Snake Qiba Family, Genji Heavy Industries.

In Xingshen Temple, which is rarely open to the public, an impeachment against someone is underway.

"As much as I hate to mention it, Ms. Uesugi's absenteeism has indeed become more and more extreme recently."

Wearing a smart professional OL outfit and holding a document in his hand, Sakurai Nanami spoke in a deep voice.

"As the director of the Executive Bureau, she has been absent from work for almost a full month recently."

"I protest."

Mu Qingzhi raised her hand with a serious look on her face.

"Although I arrive at the company late every day, I am always the first to leave when I get off work."

Sakurai Nanami: "..."

... She almost collapsed.

"Let's not mention arriving late and leaving early. In the past year, you have violated the internal rules of the Sheqi Eighth Family many times."

After coughing a few times, Fuma Kotaro spoke.

"It was okay to disappear for more than half a month without saying a word. Later, I bypassed the family and reached a deal with the secret party. This is a serious violation..."

"I just want to make some pocket money. Can't I start my own business? Besides, I don't have any resources from my family."

Spreading her hands in front of her, Mu Qingzhi looked innocent.

"Why, there shouldn't be a rule in the family that family members are not allowed to start their own businesses, right?"


"Okay, no need to say anything else, let's look at the data."

Reaching out and pressing his forehead, Uesugi, who was sitting in the front seat, threw a pile of printed documents in the middle of the table.

"In the past few years since Zhi took office as the Director of the Executive Bureau, the mission completion rate has been 100%, and the number of injuries caused by hybrids and deadpools has dropped by 60% compared to previous years. This result speaks for itself."


——The response to him was collective silence.

"Okay, there's no point in making all these meanderings. You should just get straight to the point."

Giving Uesugoshi a reassuring look, Mu Qingzhi slowly stood up from the chair.

"I know what you are asking for when you gather together, but it is impossible for me to agree to your request. When do I need others to come over and tell me what to do?"

With one foot on the chair, Mu Qingzhi sneered.

"You want to dictate what I decide? Okay, you have to defeat me first. If you don't have the strength, just shut up."

"Eri's condition is not suitable for leaving the Snake Qihachi family."

Finally, Genichiro Ryoma, the head of the Ryoma family, couldn't help but speak.

"Although her condition has stabilized in recent years, she still belongs to the category of ghost. Taking such a dangerous weapon out of the family's sphere of influence is very likely to..."

"I'm giving you a chance to reframe your language."

After interrupting the other party's words, Mu Qingzhi looked up at him with an expressionless face.

"I advise the head of the Longma family to think carefully about some things before speaking."

"...Eri's situation may get out of control if she leaves the family's sphere of influence, especially if she goes to China."

After a moment of silence, Ryoma Genichiro made a compromise.

"There are many mysterious mixed-race families in mainland China. Some hidden families are even stronger than the Sheqiba family. I'm worried..."

"Oh, there's no use worrying."


"In short, you should put away your little tricks. I have important things to do when I go to China this time. If my things go wrong because of you, I will not rule out using extraordinary measures."

With a soft hum in his mouth, Mu Qingzhi turned around simply.

"I'm going to take Eri away today. If you have the ability, try to stop me."

On the Japanese mainland, under the premise that Herzog and the Fierce Ghosts refused to take the lead even if they were beaten to death, there was basically no plot to play here, so naturally they had to find ways to open up other paths.

…For example, going to China.

Originally, because she wanted to prepare to face Odin, she didn't plan to bring anyone else with her. However, after Eri learned that she was going to China, she pestered her to go to China with her. She wanted to play, so after thinking about it for a while, she decided to take Eriki with her.

But she didn't expect that her idea would be unanimously resisted by others, and even went so far as to start a meeting... It was simply ridiculous.

Even though Eriyi now has a healthy body, in the eyes of those family heads, Eriyi is still just a weapon that cannot be used easily, not a living person.

——This is what really makes Mu Qingzhi angry.


"What, is it settled?"

In the office, looking at Mu Qingzhi returning, Jiude Mai asked tentatively.

"No, the deal fell apart."

After picking up the Coke on the table and taking a sip, Mu Qingzhi snorted softly in her mouth.

"But it doesn't matter even if the talks fall apart, they can't stop me."

"Um...can I ask? What are you going to do in China this time?"

After thinking for a moment, Mai Shutoku raised a finger in front of her face very seriously.

"The last time we went to the Greenland Ice Sea was excusable. After all, Minamoto Chisheng and Shude Aki participated in that dangerous mission, but this time we went to China, it doesn't seem to be a big deal, right?"

"This... you will know when the time comes."

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi, who really didn't know what to say, waved her hand.

"All in all, I went to China this time for a very important matter."

...She couldn't say anything about what hadn't happened yet.

It is impossible to say that she dreamed that Odin would appear there, and then the male lead Chu Zihang would lose his father in Odin's Nibelung, and from then on he would work hard and embark on the road to become a generation of embryo-killers. Right?

To this day, she has changed so many plots.

Under the chain effect caused by the butterfly effect, it is difficult to say whether Chu Zihang will meet Odin. It is better to hide these things in his heart.

In addition, another factor is because of Lu Mingfei.

Although the system does not mention it frequently, in fact, she has a main mission that needs to be completed in this world.

The main mission is very simple, just a few words, she has become the heroine of this world, but because strictly speaking the plot has not started yet, so even though she has done so many things before, the completion rate of the main mission is still pitifully low. In the past six months, there has been a significant change.

Lu Mingfei is the orthodox protagonist of the dragon world. If she wants to become the orthodox heroine of this world and complete the main mission, she must start from the other party.

... If you don’t take advantage of the fact that the other party is still young and has not yet met Chen Wenwen and turned into a licking dog, how long will it take to correct her character?

If you strike first, you will be stronger, and if you strike later, you will suffer disaster. Some things naturally have to be planned in advance.


Looking at the eldest lady in front of her who returned to her desk and turned on her computer, and then quietly exited the office, Mai Shutoku took out her mobile phone from her pocket with a solemn expression, and then posted in a private group with only a few people. message.

[It’s confirmed, the eldest lady has made up her mind to have sex offline. 】

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Four updates tomorrow (づ●─●)づ

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