"That's weird. Did I say something wrong?"

Looking at Chen Wenwen in front of him who took the book without saying a word and turned around and walked away quickly, he reached out and scratched his head. Lu Mingfei looked confused.

...Even if I didn't agree to the other party's request to join the club, there was no need for the other party to leave so quickly, right?

I don't understand it, I don't understand it at all.

Shaking his head, Lu Mingfei took out a pair of headphones from his pocket, put the headphones in his ears, and then lay down directly on the table.

... I ate too much in the cafeteria at noon, and my stomach was a little full.

At the same time, somewhere in the library.

Looking at the figure lying down on the table over there, Xia Mi, who covered his face with a book, narrowed his eyes slightly.

As the strongest next-generation species lurking in human society, the legendary king of earth and mountains, she is trying to observe and contact humans.

Lu Mingfei was her first target of careful observation.

As the Dragon King, Xia Mi has a very good memory. She can clearly remember what the other party was like half a year ago, so she is naturally very curious about this extremely dazzling transformation of the other party.

The only possibility she could think of that could make a person almost completely reborn in a short period of time was the blood advantage brought about by the awakening of the mixed bloodline, which was derived from the overall increase in physical strength and intelligence. It is not difficult to turn a loser into a star.

If she counted carefully, she had been observing the other party for almost two months, but she could not find any evidence that the other party was a mixed race... It must be said that the other party hid it very well.

As if he had thought of something, Xia Mi's expression became much more solemn.

After a month of observation, she initially thought that the other person was just an ordinary person with some perseverance. However, one day she accidentally found something in the other person's desk, and she changed her mind. .

That thing is a blue metal block that feels warm in your hand and can be used as a hand warmer. But as long as you press a hidden button, the thing will instantly turn into an iron umbrella.

Xia Mi studied that thing for a long time and finally came to a conclusion.

——That is an alchemy tool with extremely exquisite structure.

Putting aside the fact that it can be transformed into a metal umbrella at will, the important thing is that the temperature of the metal block will not change no matter what the environment is. Even if it is placed in ice water at 0 degrees Celsius, the temperature of the metal block cannot be changed.

In other words, that piece of metal is at a constant temperature.

...Besides alchemy tools, what else is possible to achieve this level?

It was precisely because of this exciting discovery that after secretly finding an opportunity to return the metal block, Xia Mi conducted a further detailed observation of the other party.

Then, she discovered that the number of magical alchemy props around the other party was almost frightening. Not only were the headphones he was wearing now, but also the pens he usually used, and even the sneakers he wore on his feet. An absolute alchemy tool.

...She had seen with her own eyes that pair of sneakers automatically recovered after being damaged.

She has seen a lot of alchemy, but this is the first time she has seen alchemy that is so magically integrated into daily life. It is definitely not of a level that humans can create.

...The Lord of Bronze and Fire?

Xia Mi lowered his head and began to think deeply.

Since she can disguise herself as a human being, the King of Bronze and Fire can naturally also disguise herself as a human being. Although the possibility of the two meeting in the same school is very small, it is not zero.

...Even if the opponent is not the King of Bronze and Fire, there is definitely a Dragon King standing behind him.

After making a decision in his mind to find time to get in touch with the other party, Xia Mi put away the book in his hand and stood up.

Spending her rare lunch break here was already a waste. If she didn't want to observe Lu Mingfei's actions, she would never have come to the library.

One noon was enough for her to distribute hundreds of leaflets...

Working dragon, working soul.

Although she can easily get money with her ability, she is worried that her actions will attract the attention of those hybrids. Secondly, if she wants to understand and observe human beings, the best way is to experience them first-hand. A part-time job is just right for her life, which allows her to better observe the various conditions of the world and integrate into this human society.

——Xia Mi today is also working hard for a living.


7 p.m.

At this time, the sun has set and the street lights have also turned on.

Standing at the entrance of Shilan Middle School, looking around unconsciously, Lu Mingfei, who was holding a schoolbag in his hand, became unusually nervous.

Originally, he planned to go straight to the Internet cafe after school, but what he didn't expect was that when the school bell just rang, he received a message from Lao Yan.

The other party said that he would arrive at Shilan Middle School around 7 p.m. and asked him to wait for him at the school gate. Then they happened to go have dinner together.

——This message can be said to have come quite suddenly.

Lu Mingfei originally thought that the other party would arrive on the weekend, but he didn't expect that he would arrive so early, and he had no time to prepare.

After touching his pocket with only the Internet fee left, he had no choice but to borrow some money from Su Xiaoqiang, the little girl in the next class. The other party was quite generous. Without saying a word, he took out a stack of hundred-yuan bills from his wallet and counted them. Without counting, he stuffed it directly into his hand boldly, which shocked him...

Lao Yan came all the way to China, so he naturally couldn't let the other party treat him to a meal, so he planned to treat the other party to a restaurant. For two people, two to three hundred yuan would be enough, so in the end, he I only borrowed 300 yuan from the little goddess.

...Should that be enough?

Reaching out and touching his pocket, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt a little unsure.

He knew Lao Yan's preferences. As a senior technology geek and mysterious scientist, he liked junk food the most, especially Coke.

Even if the two of them go to KFC, 300 yuan should be enough to eat until they are full... maybe?

Taking out his cell phone, Lu Mingfei looked at the time.

The latest Apple machine in his hand was bought by his uncle after he won the first place in his grade. It cost him almost 10,000 yuan.

Lu Mingfei remembers that day very clearly. His uncle was rarely drunk at the table and kept praising him for his future. If his aunt hadn't dragged him to bed with a dark face, his uncle might even have run out directly. One after another, family members came to publicize the fact that he was ranked first in grade...

He could resent his aunt, but his uncle really had nothing to say to him.

Well...except for being a bit of a henpeck.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei unconsciously showed a smile on his face while holding the Apple machine in his hand.

——At this moment, a luxury car that he had never seen before slowly drove over from the end of the street.

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another update later.

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