The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 140 The Bad Boy’s Transformation Plan

Lu Mingfei could feel that since he received the mysterious package from Lao Yan that day, his unchanging life seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

As if a switch was pressed, after that day, almost every once in a while, he would receive a package from Tokyo.

And every time, the contents of the package are different.

Some can bring him great convenience, but at the same time, some can also bring him great trouble.

For example, one time, he received a pair of sneakers.

The sneakers were actually nothing, but the problem was that there seemed to be some kind of special program inside the sneakers. After he put them on for no apparent reason, he found that he could never take them off again.

He was so panicked that he asked Lao Yan about this matter, and then got a very irresponsible answer from the other party. The other party said that this was a training suit specially made for him because of his weak constitution. It was very easy to take off his shoes. , as long as he insists on running five thousand meters long-distance.

He did as he was told that day, and then he was almost exhausted and made up his mind never to wear them again. But what he didn't expect was that when he woke up from bed the next day, he found that the shoes had slipped onto his feet...

Sneakers like this that force him to exercise every day, although they look outrageous, can at least be explained, but there are some things that really cannot be explained.

...For example, a dream customization instrument was sent by Lao Yan.

According to the other party, this dream customization device can also directly customize his own private dreams at night, so he is looking forward to it.

But what he didn't expect was that when the dream customization device was sent, Lao Yan had already customized the content of the dream.

So at night, when everyone else was sleeping and having sweet dreams, he was very miserable and studying for the test paper in his own dream. A chubby Doraemon stood next to him with a pointer in his hand, urging him fiercely...

Unless he can get an excellent result in the exam in the dream, he will have to study in pain basically every night.

Lu Mingfei was certain that these things were completely beyond the scope of science, but once he asked, Lao Yan refused to admit it, insisting that this was his latest invention that he had made and asked him to try out.

If he doesn't want to try it out, he can just return the package via the original route. The other party won't force him, and the choice is his.

In other words, as long as he opens his mouth, he can return to his previous peaceful life.

...But the question is, how could a young man in his second stage of adolescence be able to resist the temptation of such a thing?

So since that day, Lu Mingfei never mentioned this kind of thing again.

Although these things have deceived him many times, he can clearly feel the changes that have happened to him. While his body is getting better, his mental outlook is gradually getting better, and his academic performance is improving day by day. At the same time, other students are treating him better. His attitude also became obviously enthusiastic.

He is still in the first year of junior high school, and most of the junior high school courses are quite simple. With nearly twice as much study time as others, how could his academic performance not improve?

In this way, as time passed, his life began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

His seat gradually moved away from the back row and moved to the front row little by little. The usually stern teacher showed more and more smiles to him. He also gradually made friends in the class. He used to be polite to him. Many people were smiling at him now, and as soon as get out of class started, different people gathered around his desk.

Good grades, strong athletic ability, good looks... As long as an ordinary person has one of these three things, he can become the center of attention, not to mention that he has all three now?

The impact of improved academic performance is not only reflected in school, but also at home.

I don't know when, my aunt began to scold him less and less, and started to smile more and more towards him, especially after he got the first grade in the grade in an important exam, he Finally became someone else’s child in other people’s words.

——In just half a year, he was completely transformed and officially became a legend in Shilan Middle School.

"Lu Mingfei, are you free next weekend?"

It was another rainy day. Just as Lu Mingfei packed his schoolbag and planned to go back and continue his daily five-kilometer long run, a crisp voice rang beside him.

" something wrong?"

He looked up at the girl standing in front of him with her hands behind her back. After being stunned for a moment, Lu Mingfei asked.

Although they were not in the same class, he still recognized the other person. The other person was Su Xiaoqiang from the next class, known as the little goddess. When he hit a three-pointer to kill his opponent in the basketball game last week, the other party gave him a gift. Over the water.

"It's my birthday next weekend, so I wanted to invite you over to my birthday party."

Although his face was still a little red, Su Xiaoqiang still spoke boldly and looked directly at him.

"Sorry, I have a date with someone else next weekend."

Standing up with his schoolbag in hand, Lu Mingfei answered a little apologetically.

"But even though I can't go to your birthday party, if it's like a birthday gift, I will make up for it when the time comes."

……birthday party? What a joke.

During this rare holiday, he had made an appointment with Old Tang and Lao Yan in advance to stay all night at the Internet cafe. Compared to attending some birthday party, staying up all night at the Internet cafe was obviously more attractive to him.

"……All right."

As if she didn't expect that she would be rejected, the little goddess' face turned a little pale, but she still nodded politely.

"See you later."

After smiling and waving to the other party, Lu Mingfei walked out of the classroom briskly.

The various hell-like special trainings that lasted for half a year changed not only his body, but also his spirit.

Maybe even he didn't notice that when talking to others, his demeanor was completely different from before.


[Ming Fei]: I have passed the test in the examination realm, can I not continue?

[Ming Fei]: If I continue to study, I feel like I will be exposed to advanced mathematics in advance...

[Inflammation and Burning Eyes]: What about the actual results?

[Ming Fei]: First in grade.

[Inflammation and Burning Eyes]: How many points does the total score exceed the second place?

[Ming Fei]:...32?

[Inflammation and burning eyes]: No, not enough.

[Flame Hair and Burning Eyes]: My standard is that you must at least exceed 100 points.

【Ming Fei】:…………

[Flame Hair and Burning Eyes]: Remember, if you just want to be a top student, your current results are indeed enough, but if you want to be a god of study who is looked up to by everyone, your current results are far from enough.

[Inflamed hair and burning eyes]: If you don’t listen to the old man’s words, you will suffer a lot.

[Flame Hair and Burning Eyes]: It's up to you how it goes. Anyway, I've put the opportunity in front of you. Whether you can seize it or not depends entirely on you.

[Inflammation and Burning Eyes]: Also, I will go to China on a business trip next month. I hope you can give me a surprise then.

[Mingfei]:! ! !


PS: Good morning.

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