Some things are actually difficult to understand clearly.

Although several months have passed since that day, to this day, the aunt and uncle can still recall the fear of being dominated by those strong men that day.

The situation at that time was the same as it is now. When they were having an in-depth discussion in the living room about Lu Mingfei's puppy love and online dating, and her aunt said with a look of indignation that this must be stopped, there was a knock on their door.

Then, several strong men over 1.9 meters tall walked boldly into the living room.

These strong men were uniformly dressed in black suits and black trousers. There were large tattoo marks on the rolled-up sleeves, which made them extremely difficult to mess with.

...and what’s even more terrifying is that they are carrying sacks in their hands.

At that time, the two of them were frightened, thinking that some gangsters had come to destroy them all. They wanted to hand over their bank cards and car keys tremblingly, but soon, after hearing the purpose of these people's visit, , their expressions suddenly became quite exciting.

In the words of those gangsters, they came out to do things under the orders of their eldest lady. I hope they can treat Lu Mingfei better in the future. They must be friendly and not think about making any mess. Action, otherwise their eldest lady will be unhappy.

As for the unhappy consequences…

These people seriously used Lu Mingze's laptop to show them a video of someone being driven into cement slurry and sunk into Tokyo Bay.

In the words of these people, if China's security had not been too tight, they would not have been able to bring guns out. At least they would have shown themselves the real thing in their hands.

It was also at this time that the uncle and aunt realized what a terrifying existence Lu Mingfei's online dating partner was.

The online dating partner Lu Mingfei was dating was from abroad. This could be easily seen from the express packaging boxes that appeared at home from time to time. Initially, they thought that Lu Mingfei's online dating partner just had some spare money at home, but unexpectedly it turned out that She is an out-and-out gangster daughter...

Almost instantly, my uncle thought of the name of the most famous Yamaguchi-gumi in Japan.

——Easily, uncle and aunt deduced the cause and effect of the matter in their minds.

Obviously, it was Lu Mingfei who informed the underworld lady about what happened to him online, and the underworld daughter was obviously a love-minded person. After knowing this, she quickly sent people across the country. Come and warn them not to interfere with their feelings...

This kind of plot, which was not even dared to be filmed, appeared in reality. It was true that it shocked the two of them.

But even though they are gangsters, these people are quite kind.

After speaking to them righteously and in standard Chinese, they put the sacks in their hands in front of them and said that Lu Mingfei could not be informed of today's events and that these were hush money.

Inside the sack were bundles of hundred-dollar bills, which seemed to have just been taken out of the bank.

——A problem that can be solved with money is definitely not a problem.

Obviously, the gangster lady from Japan strictly abides by this rule.

Although Lugucheng didn't want the money, the other party didn't care about them at all. After emphasizing all his intentions emphatically, he left their house.

But before leaving, the leader had some extra words.

This time, they came with sincerity, but if they come again next time... they will come to visit carrying a bag of cement each.

The leader said these words with a smile, but the content made both uncle and aunt shudder.

Faced with a tangible threat to her life, her aunt finally calmed down. Even if she had a lot of dissatisfaction and jealousy towards Lu Mingfei in her heart, she could only keep it in her heart.

How could an ordinary family like them be able to fight against a violent gang organization that can carry out tasks across borders?

What the aunt hopes most now is that Lu Mingfei reaches adulthood as soon as possible and moves out of his house...or that his parents come back early.

She can still weigh the pros and cons. She really can't afford to offend such a bright Buddha at home.

"Okay, let's talk less. If we calculate the time, Mingfei should be back soon."

Leaning back on the cushions of the sofa, Lu Gucheng stretched out his hand and pressed his forehead. Lu Gucheng let out a small breath in his mouth.

"In any case, Mingfei still respects us very much. His grades are so good now. With his guidance, there is no need to worry about Narusawa's grades. Isn't it a good life like this now?"

"Very good? I live very cautiously all day now, for fear of offending him in some small matter. Do you think this kind of fearful life is good?"

Looking up at the clock, my aunt snorted coldly.

"What I mean is that we don't want the money anymore. Let's see if we can find an opportunity for Mingfei to move out. He can come to our place to eat in normal times, but he needs to be in advance..."

“It’s just nonsense!!”

Before her aunt could finish her sentence, Lu Gucheng slapped the table and interrupted her with a cold face.

"Mingfei is still in junior high school. Why, this family can't accommodate him now. You want to kick him out!?"

——This time, he really got angry.

"I just said...forget it, I won't talk to you anymore."

She seemed to feel that she was in the wrong. After muttering something in her mouth, her aunt turned around and got into the kitchen again.

Judging from past time patterns, Lu Mingfei will be back in ten minutes, and this topic cannot be discussed any further.

If the other party hears this kind of conversation and then complains to his girlfriend, a gangster daughter, on the Internet, their whole family will probably be ruined...

I can't afford to offend him, I can't afford to offend him at all.

...At the same time, outside the door.

While still taking out the key to open the door, Lu Mingfei's figure remained silent.

It turns out that people who dislike you will always dislike you.

Even if you try your best to integrate into this family, in the eyes of the other person, you are always just an outsider who depends on others.

It turns out... nothing has changed.

Grinning, Lu Mingfei suddenly smiled silently.

Without any intention of going in, Lu Mingfei picked up his schoolbag again and walked straight up the corridor to the rooftop. Then he found an old seat and sat down very familiarly.

In the past, this was his favorite place, but since that hellish half-year, he rarely came here. Now that he came to this old place again, he felt an inexplicable closeness in his heart. Weird emotions like nostalgia and timidity...

He leaned back against the wall, listening to the buzzing sound of the air conditioner nearby, and looked into the distance with slightly narrowed eyes.

The sunset was almost setting, and the sky was as red as blood.

……it's getting dark.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another update later...Also, there is no need to spend any more money on rewards, I can't finish it...

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