The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 147 Lu Mingfei’s Assessment

Seeing the black luxury car slowly driving towards him on the street, Lu Mingfei subconsciously became tense.

Even though he didn't pay much attention to the car scene, he still recognized this Lamborghini. Even among all the luxury cars in Shilan Middle School, this kind of car is very famous.

...but that's right.

Lao Yan, who could casually send him such a large number of magical props, would definitely not be short of money, and it would be reasonable to drive a luxury car.

But then...

Subconsciously, he reached out and touched the 300 yuan in his pocket that he had borrowed from Xiao Tiannu before school. Lu Mingfei unconsciously made a sad face.

Wouldn't it be inappropriate to take Lao Yan to a restaurant or something in such a top-notch luxury car?

Although he said that he and Lao Yan and Lao Tang regarded each other as brothers in the game, and even called Dad from time to time, bet the dog barked, etc., but after all, it was on the Internet.

If in reality, the other party drove down in such a luxury car, and then said I am your father when they met... the scene would be too beautiful for him to imagine.

Damn it, if I had known that Lao Yan was coming here in a luxury car, he should have borrowed more money from the little goddess to come here...

Suddenly, Lu Mingfei felt a little regretful.

In fact, it’s no wonder that he didn’t think it through properly. The main reason is that Lao Yan said in the game before that he was severely motion sick. He might ride a bicycle to the appointment and hoped that he would be more considerate... But who would have thought that he would drive like this? Are you bringing a top-notch luxury car?

In his impression, Lao Yan should be the kind of person who wears a white coat, rides a bicycle that rings except for the bell, wears personal flip-flops on his feet, has a cigarette in his mouth, and then comes slowly The uncle-level character in front of him.

With this image, it would not be out of the ordinary to go out to a restaurant with him.

But as for luxury cars...

While Lu Mingfei was thinking wildly, the Lamborghini stopped steadily in front of him. As the car window slowly slid down, a calm and unpretentious face appeared in his sight.

Although the old man's hair is almost half white, he looks very energetic, his eyes are as sharp as a knife, and he carries a certain kind of indescribable majesty.

After looking him up and down with a scrutinizing gaze, the old man suddenly asked coldly.

"Lu Mingfei?"

"Uh... I am."

Subconsciously standing up straight, Lu Mingfei answered at a loss.

...You can call his name accurately. Could it be that the old man in front of you is Lao Yan on the Internet?

But even though they were the right age, the other person's temperament and attitude were completely different from what he had imagined.

After a moment of hesitation, facing the other party's scrutinizing gaze, Lu Mingfei asked tentatively.

"Um, are you the boss..."

"Nonsense, who allowed you to call me that!?"

Before Lu Mingfei could finish his sentence, he suddenly saw the face of the old man in front of him darken suddenly, blowing his beard and staring, looking quite annoyed.

"You are still so young, why do you have such thoughts!? Also, your relationship is already so close!?"

Lu Mingfei: "..."

……close? That was indeed quite intimate.

Lao Yan not only asked me and Lao Tang to bark like dogs, but also asked us to call him daddy in the game...

"Uh... may I ask if you are the one with burning hair and eyes..."

"I am her daddy!!"

With a stinking face, after saying these words, the old man opened the car door directly by remote control.

"Get in the car, I have to have a good talk with you about her today!!"


...Was it his uncle?

Unconsciously shrinking his neck, Lu Mingfei got into the car with his schoolbag and a look of annoyance.

But since Lao Yan's father doesn't look too old, then Lao Yan's real age should be a little younger than he expected, and he should barely be able to escape the category of uncle. His age is probably about the same as that of Lao Tang...

There was no one else in the car, which made Lu Mingfei relax a lot. After getting in the car, he put his schoolbag aside.

And during this process, the old man sitting in the front driver's seat had been staring at him faintly. For some reason, he felt a little hairy all over when he looked at him with that gaze...

Tens of seconds later, the Lamborghini restarted and drove slowly toward the street ahead.

The old man didn't speak, and Lu Mingfei couldn't speak, so he had to sit in the back seat of the car in an upright manner, with his back straight.

His association ability is very strong, and he has already imagined some rough ideas in his mind.

Judging from the magical props that Lao Yan mailed to him, it is obvious that he and Lao Yan are not from the same world, and if you want to enter that world, you must go through a very strict assessment, maybe from the time he got in the car , this kind of assessment has already begun, and he must deal with it with all his strength.

Of course, it is also possible that Lao Yan stole the magic props at home and sent them to him, and then his father discovered them. The other party was annoyed and wanted to come over to see who had led his precious son to evil...

"How much do you know about people like us?"

Just as Lu Mingfei was thinking wildly in his mind, the old man in front of him suddenly asked a question.

……I'm coming! ! Is it really an assessment? !

In an instant, Lu Mingfei's whole spirit was lifted.

"A little, but not much."

After some thought, Lu Mingfei answered cautiously.

"You have magical powers, but you live hidden among ordinary people. How can you have a quiet time? There are just some people who silently carry the burden forward in the darkness. You silently guard the safety of this world and the order of human society. The usual incidents of gas pipeline explosions are probably your disguises. In addition to these, you can also create extremely magical props..."

After racking his brains, Lu Mingfei tried his best to describe the situation of the world he imagined by combining some of his own speculations and the few words that Lao Yan revealed when playing games online.

"Have I actually told you so many things..."

He raised his head again and glanced at the young man behind him through the rearview mirror. Uesugi frowned unconsciously.

Even Crow Jiudoku, Mai and the others knew about Lu Mingfei's affairs, and it was impossible for them to hide it from him, the head of the family.

Originally, he had persuaded the heads of other families to impeach the other party, just to prevent his precious daughter from going out for online dating and other things. However, Zhi insisted on asking to come over, so he had to reluctantly skip work and come over to explore the way.

To be honest, even though he had seen photos of the other person before, when he met him for the first time, his impression of Lu Mingfei was okay.

In terms of appearance, he is barely 1/3 of what he was when he was young. In terms of psychology, he is neither humble nor overbearing when facing the pressure of his superiors. Although it is a bit deducted for wanting to call his wife when he opens his mouth, he makes up for it in other aspects.

——But based on these alone, you can't get his approval.

"Next question."

Interrupting the other party's words, Uesugoshi spoke coldly.

"Tell me, how much do you know about Zhi?"

Zhi...Is this Lao Yan's name? No wonder Lao Yan refused to say his name no matter what... After all, if a grown man gave such a delicate name, he wouldn't say it if it were him.

After being stunned for a moment, Lu Mingfei quickly reacted.

" drinking Coke?"

After thinking for a moment, Lu Mingfei answered hesitantly.

"Also, he likes to force others to call him daddy on the Internet..."

Uesugoshi: "..."

PS: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be four more updates tomorrow (づ●─●)づ

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