood.

——In order to regain some ground for Old Tang, that time, he tried his best to shave off a piece of cake for the other party.

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