Lu Mingfei has always been quite curious about Lao Yan's identity.

At first, when he met the other party under the introduction of Old Tang, he thought that the other party was just an otaku who liked to play games like Old Tang. But when he received the package sent by the other party for the first time, he regarded Lao Yan as a person in his heart. A weird scientist like Dr. Ari in Conan.

But as time went by, the effects of the props in the packages sent by the other party began to become more and more outrageous. Now, the image of the other party in his mind has changed from a pudgy Mediterranean professor with a beard to one with round hands and a round head. Doraemon...

It was precisely because of this that after learning that the other party was coming to China next month, he was both shocked and nervous.

Just like Harry in Harry Potter, when the other party comes to China this time, will he also take him to a place similar to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, and then lead him into a brand new world? In the world?

The ordinaryness of this world is just an illusion. There are many demons and monsters lurking in the shadows. As the person chosen by fate, he will take on the responsibility of saving the world...

Lu Mingfei patted his cheek vigorously, physically interrupting his fantasy that was gradually getting out of hand.

Lao Yan should have the image of a middle-aged uncle, maybe wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses with a vicissitudes of life... But he might also be wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a white coat, looking like a researcher.

But we will know the details next month.

After looking at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, after thinking for a moment, Lu Mingfei picked up the schoolbag beside him and decided to get off the plane early.

Generally speaking, he returns home around seven o'clock in the evening, just in time for dinner... But it's not impossible to go back earlier today.

In the past, he hated going back to his aunt's house, but as his aunt's attitude towards him improved recently, he no longer had much resistance in his heart.

...By the way, does Auntie seem to be a little too polite?

As if he thought of something, Lu Mingfei showed a smile on his face.

He only felt the changes in his aunt recently. He used to have to do physical exercises and mental training at night. He was so tired that he didn't have much time to care about the things around him. Until now, he has improved his physical and mental skills. Only then did I have that energy.

Then he realized belatedly that the situation at his aunt's house seemed to be a little different.

In the past, his aunt often yelled at him and ordered him to do small things such as housework or shopping and running errands. Even her cousin Lu Mingze's attitude was a bit domineering and she looked down on him at all.

But now, the situation has completely changed.

As his pocket money increased, his cousin became more polite towards him, and his aunt no longer spoke harshly to him... and even seemed a little cautious.

When he was giving homework instructions to his cousin, his aunt would quietly come into the house with a plate of cut fruits and put it down on the table. When she went out, she would close the door gently so as not to disturb him.

Everything has become so good that it is almost unreal.

Lu Mingfei couldn't find the reason, so he had to attribute the changes in his aunt's family to his better academic performance. He could see that his aunt loved Lu Mingze the most, and having him as the number one in grade at home could help him. Under the premise that Lu Mingze tutors her homework, it is normal for her aunt Aiwujiwu's attitude towards her to change for the better.


Standing at the door of his aunt's house, Lu Mingfei was just about to take out the key from his pocket and open the door, when the sound of his aunt and uncle's conversation came faintly from the room.

"Lao Lu, how's it going? Has the money arrived?"

"I got it...but is it really okay for us to hide it from Mingfei like this?"

Sitting on the sofa, Lu Gucheng, the head of the family, looked obviously hesitant.

"I don't think we should ask for this money. Mingfei is still our nephew no matter what. It's a bit awkward for us to do this..."

"Nephew? Is there any nephew who cheats his own relatives like this?"

Before Lu Gucheng could finish his sentence, his aunt's face suddenly darkened.

"His parents don't want him anymore. We kindly let him live here. We don't owe him any food or clothing, right? We even let him live in the same room as Narusawa. But in the end, how did he treat us? of?"

When she said this, her aunt became obviously angry.

"I met some low-life people on the Internet, and they dared to break into our house with a knife and a gun, saying that we should have a better attitude in the future, not to show off to him, not to instruct him to run errands and do housework... I am His aunt!! Asking him to help with some housework and occasionally helping out, does this count as wronging him!? I really don’t know how his parents taught him, so no wonder he left..."

"Okay, don't say it too harshly, he is my nephew for good and evil."

After stubbing out the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray, Lu Gucheng frowned and interrupted his wife's words.

"What do you mean by abandoning them? They have important academic work, and don't they receive alimony every month?"

"Alimony? We are their elders, not the nannies they hired to take care of their children!!"

It seemed that the other party's back talk made her feel that her authority at home was being challenged, and her aunt's voice suddenly rose an octave higher.

"They only care about their career without caring about their family. They run out every day. They haven't made one or two phone calls in more than two years. They send their children to other people's homes to raise them. Do they have to fulfill even a little bit of parental responsibility!? We are indeed the same. Ordinary families are not as good as theirs, but this is no reason to send people directly into our home to threaten us!!"

"...Okay, calm down."

After waving his hands, Lu Gucheng looked a little tired when he spoke.

"I believe Ming Fei, he probably didn't know about that, and... I don't think that should be called a threat."

...They noticed the changes in Lu Mingfei half a year ago.

During that period, the other person didn’t know what stimulation he had received. In the past, the other person who always stayed in bed and refused to get up suddenly started to get up early to exercise. In his free time, he no longer secretly read comics and novels, but started reading them diligently. Reading makes me exhausted almost every day.

It was difficult for them not to notice this extremely eye-catching change.

Originally, they were a little confused as to why Lu Mingfei suddenly changed like this, but since Lu Mingze discovered that his cousin often received express delivery, he was quick to deduce the whole story.

——Obviously, my cousin is dating online.

This was naturally a heinous crime in the eyes of her aunt, and she had ridiculed her many times overtly and covertly. However, Lu Mingfei turned a blind eye and pretended not to understand what she said. Sometimes he even pretended to be asleep, which made his aunt half angry to death. …

During that time, my aunt caused trouble for Lu Mingfei many times, overtly and secretly. For example, she deliberately ordered her to run errands and buy things for her while she was studying, but she didn't seem to know where she learned it. Just like in Tai Chi, I allow myself to be plotted and plotted, but I am firm and unmoved when I see the tricks.

——One day, several tall and sturdy men came to the door.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Only then did I realize that there was another alliance leader... Thanks to the alliance leader who dressed in women's clothing and made me stronger, it was really a waste of money.

Currently 1 chapter is owed, 50...

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